Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 91 Hatching the Fengying Pengling Egg

At the end of September, the autumnal equinox.

On this night, Ling Pengyun had just started practicing for a short time when he was startled by a sound of breaking.


Ling Pengyun's mind moved slightly, he stopped practicing, opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at the only green spirit egg the size of a washbasin in the middle of the six-sided spirit gathering array in the depths of the cave.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze swept across the surface of the green spirit egg, and he found a crack on the surface of the spirit egg.

As a series of "crackling" sounds came from the egg, the crack gradually extended and expanded.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun looked overjoyed and muttered to himself.

"This Fengying Peng spirit egg is finally going to break its shell."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun quickly stood up, walked to the spirit egg, squatted down and carefully watched the process of the little life in the eggshell breaking out of the shell.

About half an incense stick of time had passed, because the little life inside the egg kept pecking at the eggshell, the surface of the eggshell was covered with cracks, like spider silk.

The next moment, with a huge sound of breaking, the cracked eggshell was like snowflakes, instantly turning into countless fragments and falling to the ground.

And among the pile of spiritual eggshell fragments, a bald bird the size of a human head walked out.

The bald bird had blurred eyes, and from time to time it made a few peng calls from its mouth. Its two claws were extremely weak, and it walked towards Ling Pengyun tremblingly.

For some reason, it could feel a sense of intimacy coming from Ling Pengyun, making it want to get close to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun's spiritual sense swept over the ugly bald bird, and found that its aura was as high as the innate perfection, and his expression suddenly showed joy.

"This little Fengying Peng bird was born with perfect innateness, so it must have great potential."

This bald bird was hatched from the Fengying Peng spirit egg that Ling Pengyun bought at the auction of Huaishui Xiaohui for hundreds of spirit stones.

Now this little Fengying Peng has just hatched, and its feathers have not grown yet.

Although the little Fengying Peng looks ugly now, its aptitude really makes Ling Pengyun like it very much.

When ordinary monsters are just hatched, most of them are beasts in the acquired realm, and they practice step by step. Only a few monster cubs with good aptitude and blood will cross the acquired realm in the mortal world and directly reach the innate realm as soon as they are born.

This little Fengying Peng has fully met all his expectations for flying spirit beasts. Its size is large enough to carry people, and its potential is good.

Although the little Fengying Peng is only the size of a human head now, and it can't even fly, the adult Fengying Peng is very large, at least comparable to the size of a yellow cow.

And its cultivation level of innate perfection just after hatching is a sign that it will definitely reach the late stage of Qi training in the future.

Ling Pengyun lowered his body, lovingly held the crawling little Peng bird in his hands with both hands, and whispered to the little Peng bird.

"You are my first spiritual beast tamed with essence and blood as the source and the master recognition restriction, so I will give you a name as a code name. You are a member of the Fengying Peng clan, so you will be called Fengying!"

Because the little Fengying Peng had the master recognition restriction, he knew the meaning of Ling Pengyun's words and remembered the word "Fengying" in his heart. He was slightly happy, lowered his head, and rubbed Ling Pengyun's palm.

Ling Pengyun pulled away one hand, touched the head of the little Fengying Peng, smiled, and put it back into the spiritual gathering array filled with spiritual energy. His expression was slightly concentrated, and he gave serious instructions.

"Your current cultivation level is of no help to me. Only when you break through to the Qi training realm can you become my helper."

"In the future, you will stay in this formation and don't step out of this formation. Take in the spiritual energy in this formation and try to break through to the Qi training realm."

When Xiao Fengyingpeng heard this, he felt a little disappointed.

It was difficult to help people close to him. For the strong Xiao Fengyingpeng, it was very aggrieved and also a little dissatisfied.

It must enter the "Qi training realm" mentioned by the person in front of it.

It has some knowledge of spiritual energy. The inheritance memory in the blood has solved its doubts. At the same time, the blood inheritance also records the spiritual energy circulation route applicable to the Fengyingpeng clan.

However, this spiritual energy circulation route is very vague. As soon as Xiao Fengyingpeng touched this circulation method, he felt dizzy. In a daze, he fell into a deep sleep.

Although it was asleep, its body was slowly absorbing spiritual energy. If one carefully detected the breath of this little Fengyingpeng, one could also subtly sense that its breath was gradually increasing.

Ling Pengyun watched this scene, smiled, and muttered to himself.

"This little Fengying is obedient, and I think his intelligence is not low."

"Monsters like to eat monster meat, and they also use monster meat containing spiritual energy as a cultivation resource to speed up their cultivation progress. Now this little Fengyingpeng is still young, and the meat he eats daily can be replaced by innate wild beast meat, but when he enters the Qi training realm, if he is still only provided with ordinary wild beast meat, his cultivation progress will definitely be slow."

"In the near future, there is no need to worry about the meat of the Qi training monster, but it will be a big problem after it breaks through to the Qi training realm. As a spiritual plant master and weapon refiner, I will not often do such dangerous things as hunting monsters. In all likelihood, the blood and flesh of the Qi training monsters that this Fengyingpeng needs to eat in the future will be purchased with spirit stones."

With the addition of a Fengyingpeng, Ling Pengyun's pressure to earn spirit stones has increased.

Ling Pengyun looked at Fengyingpeng again and saw that it was still sleeping and practicing very obediently, and he was very satisfied in his heart.

Then, he looked up into the depths of the cave, where there were seven little chickens that were only the size of a fist, brown in color, and with pine flower patterns on their feathers, encircled by an earth wall.

Around this special earth wall chicken pen, there was also a white light curtain, which was a soundproof ban to isolate the "cuckoo" sounds that kept coming out of the mouths of the seven little pine flower chickens.

These seven little pine flower chickens were very active, perhaps eager to see the outside world, and they were madly hitting the earth wall that encircled them.

Don't look at their size, which is only the size of a fist, but they are quite strong. Even the thick earth wall was shaken by the seven pine flower chickens hitting it at the same time.

"Compared with Xiao Fengyingpeng, these seven little pine flower chickens are really too disobedient."

"It seems that this earth wall will not last for another three days and will be smashed by them again."

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly.

When these seven active and noisy little Songhua chickens were just hatched, Ling Pengyun had thought about training them properly, but even with the threat of force, it was difficult to stop the nature of these little Songhua chickens. They were obedient in the first few days after the threat of life-threatening, but they would return to their deadly behavior after a few days, hitting the wall every day, and occasionally breaking the earth wall that enclosed them.

As for handing them over to the villagers of Qingshi Village for captivity, Ling Pengyun did think about it, but when he thought of the huge strength and very fast speed of these seven little Songhua chickens, he immediately gave up this idea.

If they were really handed over to the villagers of Qingshi Village for captivity, I'm afraid that within three days, these seven little Songhua chickens would all run away.

If these seven Songhua spirit chickens were not raised by Ling Pengyun for his mother to make soup, he would really have a killing urge.

Whether it is when practicing, refining, or comprehending other secrets, it is best to be in a relatively quiet place. These seven pine flower chickens will break the earthen wall that encloses them every few days and run around everywhere, which really makes Ling Pengyun's recent practice, refining, and comprehending secrets out of shape, seriously affecting his daily hard practice.

These seven little pine flower chickens cannot be killed, and they are not afraid of being beaten or scolded. It is really difficult to deal with them. Ling Pengyun can only wrong himself.

"The soundproof restriction needs to be comprehended quickly, otherwise after completing this garrison mission and leaving this place, I will be annoyed to death without my tenth sister to help me arrange the seven little pine flower chickens." Ling Pengyun said helplessly.

The soundproof restriction is one of the entry restrictions of the formation, and even ordinary cultivators can comprehend it. This restriction was taught by Ling Pengyun and Ling Penglin.

Now, it was the white light curtain soundproofing ban set up by the formation master Ling Penglin around the chicken coop that reduced the pain of the little pine chickens' endless "cuckoo" noise.

Ling Pengyun was in a good mood at the moment because of the hatching of Feng Yingpeng, and he was more pleased with the seven little pine chickens.

He stepped forward and walked to the side of the chicken coop. He waved his hand to the storage bag on his waist, summoned a handful of topaz spirit grains from it, and sprinkled them into the chicken coop.

As soon as these spirit grains fell into the chicken coop, the eyes of the seven little pine chickens that kept hitting the earth wall suddenly became hot, and they rushed to the place where the spirit grains fell and pecked at them.

Ling Pengyun saw that they looked like hungry ghosts, and he couldn't help but laugh. After calming down for a while, he sat cross-legged on the cushion again, closed his eyes, and returned to practice again.

In the early morning, he absorbed the power of the early sun for a while, then left Qingshi Mountain and went to find Ling Dong, the village chief of Qingshi Mountain. He specifically asked him to deliver ten pounds of wild beast flesh and blood to the foot of the mountain every day.

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