“That’s right, that’s your mother. The only experimental subject that was successfully conceived in the ‘Manderney Dawn’ project.” Serantte said.


He stood up abruptly and rushed towards Gerald at a very fast speed. At this time, it was too late to step forward to stop him. Pascal’s palm burst into a ball of fire, hitting Serantte. At the same time, he bullied his body. Before, prepare to pull Gerald. If he didn’t want to get hurt, Serantte would have to change his course.


It’s a pity that Serantte didn’t get out of the way like Pascal imagined, and he was going to catch Gerald even though he was injured!


Seeing the man approaching, Gerald quickly took a side step backwards, avoiding Serantte’s first attack. In terms of strength, he couldn’t match Serantte. In terms of combat experience, Serantte was far too far away. Not quite as good as Gerald, however, Gerald’s movements are extremely skillful, and these skills make up for what he lacks a little bit. Serantte opened his eyes slightly: “I underestimated you.”


There was a little white smoke on his left arm, where he was burned after being hit by Pascal’s fireball. The fight between Gerald and Serantte didn’t last long. Because in the very short contact time in the battle, there was no way for Gerald to disturb the elements in Serantte’s body, and even the only advantage could not be exerted. Soon, Gerald was caught by Serantte.


At this time, Pascal’s attack from behind came again, and a long flame made of fire entered Serantte’s back. Just now, in the fight between Gerald and Serantte, Pascal never dared to shoot, lest he would hurt Gerald, but now that he saw Gerald being captured, his attack was naturally accurate and ruthless.


Serantte did not avoid it, and suffered the blow. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his body shook, but his right hand still held Gerald tightly. In the next instant, Serantte and Gerald had already disappeared in place.


Pascal kept his feet and followed the breath left by Serantte all the way.


This kind of speed can be said to be the limit for Serantte, who is usually in perfect condition, not to mention that now he has suffered a serious injury and is still carrying Gerald. This kind of lifeless practice…


Pascal’s heart froze, no, Serantte is probably going to find Brahmandene!


Although the projection of Brahmandene seems to be directly refracted from another plane, the Manderney planet is more than a few light-years away! No matter how advanced the technology of Planet Manderney is, it is impossible to do this. So, the only explanation is that Brahmandene’s is probably not far from their planet.


If Gerald’s mother is really that Lily, then Brahmandene must be interested in Gerald. Using Gerald to get close to Brahmandene, this is probably the real purpose of Serantte!


This guy, who has been Brahmandene’s lackey for so many years, does he want to surrender to him now, or does he have other plans?


In any case, Gerald’s safety is not optimistic. Although even Pascal had to admit that using Gerald as bait was probably the best way to approach Brahmandene, he would never allow anyone to gamble on Gerald’s safety!


On the ground, monsters are still gushing out continuously. During the fight, the blood of monsters and people’s blood have been mixed together, and it is impossible to tell them apart. It is getting late, and in the afterglow of the sunset, the ground is painted with dark blood. An indeterminate tint. Everyone who survived, carrying a bloody weapon, felt extremely heavy in their hearts.


On the other hand, they are sad for their relatives and friends who died in the battle, and at the same time, they are worried for their own safety.


How many of these tireless monsters are there, and when will they be able to kill them all?


On the other hand, looking at the monsters all over the ground, although they were disgusted, they couldn’t help but feel a little sadness in their hearts. After all, these were once their companions.


When, where, their companions became like this?


Among these unrecognizable monsters, there may be people they know, maybe they don’t, but from the moment they disappeared and were used as experiments by Brahmandene, they have been completely obliterated, and no one will remember them.


How sad.


For the inhabitants of this planet, in order to plunder resources, they have fought small-scale wars, but they have never encountered cannibalism on this scale.


On this day, from the early morning to the evening, more and more people fell, and fewer people stood by, and people’s moods also changed.


They started to hate Brahmandene who had caused these monsters. It is precisely because of the existence that they once regarded as Gods, the hatred will be stronger.


Yes, he helped them evolve, inspired the power in their bodies, and enabled them to live a better life, but who could have guessed that all this had been conspiracy from the very beginning?


Because of him, their compatriots live inhuman lifes, their relatives and friends leave them one by one, and they must suffer such a catastrophe! That person, does he really regard himself as a God? If you want them to live, they will live, if you want them to die, they will die!


At this time, someone began to think that it turned out that someone had seen through the true face of Brahmandene! The tragic priests and priests who died in the city of Floville once tried to get their city out of the control of Brahmandene. Presumably at that time, they found some clues. It is a pity that the people did not believe their advice. Instead, they were sent to a dead end because of their “blasphemy”


… At a critical juncture, the people began to question the city lord. After all, the city lords of the three upper cities have always been clothed The most loyal fans of Brahmandene, they began to move closer to the new priest in Floville City. Relying that left by his previous two terms, the priest’s power expanded several times in a short period of time. He smiled so much that his mouth almost grinned to the bottom of his ear. For the first time, he felt that Brahmandene’s attacking isn’t really a bad thing.


If it wasn’t for the former deity targeting them, how could it be possible to show the precision of his first two priests? Of course, he will do better than his two predecessors! The new high priest is so convinced. At least, he will never be sent to the guillotine like them.


In fact, the people are also panicking, so they don’t see the true face of this speculator.


In the city of Floville, countless people began to curse the faint-hearted Serantte in their hearts, expecting him to step down quickly and let Pascal, the son of the former city lord, succeed the true heir of Floville City. The people believe that only under the leadership of the new city lord and the new priest can the city of Floville be reborn.

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