Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 883: Kuiyuan Devouring Beetle (2000 words, please subscribe)

"The aura of the third-level spiritual vein must be from that place. The price of such a long life this time is not in vain."

Master Beishan's wrinkled face raised an excited smile. He muttered to himself, and immediately arranged a special restriction to send all the water spirit energy gushing out of the cave entrance back to the underground cave. , and sealed the entrance of the cave with a ban to prevent the spiritual energy inside from leaking out, so as to prevent the birth of spiritual energy in the deserted valley from being noticed by the Dragon Mane Elephant clan, the overlord of this place.

Then, Master Beishan put away the smile on his face and said meaningful words to Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, Mrs. Ling, this desolate place has third-level water veins, and my pulse-seeking array guides us here. The Lingtan we are looking for this time will most likely be here, but it is just a matter of entering it. Before that, I hope you two won’t forget the agreement between us.”

Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness swept through the cave. Although it was hindered by the special soil surrounding the cave, and there seemed to be other special means in the depths of the cave that hindered the spread of his spiritual consciousness, there was a third-order water vein in the cave. It is indeed true.

He also nodded with a bit of expectation.

"The soul contract has been signed. How dare we as a couple break it? Fellow Taoist, please don't waste time, lest we cause more trouble."

Upon hearing this, Master Beishan stopped talking. He nodded lightly and took the lead with his wife, Master Beiyan, to follow the pit and enter the underground cave.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi followed closely behind.

This cave is probably several feet wide, with an unknown length, and is winding. There are many fluorescent beads shining brightly on the surrounding rock walls, shining in all directions. The place has also become extremely bright, without a trace of darkness.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also fixed their gazes on those fluorescent beads, both showing surprise.

Fluorescent beads are a low-level spiritual object whose only function is to emit light. However, this object can also be regarded as a mineral. When mined, the sizes vary. However, the fluorescent beads inlaid on the rock wall here are not only the same size, but also evenly distributed. You can tell by looking at it that the fluorescent beads here are artificially embedded on the rock walls.

In addition, Master Beishan once said that there were inexplicable rumors from the outside world about the existence of a spiritual pond in the Xuancui Mountains, but no one knew who spread the news.

When he thought about it, his brows suddenly furrowed, and his vigilance suddenly reached its peak.

Inadvertently, he also moved closer to his wife Yan Siyi, planning to leave with his wife Yan Siyi if something unexpected happened.

Of course, he has a certain degree of confidence in his own strength. If not, he would not take the risk of following Beishan Master here.

At this moment, the buzzing sound of rapidly flapping wings suddenly came from the depths of the cave.

Soon, a large piece of blue smoke billowed from the depths of the cave.

But Ling Pengyun took a closer look and immediately realized something was wrong.

That's not smoke, but a small insect the size of a fingernail, with a pair of sharp horns on its head, and covered with a strong carapace.

However, the color of the carapace of those little insects is somewhat different. Most of the carapaces of the insect demons are blue-black, but there are more than two hundred demon insect carapaces that are blue, and the carapace is also covered with several water drop patterns.

The total number of insect monsters in the insect swarm was probably tens of thousands.

Although there are mostly bugs in the qi-training stage, there are also more than 300 bugs in the foundation-building stage.

The five largest bugs, which are about the size of a fist and have three water droplets on their carapace, have cultivation levels as high as the Golden Core level.

Two are in the early stage of the golden elixir, two are in the middle stage of the golden elixir, and one has reached the late stage of the golden elixir.

At this time, Beishan Zhenmei said to Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, Mrs. Ling, those are Kuiyuan Devouring Beetles. They like to eat any water-based spiritual objects, even water-based magic weapons. Their carapace is extremely strong. They are spiritual insects with similar physiques. They also master some water-based magic spells and are very powerful. Weak, please be careful.”

"My wife and I relied on Fellow Daoist Ling and Madam Ling to fend off the two Kuiyuan-devouring beetles in the middle stage of the Golden Core, the other Qi-training and Foundation-building bugs, the other two early-stage Golden Core bugs, and the late-stage Golden Core monster bug. "

After saying that, his wife, Beiyan Zhenren, took out her third-level mid-grade natal magic weapon, the small glazed lamp, and transformed a large amount of smoke from it, directly involving the incoming group of sunflower-devouring beetles.

The smoke had a hallucinogenic effect. Affected by the smoke, the group of qi-training and foundation-building monster insects suddenly became confused and flew around in place.

Among them, the two Kui Yuan Devouring Beetles in the middle stage of the Golden Core were taken care of by the smoke and fell into an illusion.

At this moment, Beishan Master also used a set of third-level mid-grade earth element formation. After spending three breaths of time to arrange it, the formation also transformed into a large amount of earth and assassinated it into the clouds and mist. A few low-level demonic insects were knocked to the ground.

However, neither Master Beishan nor Mrs. Beiyan had any intention of resisting the two early-stage Golden Elixir and the late-stage Golden Elixir monster among the swarm. They also let the three insect monsters leave the hallucinogenic smoke and the In the earth system formation.

After Ling Pengyun heard the description of the group of demonic insects by Master Beishan just now, he kept recalling the insect demon "Kui Yuan Devouring Beetle". He was very familiar with the name of this insect demon. After a short while, he finally thought of the origin of this insect demon.

This insect monster also exists in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, and this insect monster is also among the top fifty strange insects in the Northern Wasteland Cultivation World, but it is only at the bottom.

The cultivators in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm have only found a few Kuiyuan Devouring Beetles that have completed their foundation building.

None of those in the Pseudo-Dan Realm have found them. Although this insect monster is quite powerful, it is very picky about what it likes to eat. It will not eat anything other than water-based spiritual creatures. This makes it extremely difficult for the Kuiyuan Devouring Beetle clan to find food in the boundless swamp, which indirectly leads to extremely difficult reproduction and improvement of cultivation.

Ling Pengyun does not know the situation of the Kuiyuan Devouring Beetle clan in the Zhongzhou Cultivation Realm.

However, among the group of Kuiyuan Devouring Beetles here, there are more than 200 demon insects that are somewhat different from the Kuiyuan Devouring Beetles recorded in the classics.

According to the description in the classics, the Kuiyuan Devouring Beetle should be blue-black, which is the appearance of most of the insect monsters here. There are no pure blue Kuiyuan Devouring Beetles, which makes Ling Pengyun unsure that those insect monsters are Kuiyuan Devouring Beetles.

After all, the demon insect clan is the most exclusive, and those who are not from the same clan will be killed.

This matter also made him a little confused, but now he was in danger, he did not dare to be distracted too much.

Immediately, he summoned the two third-level top-grade life magic weapons, the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Treasure Pearl and the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Treasure Shield, from his golden elixir.

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