Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 99 Zhu Wen (Please read on!!)

In the distance, Ling Pengyun's expression turned cold when he saw the two black-clothed evil cultivators in the middle stage of Qi training running away.

As early as when he was still in the clan school when he was young, the elders of the clan often told him that if he killed someone, he had to deal with it cleanly and root out the problem. If he didn't deal with it cleanly, there might be endless troubles in the future.

Who knows whether these two black-clothed evil cultivators in the middle stage of Qi training who escaped now can enter a higher realm in the future and avenge Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun's murderous intent became stronger. He identified the black-clothed evil cultivator with a stronger aura who fled to the east. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his consciousness quickly injected into the light body Taoist robe he was wearing, triggering the light body technique that came with the Taoist robe.

At the same time, he pinched his hands and cast a light body technique on himself.

With the blessing of the two light body techniques, Ling Pengyun felt that his weight was as thin as thin paper. He took a light step and floated several feet away quickly.

In just a hundred breaths, Ling Pengyun caught up with the black-clothed evil cultivator who fled to the east.

This black-clothed evil cultivator was only in the middle stage of Qi training. He only lasted ten breaths in Ling Pengyun's hands before he was pierced by the Flowing Light Sword and nearly ten consecutive water arrows, and his breath was gone.

After killing this person, Ling Pengyun turned around and looked in the direction where another black-clothed evil cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training fled.

After searching for several breaths, even with the blessing of the Qi technique, there was no trace of the only surviving black-clothed evil cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training in that direction. Obviously, the black-clothed evil cultivator had fled far away, or found a hidden place to hide.

This place is a desolate mountain with many trees and weeds. There are too many places to hide. Searching this place inch by inch is naturally not a solution.

"He actually let this person escape." Ling Pengyun's eyes flashed with a trace of annoyance, and he said helplessly.

"I had never covered my face before, and the black-clothed evil cultivator who escaped in the middle stage of Qi training had probably seen my face. I don't know if the evil cultivator who escaped this time will do any harm to me in the future."

"If my Feng Yingpeng has entered the realm of Qi training, he can block one or two of the evil cultivators who escaped. When I arrive, the evil cultivator will not only escape, but also become a hidden danger."

Ling Pengyun looked at the beast-controlling bag on his waist and sighed. Then he came to his senses and cleaned up the battlefield, collecting the financial and storage bags from the two black-clothed evil cultivators he killed, and the hemp-clothed Taoist monk who was besieged and killed by three black-clothed evil cultivators.

After collecting the money and property, Ling Pengyun burned the three bodies with a fire, turning them into ashes, blowing them away in this world, and turning them into dust in the world.

After doing these things, Ling Pengyun quickly left this place to prevent other cultivators from being attracted by the unusual fighting here and causing more fighting.

After leaving the wild mountain where the battle had just taken place, Ling Pengyun was still worried, so he sneaked for more than ten miles before stopping in a dense forest. He found a small cave under a hidden cliff.

Before entering the cave, Ling Pengyun still summoned the little Fengyingpeng that was put into the beast-controlling bag and asked it to guard the situation outside the cave.

Once he entered the cave, Ling Pengyun took out all the things he had just obtained in the battle.

They were a first-class silver magic shield, a three-inch long willow leaf flying knife, a first-class medium-quality khaki magic shield, a four-foot-long first-class long knife, ten storage bags, and a beast-controlling bag.

The first two magic weapons were the magic weapons used by the late-stage Qi training cultivator in a hemp robe, and the last two magic weapons were the magic weapons used by the late-stage Qi training evil cultivator, and the beast-controlling bag was also this person’s.

As for the evil cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training that Ling Pengyun killed last, he put all his magic tools into his storage bag while escaping.

If you want to get his magic tools, you can only use your spiritual sense to flush out the spiritual sense imprint in his storage bag.

"The spirituality of these four magic tools, except for the silver shield, is good. They can be sold at a good price. They should be worth at least three or four hundred spiritual stones."

"There should be a lot of spiritual objects in those ten storage bags. No wonder people often say that killing and arson are worth gold belts."

"I think this is also the reason why the three cultivators fell into evil cultivation."

Ling Pengyun looked at the four magic tools and ten storage bags in front of him and muttered to himself.

Then he looked at the vermilion beast bag on the ground.

"I used the long needle to sneak attack the evil cultivator in the late stage of Qi training and killed him. Before he died, he should not have been able to kill the spirit-seeking rat with the master-recognition restriction. The spirit-seeking rat in the beast bag should still be alive."

"But even if the rat is not dead, it is probably seriously injured or even damaged by the master-recognition restriction. The spirit-seeking rat may not have much future in the future, which is a pity."

If the spirit beast tamed by the cultivator using the master-recognition restriction is not removed before the owner dies, the spirit beast will be attacked by the master-recognition restriction after the owner dies, and the sea of ​​consciousness will be damaged, and there will be no future.

Even worse, some cultivators with more vicious hearts will directly destroy the sea of ​​consciousness of the spirit beast through the master-recognition restriction before their death, dragging the spirit beast to die together.

However, through this spirit-seeking rat, which was originally an evil cultivator, Ling Pengyun wanted to get a spirit-seeking rat or some spirit beasts that are more sensitive to spiritual energy.

Even if such spirit beasts are not used to search for spirit beasts, they can be used as vigilants in the wilderness.

Feng Yingpeng only has amazing eyesight, and in terms of vigilance, he is naturally not as strong as spirit-seeking rats and other spirit beasts that are sensitive to spiritual energy.

As for the spirit-seeking rat that seemed to be still alive in the beast-controlling bag, Ling Pengyun only planned to use it as a temporary spirit beast. A spirit beast with no future was not worth using for a long time.

After being stunned for a while, Ling Pengyun waved his hand to put the four magic tools on the ground into the storage bag. As for the ten storage bags and one beast-controlling bag, Ling Pengyun put them in his two sleeves and arms respectively.

Although the owners of these storage bags and beast-controlling bags were dead, they still had spiritual marks in them, which were difficult to break in a short time.

Because there were many storage bags, putting these storage bags under the Taoist robe made Ling Pengyun look like he had gained weight.

Ling Pengyun didn't care too much about this. After packing up, he closed his eyes, refined the spiritual power left in his stomach from swallowing the spiritual fruit before, and sent it into his dantian to replenish the empty dantian.


Dozens of miles away.

The black-clothed evil cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training who escaped from Ling Pengyun earlier was also sitting cross-legged in a relatively hidden cave.

He took off the black veil covering his face, revealing a face that looked somewhat honest and even somewhat simple and honest.

No one who saw this face would have thought that this person was actually engaged in murder and robbery.

This person was named Zhu Wen, originally from Yunshui County. Because he had some spiritual talent, he was accepted as an apprentice by a casual cultivator who mastered the drawing of several talismans.

Later, because his master was killed by his enemy, he had no master to help him, and no cultivation resources, and his cultivation progress was slow. In addition, he made friends with two other casual cultivators, and the three of them hit it off and embarked on the plot.

At this time, Zhu Wen's simple and honest face was full of lingering fear.

He recalled the young face of the cultivator who had just killed his sworn brother and second brother, and his heart was extremely terrified.

"The cultivator who killed my elder brother just now was young, but he had the cultivation base of the late stage of Qi training. He must be an elite disciple from one of the big clans. I am really unlucky today. Fortunately, I ran fast today, otherwise I would have followed in the footsteps of my elder and second brothers."

"With my cultivation base of the middle stage of Qi training, and no one I can trust, it is difficult for me to continue this business of killing and robbing."

"In addition to the cultivation resources, I have saved a hundred spirit stones from doing this over the years. In addition, the few first-level mid-grade magic tools that I have not sold yet are also worth a lot of spirit stones. I have to make good use of this amount of spirit stones."

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