Lisko's American life

Chapter 654 657. Guests come to the door

"Well, no problem, old man, you put your fishing rod only, fishing, fishing, giving you the grandchildren,"

Li Feng is the most happy one in this. She told Zhang You. Although I can buy it on the market, most of them are freezing, the old man dislikes these things without nutrition, and the taste is not so fresh, so It is better to catch yourself.

Moreover, the fish in the pasture pond is Li Sko commanded David's fry. There is no bad thing in the next day, the meat is also very delicious.

"It's good, line, I will go."

Zhang You even can imagine that a little grandchildren feel in his arms, saying that it is a worry, this sentence is not a hole.

The love of the old generation, the dripping of the grandchildren, which makes many children's parents are jealous.

They were surprised to find that when they were in the face of their own naughty children, they were laughing in the impression, and they were a father's father in his life. It actually laughed into a flower, while the god is full .

"Otiens, eat sugar? Grandpa is here, do you want toys? Grandpa gives you money, let us buy."

Zhang Kui, one side.

"I also go, we are together."

Said, take the fish with your own brother, and I walked toward the pond.

Just when everyone was warm, he suddenly remembered a car flute. Lisco immediately realized that there was a guest to go to the door, because if it is another person, it won't be horn at home.

He first told everyone, then walked toward the door, while walking, guessing the guests would be.

Because he did not pick up any notice, someone will come to the door, so this guest is coming.

When I walked to the door, I immediately made all the smoke, Li Sko took a smile, walked down the stairs, first with the driver, at the same time, two respectful call.

"Lin Qi, how come you? Uncle Aunt, welcome to visit."

That's right, this time is a Lynch's family, not just Lin Guizhong, and even Yu Yu is coming together.

This is indeed a very surprise that Li Sko, but did not think that the other party will come, and it is still a family.

Sco, how is it? I have heard that your girlfriend is pregnant with your uncle. I have been going to see it, but I am not full of three months, I am afraid that you have any taboos, so I drag it to today, how, body are you OK?"

Yu Wei saw Li Sko, immediately holding the other person's hand, asking for the opening, she is very popular for Li Sko, and sincere, since I met Lin Qi, no matter what festival, Will think of yourself with Lin Guozhong, whether it is sent to the door or turn it, will be a gift.

Over time, they also realized Li Sko as their own consecutive generation.

"Everything is fine, very good, there is no timely notice uncle aunt, I am sorry."

Li Sko first was shocked, Zhang Li pregnant news is also spread out, but the other party already knows, and the time is still a card, just three months.

But remembering, Zhang Li's good girlor Tina, but Linqi's girlfriend, so natural, this news is not a very close message for them.

However, Lin Guozhong deliberately rushed over, just to celebrate himself with children, this is still touched by Li Sko, as if it is his elder, let him feel that his heart seems to be rely.

"Yes, so long, let's go first, my mother and are in the house, just greeze, know."

Lin Guozhong listened, suddenly came to the spirit, he made Li Sko as his nephew in his heart, now facing the girl's family, naturally, it is necessary to give Sko to earn face, think of it, sorting down, follow On the side, Yu Yu paired his eyes, very powerful, behind Li Sko.

"Mom, I am, I have come here, I heard that Li Li pregnant news, so I came to introduce it. This is my worship brother, Lynch, is also a boyfriend of Tina. "

"This is Linqi's father, is also my uncle, Lin Guizhong, Northeast, and opened a northeast restaurant in us. This is my, Yu Yu."

Lin Guozhong immediately held his hand with Li Feng and He Wei, and the feelings were full of guests.

"This is my."

Four elderly people gathered together, all kinds of guests are swarming.

"How far is it? That's two years old, I will shout your sister, how long has it been, it is suitable for it, this old beauty, the land of the earth, the smoke, the smoke, we are abroad, the true fellow What needs to be helpful, even though Scoker is talking to us. "

Lin Guozhong and Li Feng have seen it before, so it naturally doesn't need to introduce. Several main attacks are awkward. As a woman's , Lin Guozhong must let the other party feel that his nephew Li Sko is very excellent. Partner and son-in-law.

When I heard aunt and Zhang Kui, I was a dining in China. The smile on Lin Guizhong face was more brilliant. The chef is like this. When people who see the peers, they always have a hill, after all, no one knows the heart of this industry. So seeing the peers, there is a sense of confide by the same disease.

Xiaoyu saw that there was a guest to go to the door, I have long rushed to the pond in the first time, shouting the two fishing elders shouting out.

When Zhang Kui and Zhang Younao returned home, I saw a feeling that I was happy. In addition to talking to my family in the past few days, I didn't talk to myself. I saw Yu Yu, I feel like I saw the sisters. Like, rare good talks.

After the two men added the cold, the topic was more fierce. At the beginning, I was still talking on Li Sko and Zhang Li, and I didn't know how to go to the chef.

Then, the difference between Northeast and Guangxi, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various dishes. And uncle is like aunt, because of English, these days are still more wrote, it is rare to chat, and it is rare to let it go.

Talking, I started to explore the international situation. For the US hegemonism, all the people are so, there is a heart that is worried about the state.

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