The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Almost at the same time

"That's it..."

As soon as Zabuza finished speaking, Kakashi's figure instantly appeared behind him.

At the same time, Kakashi, who was cut off by Zabuza, turned into water splashing everywhere...

"Water clone??

You can copy my ninjutsu in this thick fog, you are worthy of being the Sharingan Kakashi!"

Looking at the kunai on his neck, Zabuza was not afraid and was slightly amazed.

This calm demeanor made Kakashi frown slightly. Could this guy be...

The next moment

Zabuza's body turned into flowing water and fell to the ground with a splash...

"That guy is also a water clone!!"

Naruto, who was surprised, suddenly changed his face and shouted loudly.

"Water escape technique, water prison technique..."

It happened in a split second.

Just as Kakashi hid in the water next to him, Zabuza's voice sounded again.

In a flash, the water around Kakashi quickly formed a water ball to bind him...

The speed was so fast that Sasuke, who was ready to stop him, couldn't catch up!

"Run quickly...

He is now controlling the water prison technique and can't leave. Take advantage of this time..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kakashi immediately urged and shouted loudly.

"Escape? Impossible...

When you were trapped in the water prison, we had already lost hope of escaping!

Even if we escaped temporarily, we couldn't escape Zabuza's pursuit.

In the end, we were all wiped out...

Besides, I don't have the idea of ​​abandoning my partners!

The purpose of Team 7 is: never abandon, never give up.

So, the only choice now is to fight...

Helping the teacher escape from the water prison is our only chance to break the deadlock!"

Sasuke flashed to Naruto and shouted loudly, while urging Naruto to overcome his fear.


In the water prison, seeing Sasuke say that he would not give up on his partners.

Kakashi's body trembled slightly, and his eyes looking at Sasuke were more in agreement!

Sasuke is simply another Obito...

Well, a more talented Obito!

"Damn it, I won't lose to you...

Let's go together, Sasuke."

Naruto was already extremely dissatisfied with his previous performance, and he exploded instantly when he heard Sasuke's words.

The fear of Zabuza was suppressed by the thought of surpassing Sasuke in an instant...

"Do you remember the last strategy? Let's go..."

Sasuke thought it was safe, and he made hand seals and gave orders.


Is that so... Shadow Clone Technique..."

Naruto looked at Sasuke in surprise, then he smiled strangely and made hand seals and shouted.

"Bang bang bang..."

As Naruto exploded, a large cloud of white smoke appeared and blocked Zabuza's sight...

"Another boring clone like this?

A brat is a brat, he didn't learn from the previous lesson!"

Zabuza looked at dozens of Naruto clones with disdain, and another water clone appeared in front of him.

Although the water clone only had one-tenth of his power, it was enough to deal with a small fish like Naruto!

"Let's go..."

Naruto, who was outnumbered, waved his hand, and many clones rushed forward at the same time.

"Hmph, no matter how many people there are, you can't change the fact that you are useless..."

Zabuza's clone swung his sword and confidently stared at Naruto's clone, ready to attack.

"Look at my special move..."

Suddenly, Naruto from all directions simultaneously made hand seals and shouted loudly.

This action instantly attracted all the attention of Zabuza and the water clones!

Could it be that this kid has some particularly powerful moves? ?

"This is..."

Seeing this familiar scene, a black line rose on Kakashi's forehead...

This guy actually used this move in this situation!

Zabuza is not the kind of ninja who will be hit.

Uh, he won't...


While Kakashi was worried, all Naruto clones shouted together.

Another huge white smoke floated by...

The next moment

"Lord Zabuza..."

"Mr. Oni..."

Dozens of naked Naruto appeared charmingly, and rushed towards Zabuza in front of Sakura's surprised eyes.

"Are you kidding me, Naruto!!"

Sakura roared in anger, and was very resistant to this move.

"That kid is pretty powerful..."

Dazna's face turned red, and he looked at the scene that he would never see in his lifetime and said affirmatively.

For the first time, he recognized Naruto's existence!

"Humph, I won't fall for such a boring trick.


But, Zabuza, the demon from Kirigakure..."

At the same time that Sakura Dazna spoke, Zabuza, who was surrounded by pink tenderness, said with a ferocious face.

With a swing of the sword, he mercilessly chopped at the clones in the front.

Bang, bang, bang...

Naruto's clones, who were fragile, were shattered one by one, without any surprise!

In just two breaths, almost all the clones were quickly dealt with.

"Everything ends here!"

Ignoring Naruto's frightened face, Zabuza's clone shouted and rushed straight to Sasuke who followed him.

Two fingers stretched out like lightning to dig out the pair of Sharingan!!


Sakura screamed shrilly, and burst out chakra without hesitation to stop it.

However, "bang..."

Under the stunned eyes of Sakura and Zabuza, Sasuke turned into white smoke and disappeared!

"Shadow clone!

Oops, his target is..."

Zabuza's clone's face changed, and he reacted suddenly and looked back.

'Lightning Style: Thunder Snake...'

Zabuza's original body, who was also awakened, was about to move when the river surface suddenly exploded under his feet.

Sasuke, holding lightning, opened the scarlet single magatama Sharingan and rushed towards Zabuza's chest with unstoppable force!!

[You think you can succeed like this? You are too naive...]

Zabuza looked at the attack that was close at hand, and his mind flashed. He tilted his body slightly and changed his stance.

His right foot kicked towards Sasuke in an instant, trying to kick him away...

[I saw it!!]

Sasuke's pupils spun rapidly, and his body moved accordingly to avoid the swift kick.

At the same time

The lightning snake in his hand was swung violently, and the ball-shaped lightning snake suddenly extended and turned into a long lightning snake, biting the arm that controlled the water prison.

With a sizzling sound...

Zabuza's arm flashed with lightning, and the water prison technique was instantly broken...


Zabuza's face changed drastically, and he dodged and retreated without hesitation.

The paralysis of his right arm temporarily made him lose the ability to seal, and it was too dangerous to get too close to Kakashi...

"Very wonderful cooperation...

Good job, Sasuke, Naruto...

Next, leave it to me! "

Kakashi, who regained his freedom, praised without hesitation, staring at Zabuza with his scarlet Sharingan.

This time, he will not be careless!!


With the help of the double cover of clone and transformation, my clone becomes Sasuke.

The purpose of the seduction technique is actually just to attract Zabuza's attention.

The real trick is Sasuke's sneak attack!

This is the harem counter-killing technique..."

Naruto, who received Kakashi's praise, immediately said complacently, which made Sakura and Dazna suddenly realize!

"It's really a good cooperation...

I admit that I underestimated you two little brats!

You two are worthy of being recorded in this master's manual.

However, that is the case that you did not die in this mission! ! "

Zabuza said fiercely, buying a little time for his arm to recover.

[Mission completed, reward: Mist Hidden·Silent Killing Technique...]

At the same time as Zabuza spoke, a reward reminder sounded in Sasuke's ears.

Slap in the face completed!!

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