Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 89: Spirit Gathering Array

The next day, early morning.

Ling Pengyun went up to the top of the mountain and absorbed a sip of the power of the early sun. He planned to take out the green leaves and fly to Guofeng Ridge to divide the Taoist robe, Qingxuan sword and Ling Penlin that he had refined last night. However, he saw a figure in the southern sky. The black spot is getting closer.

After using Zhan Zhanqi Technique, he saw Ling Penglin flying over on a huge paper crane flying instrument. Her expression moved slightly and she muttered secretly.

"Tenth sister has long been proficient in taking care of spiritual plants. She came here this time not to ask me for advice on taking care of spiritual plants. I'm afraid it has something to do with the spirit gathering array she promised me in the first place."

After waiting for a moment, Ling Penglin, who used the paper crane as a flying magic weapon, landed on the top of the bluestone mountain, jumped from the paper crane to the ground, and waved six formation flags full of formation patterns and a formation disk from her storage bag with a joyful expression on her face. He handed it to Ling Pengyun, who had been waiting at the top of the mountain.

"Bago, these are the spirit-gathering array flag and control array plate that I just refined."

Although Ling Pengyun had already guessed about this, he was still a little surprised when he saw the real thing.

After being stunned for half a breath, he finally came to his senses and took the handed formation flag and formation disk. He looked at it carefully and saw that the formation patterns engraved on the formation flag and formation disk were very smooth and spiritual. Enough, he said with a smile. "The quality of this array flag and array disk is extremely good. I wonder how much you want to pay for it, Tenth Sister?"

Ling Penglin hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Bago, you were the first one to ask me to customize the refining formation, so I charged you eighty spiritual stones for a favor."

Although the spirit gathering array refined by Ling Penglin this time is only a first-level low-grade array, due to the special nature of the array, it is worth at least a hundred spirit stones on the market.

"Thank you so much, Sister Ten." Ling Pengyun responded first, and then said with a smile. "Sister Ten, during my trip to Huaishuifang City a few months ago, the spirit stones on my body were basically used up. I wonder if the spirit stones used to pay for the spirit gathering array can be replaced with magic weapons?"

After saying this, Ling Pengyun waved his hand and summoned the fire-gathering Taoist robe, two Qingxuan swords, and a round iron shield that he had refined this time from his storage bag.

"The first three are refined from the materials of the Fire Wolf this time. If the tenth sister agrees, I will not accept the dividends from these three magic weapons, including the round iron shield."

Ling Penlin looked slightly shocked when she heard this. Previously, she had handed over all the materials for the Fire Wolf to Ling Pengyun, but she had never thought that Ling Pengyun could refine several magic weapons. Since she was sent to garrison at Guofeng Ridge, she could not He avoided frequent contact with Ling Pengyun and learned that Ling Pengyun could only refine green bamboo swords and round iron shields.

"I didn't expect Bago to use that batch of monster materials to refine as many as three magic weapons. It seems that Bago is quite accomplished in weapon refining." Ling Penglin secretly guessed.

After a pause, she came back to her senses and spoke with a smile. "Bago, you are very generous. If you exchange a magic weapon for my spirit gathering array like you do, the price you pay will probably be more than a hundred spirit stones."

"You girl, when you came to Qingshi Mountain to ask me about planting spiritual plants, you often left me to get some spiritual fruits and fruit nectar. Have you changed your mind?" Ling Pengyun said jokingly.

Ling Penglin burst into laughter, no longer worried, and put the four magical weapons on the ground into her storage bag with a smile.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while.

After Ling Penngling informed Ling Pengyun of the special formula for activating the Spirit Gathering Array, she left Qingshi Mountain and rushed back to Guofeng Ridge where she was stationed.

After watching Ling Penglin leave, Ling Pengyun looked at the formation flag and formation disk in his hands, with a hint of joy flashing in his expression.

He quickly returned to the cave halfway up the mountain, walked to the eight spirit beast eggs next to the small pile of spirit stones in the depths of the cave, and waved the six spirit gathering array flags in his hand around the eight spirit eggs and spirit stones. Pile on the ground.

Then according to the formula taught by Ling Penglin, he activated the spirit gathering array in his hand and injected a spiritual power into the array.

The formation disk flashed with inspiration, and the six formation flags inserted on the ground were controlled by the formation disk. The formation patterns on them flashed, and a small transparent light curtain was transformed by the six formation flags, turning the small pile of spiritual stones, including The ten spirit eggs shrouded it.

Ling Pengyun changed the fingering in his hand, and the array disk trembled slightly. The small pile of spirit stones covered by the light curtain of the Spirit Gathering Array, as if the ice and snow were melting, the spiritual energy in them was quickly absorbed by the Spirit Gathering Array, and passed through the Spirit Gathering Array. Simply purify the impurities in these spiritual energy, and finally these relatively pure spiritual energy will spread into the light curtain of the spirit gathering array.

However, within three breaths, the intensity of spiritual energy within the light curtain of the Spirit Gathering Array increased several times.

As more spiritual stones are refined by the formation, the spiritual energy within the light curtain of the formation becomes more and more intense.

The spiritual eggs within the formation also absorbed the spiritual energy a bit faster due to the rich spiritual energy around them.

If you look carefully, you can also slightly feel the breath of young life in the seven spiritual eggs gradually increasing after absorbing the spiritual energy.

"With the help of this spirit gathering formation, I'm afraid it will take less than three months for the seven pine flower chicken spirit eggs to hatch. As for the second-level low-grade Feng Ying Peng's egg, it will take a long time to accumulate the spiritual energy needed to break the shell. It will take a while, but with the help of the rich spiritual energy in the spirit gathering array, it should be hatched by the end of this year," Ling Pengyun looked slightly happy and guessed secretly.

"It's just that the Spirit Gathering Array consumes spirit stones very quickly. It only took about ten breaths, and nearly ten of the sixty-five spirit stones were absorbed by the Spirit Gathering Array. I'm afraid it would take a hundred breaths. The remaining dozens of spirit stones will be refined into spirit energy by the spirit gathering array."

"When all these spirit eggs have absorbed the rich spiritual energy to hatch, the spirit gathering array will absorb the spiritual energy transformed from the sixty-five spirit stones, and there should be some left. This remaining spiritual energy can be left to the hatched little Fengyingpeng to speed up its entry into the Qi training period."

The spirit gathering array has always been known as "gold swallowing", but at the same time, this array also has a powerful effect. If there are enough spirit stones, even if Ling Pengyun has the seventh level of Qi training, he can at least increase his training speed by 70% to 100% by practicing in a first-level low-grade spirit gathering array, not to mention the newly hatched little demon beast.

If it is a higher-level spirit gathering array, the effect is even more amazing.

Of course, the price of a high-level spirit gathering array is also extremely expensive, and the spirit stones required to activate a high-level spirit gathering array are countless.

After watching for a while, Ling Pengyun saw that the Fengying Peng spirit egg and the seven Songhua chicken spirit eggs were all absorbing spirit energy and nurturing life faster because of the rich spirit energy in the spirit gathering array. Then he retracted his gaze, sat down, and practiced hard according to the daily plan.

Now, although Ling Pengyun has made a lot of progress compared to four years ago, his daily hard practice is still planned.

At dawn, absorb the power of the sun for half an hour.

Then, use the time of an incense stick to cast spiritual rain to irrigate the six acres of spiritual plants on the top of the mountain.

One hour, use it to comprehend the sword tactics of the Earthly Evil Sword Array.

One hour, use it to comprehend Lingxiao's ripening technique.

A cup of tea time, use it to experiment and improve spiritual rice.

One hour, use it to comprehend spells.

One hour, use it to warm the growth of thorny vines.

Half an hour, comprehend Lingxiao's method of melting instruments.

Half an hour, comprehend the spirit patterns of refining instruments.

Half an hour, use it to absorb the power of moonlight at night.

For one hour, he used his spiritual consciousness to flush the storage bags in front of the ghost couple.

The last four hours were used for cultivation until the next morning.

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