Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 863 The Three Immortal Sects Help the Ling Family (2400 words, please subscribe)

Not to mention that the Tianxing Zhenjun of the Tianxing Sect has reached the peak of the early Nascent Soul stage, and is only one step away from breaking through the middle Nascent Soul stage.

In this monster rebellion, the evil cultivators of the Xuanshi Sect, the old rival of the Fuyun Xianzong, caused a lot of losses to the forces under the Tianxing Sect. The Fuyun Xianzong turned a blind eye to the Tianxing Sect's request for help, and there were some minor conflicts with the Tianxing Sect.

"In my opinion, let's just leave it alone."

"The Tianxing Daoist of the Tianxing Sect is over 800 years old, and there are only more than 100 years left before the deadline of the Nascent Soul. Even with the help of things that enhance life span, this person can only live for two or three hundred years at most. Under this situation, if we delay the Nascent Soul seed Liu Haochan of this sect from entering the Nascent Soul, and Liu Haochan has no chance to enter the Nascent Soul in the future, it may cause this sect to have difficulty in giving birth to a new Nascent Soul in the future."

"This is not a good thing for our three major sects."

"We let Liu Haochan try to enter the Nascent Soul. If he cannot enter the Nascent Soul, the Tianxing Sect will have enough time to gather spiritual objects to cultivate a new Nascent Soul seed again."

"Even if this sect really has two Nascent Souls at the same time, it doesn't matter. The Tianxing Zhenjun has a short life span. He will die of his life span in two or three hundred years. It is estimated that it will not have much impact on us."

Haiyun Zhenjun was the first to speak.

The three major sects are willing to see more and more Yuanyings of the righteous, but they are unwilling to see multiple Yuanyings appear in one force, so as not to shake their rule over the righteous.

If it weren't for the fact that Tianxing Zhenjun was dying, Haiyun Zhenjun would definitely agree to Fuyun Zhenjun's proposal.

"I agree with what fellow Daoist Haiyun said."

The Hanyue Nvjun, who rarely spoke, also responded coldly.

"My two Daoists, our sect has some rifts with Tianxing Sect due to the monster beast chaos this time. If this sect really has two Yuanyings of the same generation in the future and conflicts with our sect, I hope you can help our sect suppress this sect and prevent it from causing too much trouble."

Hearing this, Fuyun Zhenjun didn't say more about this matter, but just said one sentence.

"Don't worry about this matter, fellow Daoist, these forces of Tianxing Sect are just rats under our hands. If a mere rat dares to have the idea of ​​conflicting with the master, how can it not be severely punished."

Haiyun Zhenjun said with a little dignity.

Lady Han Yue did not speak, and it was obvious that she also agreed with this view.

In the past, the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World was built by a group of cultivators led by their three major sects. Although they were not the ones who opened up this cultivation world ten thousand years ago, they were born in these three major sects and had long regarded the righteous path of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World as their sect's private property.

After listening to this, True Lord Fu Yun felt much more at ease.

"But speaking of the Tianxing Sect, it reminds me of two Jindan forces. One of them is the Black Mountain Zhao Family, the largest Jindan force under this sect."

"This clan has been established for thousands of years, and it can be said to be the same generation as the Tianxing Sect. However, this clan is not as prosperous as the Tianxing Sect. In recent years, it has been restricted by the Tianxing Sect. It has always been a Jindan force and has been subordinate to the Tianxing Sect."

"However, this clan's foundation far exceeds that of other Jindan forces. If it is given a peaceful land and develops on its own without the pressure of the Tianxing Sect, it is estimated that this clan will have the foundation to cultivate and give birth to Yuanying in less than a thousand years. By then, as long as another talent emerges, the possibility of giving birth to Yuanying in this clan will also be very high."

"It just so happens that the Tianxing Sect is also related to Li The family has newly established two affiliated forces, Tianfeng and Leiyuan. In my opinion, we should also step in and let the Zhao family leave the Tianxing Kingdom, which is directly managed by the Tianxing Sect, and let it enter an affiliated country to develop freely. "

"Another force I want to talk about is the Lingxiao Ling family, the largest force in Yan State, which is a subsidiary of the Tianxing Sect. "

"After the end of this monster rebellion, this clan has gained a lot. Now this clan has mastered a full eight third-level spiritual veins. This number of third-level spiritual veins is difficult for ordinary Jindan forces to master. Under the entire Tianxing Kingdom, it is estimated that only the number of third-level spiritual veins mastered by the Black Mountain Zhao family can be compared. "

"And this clan is prosperous. In just a hundred years, it has produced several Jindan cultivators, and also backed by a Yuanying force in the boundless sea cultivation world. More importantly, this clan is in the tributary country of Yan State, with our three major immortal sects. Even if the Tianxing Sect wants to suppress it, it will not dare to do too much. This clan can also have relative freedom to develop. As long as this clan is given a period of development, this clan can completely become the next Black Mountain Zhao family. "

"The strongest person in this clan, Ling Pengyun, is only one hundred and forty or fifty years old, but he has reached the sixth level of Jindan. He also masters several powerful methods and has the strength comparable to the late Jindan, with the appearance of Yuanying. "

"And that's why I'm worried. "

"If this clan is the orthodox force in my Beihuang cultivation world, it's fine, but in When Ling Pengyun of this clan wants to try to reach the Nascent Soul stage in the future, it is not impossible for us to help him, but the problem is that the Ling family is backed by a Nascent Soul force in the Boundless Sea, and Ling Pengyun is most likely valued by the Nascent Soul Daoists in that force. "

"Once Ling Pengyun reaches the Nascent Soul stage in the future, I am afraid that the Nascent Soul force behind him will also start with the Ling family and interfere with the interests of our Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World."

"But, I also think that Ling Pengyun of the Ling family can reach the Nascent Soul stage. After all, there are not many people in the entire righteous path who have a greater chance of reaching the Nascent Soul stage than Ling Pengyun of the Ling family. Now, our righteous path has some advantages in dealing with the demons. If Ling Pengyun can reach the Nascent Soul stage, it will be of great help to us in how to invade the demon territory."

"Maybe we can use the power of the Nascent Soul behind the Ling family to deal with the demons."

"Therefore, I am also reluctant to suppress the Ling family and restrict its development."

"My two Taoist friends, what are your plans?"

When Fu Yun Zhenjun and Han Yue Nujun heard this, they frowned.

Han Yue Nujun did not respond, but asked a question.

"Fellow Daoist Haiyun, doesn't your Haiyun Xianzong have many connections in the Wubianhai area? Have you not found out who is behind the Ling family?"

Hai Yun Zhenjun said helplessly.

"No, the power behind the Ling family is so well hidden that even the Yuanying forces behind our sect in the Boundless Sea have not been able to find the power behind them. However, that power must be strong, even stronger than our three major sects, otherwise it would be difficult to avoid the joint search of the forces behind our sect."

"In addition, that power is probably unwilling to reveal its identity too early, so as to avoid pressure from our three major sects and the power behind our Haiyun Sect in the Boundless Sea."

Han Yue Lady frowned even more.

"If so, it will be even more troublesome. If what you said is true, the means behind the Ling family are indeed extraordinary. The Ling family is probably untouchable."

"However, although we have some advantages in dealing with the demons in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, the advantages are not great. At this time, if there is help from a powerful external force, it will be of great benefit."

"I think... we can let the Ling family continue to develop freely."

"As for the Black Mountain Zhao family, I think we can cultivate them. We are just short of Yuanying people. If we can have another thug like Lingbao Academy, it would not be bad."

Although Fu Yun Zhenjun on the side knew that the Black Mountain Zhao family, the Ling family and the Tianxing Sect were one family, once the Black Mountain Zhao family and the Ling family had Yuanying in the future, it would be disadvantageous to their own sect, but considering the overall situation, he also nodded in agreement.

"I also agree to let the Ling family develop freely and cultivate the Black Mountain Zhao family."

Hearing this, Haiyun Zhenjun also made up his mind.

"In that case, we will work together with you to draft a letter to the Tianxing Daoist of the Tianxing Sect, asking him to give the Black Mountain Zhao family a piece of land in a subordinate country, so that the Black Mountain Zhao family can move out of the Tianxing country."

"And mention them by name, and warn the Tianxing Daoist not to touch the Black Mountain Zhao family and the Lingxiao Ling family."

Then the three of them began to write the letter.


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