Although Claire quickly caught up, she was still a half step behind the patriarch. When she arrived, the three warriors in the tribe had been overthrown to the ground. The patriarch and the dozen or so warriors around him looked like their enemies. Obviously, the opponent's strength exceeded their expectations.

The patriarch stared at the enemy in front of him. The sharpened spear in his hand moved straight up like a snake. He was physically fit and extremely fierce. All the moves were directed at the opponent's key point, because he occupied In order to take the initiative, the opponent was forced to take two steps backwards. The patriarch found a gap and stabbed towards the opponent's flaw. The opponent's response was also very fast. The short dagger was drawn out almost at the moment when the patriarch struck. , Colliding with each other's spear. In the duel of power and strength, the four pairs of erect pupils belonging to the beasts stared nervously at each other, and no one was allowed to do so for a moment.

But this stalemate did not last long. The strength of the two was almost the same. After all, the weapon materials used were different. With only a click, the spear in the clan's hands was broken in two.

The patriarch lost the weapon in his hand and began to beastify. A turquoise light rose around him. This light was very similar to the light that appeared when Claire transformed them, but the color was dim. One of his faces, which was originally human, was gradually replaced by a furry substance. Soon, he lowered his body, a sharp claw grew on his hand, and dragged a long tail behind him, plus His huge body and thick mane appeared to the crowd as a male lion.

This is the first time Claire has seen the patriarch's beast, but now she has no time to care about these, because she has recognized who the intruder standing opposite the patriarch is: "No, you all Stop playing, stop! Come on! "

With the beast's keen hearing, the patriarch and the invader would certainly not have heard Claire's words, but they still did not stop the fierce battle with each other. Want to end this battle, unless one of them is defeated, no one will stop, and no one will believe that the other side will let go of themselves after they have stopped.

There will be some differences in strength between humanoid and animal shapes, so when the patriarch becomes an animal shape, the scale of victory tilts slightly towards him. The intruder used a short dagger to block the attack of the patriarch lion, and the patriarch lion firmly held the dagger with his sharp claws, hurting his palm, and grabbed the dagger from the intruder's hand. Then throw it aside. The fierce light flashed from the patriarch's male pupil. From now on, they are equal in all aspects.

"Intruder, where did you know the entrance of our tribe? You better be honest, otherwise I will kill you immediately!"

The patriarch leaped high, targeting the fragile throat of the intruder. He will dominate his destiny by biting his throat and forcing him to tell the truth.

"Why do you think I'll tell you, huh? You impolite guy!" The intruder raised his head at this moment, a wild and handsome face full of warfare: "If you want to know the answer, defeat it first Let me tell you! "

The face, the voice, was Pascal, who came after Claire and Gera.

As soon as the words fell, a golden light rose from Pascal's body, which represented his identity as a fire element master. He bathed in pure and dazzling golden light, matched with that seductive appearance, almost like a god.

The patriarch of the orc tribe took a step down because of the sight in front of him, and this mistake can be remedied for most of his time. He quickly reacted and continued his offensive, but Pascal didn't give him a chance to remedy. He seized his hesitation and pause for a second, and rushed like a bolt of lightning to suppress him firmly on the ground. ——At this time, he has also become a strong adult male lion. There is no pressure to suppress the patriarch in terms of size or weight.

But when the neck was threatened by the opponent's sharp fangs, a sorrow flashed in the patriarch's eyes, and then, regardless of his own safety, he ordered the archer who was finally overdue: "Archers prepare--"

"Patriarch ..." Looking at the suppressed Patriarch, the archers who took the bow and bowed a little hesitantly. The invader's fangs were clinging to the patriarch's neck, and their arrows were still quite a distance from the two. If they do, 80% of their patriarchs will be killed before the intruder is shot; even if they are not killed by the intruder, they may die under their arrows.

The patriarch's eyes flashed with fortitude: "Don't worry about me, shoot! This intruder is too powerful, if you let him go now, you will endless trouble."

"Wait a minute, this intruder ... Lord Pascal is my companion!" Seeing that the situation was urgent, Claire hurriedly stopped in front of the two of them: "The former Lord of the Celant City ambushed Lord Pascal and took me He and Jella fetched and lost the territory of the orc tribe. I think, Lord Pascal is here now, just to find us, he is not malicious to the orc tribe. "



After a series of chicken flying dog jumping events, Pascal and his party-in fact only two, ah no, two and a half-and the patriarch and his party finally can sit down and have a good talk.

The patriarch's mouth turned blue in the fight just now, which made him usually (previously) very visible (for) Wei (Old) Yan (Cheng) image like a weathered statue collapsed piece by piece.

After Pascal and Claire sat down, the former began to look for the 'half-person' missing from his party: "Where's Jella? Where is it? Isn't it with you?" Of course this was asked Claire.

Claire smiled a little awkwardly: "Jela it ... is now learning with the cubs in the tribe. Before you broke into the tribe, I was going to hunt with the warriors in the tribe. In the process of explanation, she deliberately downplayed the words "orc" and "Asian beast".

Now she was facing Pascal in the same way that Pascal had entrusted her boy to her care, but she turned her head and sent them to the girls' school. Although the client agreed with this decision, she always felt uncontrollable and felt guilty. Especially the boy's father is still her boss.

The Patriarch heard Pascal's words, but was a bit surprised: "That little Asian beast is your cub?" He looked at Pascal, and then looked at Claire, trying to see what the relationship was between them. Claire's hair was cocked up by his eyes. She unwillingly walked over half of her body and wanted to move the stone pier under her **** farther, but found that the stone pier was directly connected to the ground at all ( ̄ ▽  ̄).

"It's my cub, of course," Pascal said indignantly. "Why, do you have any questions about this?"

The patriarch pointed to Claire: "But that little Asian beast is also her child."

"Claire is my subordinate. I usually take care of Jella when I'm busy (when I'm being abandoned), so it's true to say that Jella is her child."

"But she's a male. Why would you give your child to a male to take care of?" The more the patriarch looked at the two men in front of him, the more suspicious he became.

The male Claire looked at Pascal more embarrassingly, and wiped the sweat on her forehead silently. As for the patriarch, she didn't have the courage to look ...

Pascal raised an eyebrow: "Don't you know she's a female?" He set his sights on Kryle. Although he didn't speak, Kryle's understanding of Pascal for many years showed that Pascal was asking, 'What the **** are you hiding from me?', So the sweat on Claire's head turned into sweat.

"You are a female? What the **** is this, how do I not know?" The patriarch also fixed his eyes on Claire. Although Claire did not look up, she could feel that the patriarch sent out and Pascal In the same doubt, Khan became a Khan of waterfall.

What mattered to her, it wasn't her intention to conceal her identity, but the orcs wishful thinking of her as their kind ... Kriel thought about it and started to grow up right: "I was originally a female . "

"But you can become a lion." The patriarch said quietly.

"I have said that I come from the outside. Our standards for measuring females and males are different from yours. You yourself do not believe in me. I have never said that I am male."

At that time, she did not explain that she was a female. One was that it was more laborious to explain, and the other was that it was unnecessary. What's so important about being treated as homosexual by these orcs? It ’s not like she has to go hunting with her every day. This is all her old business, and it does n’t take any trouble. If she was regarded as a female here from the beginning, she could n’t stand learning daily sewing and how to fall in love with the orcs. Besides, she confirms that she has no mental power. From this point of view, she is still different from the females here.

"Then Jella was born with him?" The patriarch asked again.

"No ( ̄_ ̄ ||||). Somehow, Claire always feels that their topic has a tendency to develop in an increasingly weird direction, and hastily pulled the topic back:" I think, than Since my gender and my relationship with Master Pascal and Gela, the patriarch should be more concerned about what is going on outside? "

The process by which Claire showed herself and Gera in the orc's territory told the patriarch in detail, and then Pascal added the part of his experience alone: ​​"... in order to find Claire and Jay Pull, I defeated Black Panther Jem and the man he brought to ambush me and knew the place from his mouth. "

"Jame ..." The chief's pupil narrowed sharply: "That bastard, is he still alive?"

From the moment he heard the name, he believed Pascal's words. No way, Jem's name impressed him so much.

"He's cunning, I couldn't kill him." Pascal crossed his fingers with his fingers. "Now, Jem is one of the most trusted people around Celant."

"Yeah, the trust that betrayed the beneficiaries by betrayal," said the clan chief with scorn and hatred.

"So, Black Panther Jem was the one you saved?" Claire asked.

"Yes! My father once said that the last thing he had done in his life was to save him! Not only did he bring the Celeste Lord to kill our people, but he also took important things from us!"

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