After five days, the school was in chaos.

Five days later

Ninja school

"Iruka-sensei is really...

Why is there a strength test? I almost regarded him as a real enemy..."

In the school corridor, Naruto couldn't help but complain.

Especially when he knew that Sasuke was not tested, he was even more annoyed!

Doesn't this show that he looks down on him?

"That's right, that's right...

We are all independent ninjas now..."

Sakura nodded in agreement, but her eyes were secretly looking at Sasuke.

Sasuke-kun, how could he be so weak in the illusion...

"We're here..."

Sasuke ignored the complaints of the two and paused, looking at the crowd in front of him.

He has not been idle at home these days...

He has learned and mastered the two C-level fire escape techniques, Phoenix Fire Technique and Dragon Fire Technique.

"So many people..."

Looking at the crowded candidates in front, Naruto's eyes widened and he shouted in surprise.

Sakura beside him also nodded in agreement...

"Let's go..."

Sasuke glanced at the noisy crowd and led the way through the crowd.

"Please let me in..."

As soon as they got to the front, the three saw the passionate Xiao Li acting wildly without any passion.

Next to him, the Chinese style girl Tiantian and the genius Neji that Sasuke had been thinking about stood beside him.


Glancing at the drama queen Kaiban, Sasuke sighed calmly and took two steps forward.

"Do I solve the illusion, or do you do it yourself?"

Sasuke looked at the two transformed examiners teasing and teasing, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

These two Konoha gate gods are really good at playing. They came here to add drama to themselves after not seeing enough of the Konoha gate...


Not bad, they actually saw through the illusion we cast..."

Gang Zitie's eyes tightened when he heard the voice, and he joked meaningfully.

"But, what if you just saw it?

I won't let you pass..."

Kamizuki Izumo laughed evilly and kicked Sasuke.

But facing this attack, Sasuke was unmoved...



I saw a green afterimage flashing quickly, and raised his hand to block the examiner's attack.

"Xiao Li..."

Seeing this, Tiantian couldn't help but shout helplessly, and couldn't help but sigh...

In this way, the strategy of showing weakness to the enemy failed!

What a trouble...

But Xiao Li turned a deaf ear to Tiantian's words, and glanced at Sasuke with confidence.

He cast his eyes towards Sakura next to him...


"Stop talking nonsense if you're so slow!

Naruto, Sakura, let's go..."

Just as Xiao Li was about to show off, he was interrupted by Sasuke.

What a joke, he doesn't have the hobby of letting people flirt with his wife in front of him...

What's more, Xiao Li is the one who breaks his status!

"The top student of the previous class...

Can he only play the pig and eat the tiger? Ridiculous tricks..."

Sasuke walked into the classroom with a disdainful look at Neji.

At the same time, the right hand in his trouser pocket made a seal to violently break the illusion...

The classroom in 301 instantly turned into 201, and the classroom also turned into a staircase corridor.

"Wait for me..."

Seeing this, Naruto and Sakura immediately followed, leaving everyone looking at each other in bewilderment.

"When did he make a seal to break the illusion?"

Gang Zitie was stunned for a moment, then he came back to his senses with astonishment in his eyes.

"Is this the power of Uchiha?

As expected, they are a legendary clan..."

Kamizuki Izumo also showed a look of surprise, thinking of the fear of illusions controlled by the Sharingan.

"What a cute newcomer...

Ningji, you seem to be underestimated!"

Tenten looked at Sasuke's back and smiled interestingly, which made Ningci next to him look cold.


Uchiha Sasuke?

I hope his strength will not disappoint me..."

Ningji sneered and called Xiao Li to go to Room 301.

But Xiao Li was faster, turning into a shadow and quickly chasing after him...

"That arrogant guy...

Please wait a moment!!"

As soon as Sasuke and the other two submitted their applications and went downstairs, a hot shout came from behind them.

Sasuke sighed inwardly at the trouble, and looked behind him with a headache...

"Uchiha Sasuke, right...

Do you want to fight me now?!"

Xiao Li clenched his fists and looked at Sasuke, his eyes blazing with fire.


[Xiao Li's suggestion was detected, triggering a C-level reward.

Mission: Fight; Reward: Konoha's Great Cyclone...

Just as Sasuke was about to refuse, he heard a system prompt.

This made Sasuke change his mind instantly...

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and it cannot be wasted!

"Sasuke, Sasuke's...

Why Sasuke again!!

Dense-browed boy, did you come here just to challenge Sasuke?

I am also very powerful, don't you want to challenge me??"

Seeing Sasuke suddenly lose his temper, Naruto interrupted the topic and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Not interested..."

Xiao Li said directly, making Naruto instantly furious.

"Damn, look at my power..."

In anger, Naruto's chakra burst out and he rushed towards Xiao Li with a fist.

But his speed was not as fast as Xiao Li, he just lightly turned sideways and hit with a finger.

Naruto was knocked off his position and fell to the ground...

Xiao Li turned his eyes to look at Xiao Sakura, and his cheeks suddenly blushed.

"Miss Sakura, I did this because..."

This sudden change made Sakura and Naruto confused at the same time...

How could Sasuke accept this situation! !

'Illusion: Fox Heart Technique...'

Sasuke's eyes turned red instantly, and the hand seals in his pockets were completed and the illusion was activated instantly.

The next moment

Xiao Li froze in place for a moment, and then returned to normal in an instant and kept spinning around the pillar...

"Let's go, don't pay attention to him..."

Looking at Xiao Li who was trapped in the illusion, Sasuke turned his eyes and said calmly.

At the same time, the system rewards also became clear and integrated...

The so-called Konoha Great Whirlwind is just a full-scale spinning kick with a larger range.

With enough chakra, it can barely be considered a good offensive and defensive ninjutsu...

"Sharingan? Sasuke-kun is so handsome..."

Sakura looked at the scarlet eyes and murmured excitedly, and her mindless worship of Sasuke rose again...

Sure enough, how could that thick-browed boy be a match for Sharingan Sasuke-kun!

"Hmph, it's just occupying the power of Sharingan..."

Naruto felt sour again, and looked at Xiao Li who was spinning in circles fiercely and followed.

"Those three boys are Kakashi's elite subordinates...

They are worthy of being my lifelong opponents, and my disciples are equally excellent!

I actually defeated my beloved disciple who I worked hard to cultivate with just one illusion. This is the continuation of youth..."

With a whoosh, Might Guy appeared in an instant and looked at Sasuke's back with inexplicable excitement.

He stretched out his hand and slapped Xiao Li, disrupting the flow of chakra to break the illusion...

"Gai, Teacher Kai?"

Xiao Li looked at his mentor in front of him, and instantly realized his shame and bowed his head without the face to face.

As a secret disciple of Mr. Kai, he was defeated by an illusion in just one encounter!

How embarrassing...


Xiao Li, congratulations!

You have also found the opponent you want to pursue for your whole life."

Seeing his beloved disciple's face full of shame, Might Guy hurriedly hugged him and said with tears in his eyes.

Completely misunderstood Xiao Li's motives...

"But, you idiot!!

Next time, just open the door to disrupt the flow of your own chakra and you can break the illusion...

You don't even know such a simple truth?

I'll punish you to run around the village 500 times..."

"Yes, Teacher Kai...

But I challenged Sasuke not because of my opponent, but because of Miss Sakura."

"Idiot, this reason makes me more youthful and passionate...

In this case, then impose a self-restraint on yourself.

How about defeating Sasuke and then confessing to Sakura?

Youth should be so passionate..."

"Yes, Teacher Kai..."

In the empty stadium, the shouts of passionate teachers and students rose and fell...

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