Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 865: Dragon Bloodline Classification: Fire Dragon Python Transforms into a Dragon (2200 word

If not, it is the body of a dragon and should be kept useful. The Ling family and the people of Bailing Sect can use its blood to irrigate the growth of the dragon-changing grass growing on the dragon veins here and promote the dragon veins here to breed some dragon-changing grass again. , otherwise, it would have been skinned by cramps by then.

As for its owners, the ancestor of the spiritual formation and Mo Qianqiu, there has been no trace and no news since the incident eight years ago.

During this period, it sensed movement in the recognition restriction placed by the Spiritual Array Ancestor within its own sea of ​​consciousness. However, the movement was not a good thing, but the Spiritual Array Ancestor's intention to detonate the recognition restriction in its consciousness sea and destroy it. die.

But fortunately, it was blocked by a special shielding formation arranged by Ling Penglin, the third-level mid-level formation mage of the Ling family. As long as it stayed here, there was no threat.

As for the ancestor of the spiritual formation, it also understands why.

If it is alive, it will continuously cultivate dragon transformation grass for the Ling family and Bailingmen, which can help these two forces obtain more spiritual beasts with dragon bloodline and even real dragons.

If it dies, the Ling family and Bailingmen will only be able to obtain so much dragon blood, making it difficult to cultivate several dragon-changing grasses.

However, although it understands, how can it accept it?

That is its owner, and it has always been protecting that owner, but now its owner thinks about its death all the time...

The ancestor of the spiritual formation used to be kind to it, and it was also a golden elixir supported by the ancestor of the spiritual formation. It cannot be blamed for the ancestor of the spiritual formation doing this.

It can only blame itself for being a monk spirit beast.

"How wonderful it would be if I was a free body from beginning to end, able to live like an ordinary monster and beast in the boundless vast swamp. Even if I give up my dragon bloodline, it would be okay."

The earth dragon groaned helplessly in his heart.

Two lines of tears fell from its eyes.

Although Ling Chengxia saw this scene, he didn't feel anything. Instead, he looked at the dozens of blood-red, still-growing plants growing on an ordinary acre of field in the central area where the dragon spirit was the strongest. There are a lot of inch-long grass that looks like blood-red dragon scales.

These small grasses are dragon-changing grass that can only stimulate the natural growth of dragon veins by adding the dragon's blood.

Originally, there were only five Hualong Grass plants here, all of which were a hundred years old.

But since they captured the golden elixir two-layer soil dragon alive eight years ago, with the help of a large amount of its blood, the Ling family and Bai Lingmen cultivated ten more dragon-changing grasses here.

Although the ten dragon-changing grasses have only grown for eight years, with the help of a large amount of dragon blood, they have grown extremely fast, and now they are more than twenty years old.

"Ancestor of the Spiritual Formation, the aura of this dragon has somewhat declined again. It is estimated that the blood of this dragon will be drawn for another one or two years to water the growth of the fifteen dragon-changing grasses here. I am afraid that the cultivation level of this dragon should also be improved from the second level of the golden elixir. It’s back to the first level of Jindan.”

"It is necessary to reduce the draining of the dragon's blood from them. At that time, only the five hundred-year-old dragon grass will be supplied to grow normally to speed up their growth. It is also possible to feed Jin Da and the others early to strengthen their dragon blood. Otherwise, if they continue to As in the past, the blood of the earth dragon was used to supply the fifteen dragon-changing grasses here to grow at the same time. The earth dragon's cultivation level may not be as simple as falling to the golden elixir level. It is entirely possible to fall to the golden elixir level. "

"Then the quality of the dragon's blood will be even worse."

"You can do whatever you want with the ten more than 20-year-old dragon-changing grasses that took birth in the past eight years. Anyway, with the help of the rich dragon spiritual energy here, they can grow as slowly as normal spiritual plants until they reach the second level of a hundred years. ”

Ling Chengxia secretly planned something.

Dragon Transformation Grass can also grow with the help of dragon spiritual energy, but the growth rate is relatively slow, one year is one year, two years is two years, and only high-level dragon spiritual energy can have such effects.

If it is a third-level dragon-changing grass that is more than three hundred years old, only the fourth-level dragon spiritual veins can supply it with normal growth.

After a few days, the fire dragon python that turned into a dragon also stopped moving. This dragon has a good foundation. In the past eight years, it has used the dragon's spiritual energy to practice and tempered the dragon's bloodline in its body. This time, it actually It also turned into a fire dragon very smoothly.

"Not only has the strength of this dragon greatly increased, but with the help of the dragon bloodline, the probability of entering the golden elixir realm will be increased by half in the future. And if the family has more of this dragon, plus my four golden dragons, it will be enough." There are so many five-headed dragons, which is really a good thing.”

Ling Chengxia was delighted.

The dragons are divided into several grades according to the strength of their bloodline. The fifth grade is the ordinary dragon, and the first grade dragon has the strongest bloodline.

For example, the fire dragon that had just transformed into a dragon, Ling Chengxia's four golden dragons, and the ice dragon that was the original owner of the Dragon Python Lake could only be considered fifth-grade dragons in terms of bloodline strength alone. With the help of one's own dragon bloodline, the probability of entering the golden elixir is only increased by half, but the potential is not very strong, and it is difficult to enter the middle stage of the golden elixir.

However, because the four golden dragons are in twin spirit bodies, their potential is far beyond that of ordinary fifth-grade dragons. They are probably equivalent to third-grade dragons. They have a 15% chance of entering the golden elixir realm, and their strength can also be achieved with the help of spiritual bodies. Extraordinary, almost the same as an ordinary third-grade dragon.

As for the ice and water dragons that were originally the masters of the Dragon Python Lake, and the dragon veins here, there is a reason why they were only fifth-grade dragons.

In their early years, when they had not yet entered the Golden Core, there was actually no third-level spiritual veins in the Jiao Python Lake, and this area was only a realm under the command of several surrounding Golden Core demon clans.

It was only later that the Ice Dragon and the Water Dragon couple, the original masters of Jiaomang Lake, discovered the dragon vein in Jiaomang Island when they were still building their foundation and half-dragons. They cultivated two dragon grasses with their own blood and swallowed them. After hundreds and thousands of years of practice, they entered the Golden Elixir realm and occupied the territory of Jiaomang Lake.

It was a pity that when they discovered the dragon vein here, it was just born not long ago and was only at the first level. The dragon grass they cultivated with their own half-dragon blood was not very old, only at the level of fifty years. If it weren't for their own good dragon blood, it would be difficult for them to achieve the body of a dragon.

This is why the strength of their dragon blood has not been high since then.

The dragon grass can only be swallowed once in a lifetime, and the Ice Dragon and the Water Dragon couple also missed the opportunity to enter a higher level.

It can be said that success is due to the dragon vein here, and failure is also due to this dragon vein.

The earth dragon of the spirit formation ancestor can barely be considered a fourth-grade dragon. It was also a fifth-grade dragon before entering the golden elixir stage. However, after swallowing various dragon spirits for many years and condensing a low-grade golden elixir, its bloodline has also been baptized and strengthened. If everything goes well, it is likely to enter the middle stage of the golden elixir in the future.

Its strength is also about 10% to 20% stronger than that of a fifth-grade dragon.

The blue jade water dragon of Bailingmen swallowed a 500-year-old dragon grass, and its own talent is good. Its dragon bloodline is also extremely rich. It can be regarded as a third-grade dragon, and there is hope to enter the late stage of the golden elixir in the future.

And its strength, comprehension, etc. are about 30% to 40% stronger than ordinary fifth-grade dragons. If it is comparable to ordinary monsters of the same level, it is more than 60% to 70%.

With the qualifications of a second-grade dragon, relying on its bloodline, even if it condenses only a low-grade golden elixir when entering the golden elixir, it is likely to enter the perfect state of the golden elixir.

A first-grade dragon is enough to stabilize the state of the Nascent Soul.

As for higher-level Jiaolongs, it is said that there are, but Ling Chengxia and even the Ling family and Bailingmen, two forces that do not know much about Jiaolongs, are not clear.

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