Literary Master 1978

Chapter 109 Isn't this a coincidence?

Looking at the backs of the students, Huang Huilin suddenly sighed.

"For so many years, we have been adhering to the literary teaching environment of Lu, Guo, Mao, Ba and Lao Cao. It was not obvious in the past few years, but in the past two years, I feel that our teaching seems to be in trouble.

Although their students have a weak foundation, they have rich social experience and learn things quickly.

But after more than a year of enrollment, everyone has learned a lot, but they can't keep up with the practice at all.

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said: "Between learning and practice, there is also a digestion process. If you can't understand and integrate it, no matter how much you learn, it's just cramming education, and you will forget it later."

Huang Huilin nodded, "That's right. This drama is a good training opportunity, giving them the opportunity to truly use knowledge for themselves."

With admiration on her face, she said: "Chaoyang, your talent in creation is unquestionable. If you come to teach students, I'm afraid it won't be bad."

Lin Chaoyang smiled modestly, "You are joking, how can I teach college students? ”

After chatting for a while, Huang Huilin said before parting: "I will try to get the school auditorium over in two days for everyone to rehearse."

"The World's No. 1 Restaurant" has a large scene and many actors. Today, we rehearsed in the classroom for half a day, and the venue is very limited.

"Look forward to your good news."

The script of "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" was written by Lin Chaoyang, so he naturally had to be responsible to the end. He and Huang Huilin agreed to come every night to guide during the rehearsal period.

On the way home, Tao Yushu sat on the back seat of the bicycle.

"Lean on me, so you don't have to be blown by the wind." Lin Chaoyang said.

Tao Yushu tightened his hands, hugged his waist, and put his face on his back.



"How do you suddenly know so much?" Tao Yushu asked.

Lin Chaoyang kicked the pedals hard against the wind, panting and said: "A lot? Maybe I read a lot of books in the library. ”

Turning the corner, the wind died down, and he said, "Didn't you ask me to learn from Professor Jin Kequn before? I have been following your instructions completely!"

"I think you have improved so fast that even I am surprised."

Tao Yushu said what she really felt in her heart. Since she learned that her husband was writing novels, Lin Chaoyang's transformation speed in more than half a year was faster than she could imagine.

Sometimes she even thought that her husband was gifted, but he had been staying in a small mountain village before...

"This is called - Jin Lin is not a pond thing, once it encounters wind and cloud, it will turn into a dragon! "

Lin Chaoyang shouted in a tone full of middle school spirit in the face of the biting north wind.

Tao Yushu's thoughts were interrupted by her husband's wildness. She looked at the man's broad back. It was obviously such a childish behavior, but in her eyes it was full of romanticism.

Time passed by and it was already late November. The weather was getting colder and colder, and Weiming Lake began to freeze.

Every day, students from the south passed by to observe the thickness of the ice on the lake, hoping that they could go skating on the lake.

These days, Lin Chaoyang went to work during the day and ran to Yanshi University at night.

With the coordination of Associate Professor Huang Huilin, and the students finding Lin Chaoyang, a popular writer who has been famous in the literary world in the past two years, Yanshi University gave these students the best Strong support.

Not only did the school auditorium open to the rehearsal of the "No. 1 Restaurant in the World" crew, but also a special fund of 2,000 yuan was approved, which is almost equivalent to the salary of an ordinary employee for five or six years.

With the support of Yanshi University, all the students involved in the "No. 1 Restaurant in the World" crew are full of energy and enthusiasm.

However, the mood is the mood, but the reality is not optimistic.

Because they are all amateur actors, everyone couldn't even speak the lines fluently at the beginning. The amount of lines and the intensity of the performance of the three-act drama made many people exhausted just reading the lines. By the third scene, the lines were already weak.

After a week of continuous adaptation, under the constant training of Huang Huilin , this group of talents managed to hold the whole show, but there is still a long way to go before they can really perform for the public.

A few days later, it was cloudy and the north wind was howling, but there was a surge of enthusiasm on the campus of Yanda University.

At lunch, a group of students gathered in front of the big poster board in front of the big dining hall. The poster board said that the one-act play "Conscience" prepared by students from the Chinese Department will be officially premiered in the auditorium of the office building at 6:30 this evening.

Since the performance of "Beautiful Love" more than a month ago led to the drama craze in Yanda University and many surrounding universities, "Conscience" organized by Chen Jiangong has also become a topic of conversation among many students recently. Everyone pays a lot of attention to this drama.

It is finally going to be performed today, and many students All the students planned to go and find out.

In the evening, students were coming in and out of the auditorium of the school office building. The cold weather did not stop the students' enthusiasm at all.

Not only the students came to show their support, but most of the teachers in the Chinese Department also came today.

Yang Hui, Yuan Xingpei, Sun Yushi, Xie Mian, Hong Zicheng...

Except for a few older professors who were not present, all the people who should have come came, which can be said to have given enough face to these students.

As the absolute creator and soul of the drama "Conscience", Chen Jiangong was particularly excited tonight. For this drama, he not only invited Lin Chaoyang to help, but also invited acquaintances from the People's Art Theater. In addition to Lan Tianye that day, he also invited Lan Yinhai once later, which can be said to be well-intentioned.

Because it is a one-act play, the performance is not long, about half an hour.

At the curtain call, there was constant applause from the audience, and the creators excitedly bowed on the stage.

After getting off the stage, Xie Mian specially called all the creators over and introduced them one by one to the department chair Yang Hui.

"The play was well rehearsed, I think it has a bit of a humanistic feel!"

Yang Hui's comments made Chen Jiangong and others excited.

Watching "Conscience" today, Lin Chaoyang still sat next to Hong Zicheng. After Yang Hui finished talking to several students, Hong Zicheng dragged Lin Chaoyang to Yang Hui.

"Director, this is Comrade Chaoyang."

Yang Hui is now over eighty years old. He is short, slightly thin, with thick gray hair. He is wearing a blue tunic suit that has turned white after washing.

Hong Zicheng introduced Lin Chaoyang to him, and he showed a warm smile, "I know, I know. Everyone is talking about our great talent at Yan University."

He is from the Northeast and has been in Yanjing for many years, but his local accent has not changed, which makes Lin Chaoyang feel friendly when he hears it.

"You're flattered!" Lin Chaoyang said politely.

Hong Zicheng said: "Chaoyang has a deep research on contemporary literature, and we often communicate in private."

"Okay, okay, this is a good thing. Comrade Chaoyang is better at creation, and you are better at theoretical research. If we communicate and promote each other, maybe we can create different sparks."

Yang Hui responded to Hong Zicheng's words and said to Lin Chaoyang: "I read your article "Little Shoes" and it was very interesting. Now everyone is accusing and criticizing, how could you write in this direction?"

“I personally feel that the sentiment of accusations and revelations in the past two years actually stems from the unfair treatment in previous years. Objectively speaking, the fundamental reason for the popularity of many works is the emotional resonance, rather than the excellence of the works themselves.

As time passed, readers’ attention shifted and their empathy weakened, so the trend faded.

We still cannot treat it as a normal literary process, let alone some kind of creative path, or even a shortcut. "

Yang Hui nodded after listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, "I also read the article you posted in "October". I have a clear understanding, but I've been scolded a lot, right?"

When he said this, a narrow smile appeared on his face, and Lin Chaoyang also smiled and nodded.

Yang Hui added: "If you want to express your views publicly, you must be prepared to be criticized. Now it is very good. It is nothing more than back and forth in the newspapers."

His words reveal the indifference of having gone through many struggles and vicissitudes, which can be seen as a kind of encouragement to the younger generation.

The performance of "Conscience" was a success, and Chen Jiangong's script was praised by many teachers and students. Everyone praised the script of "Conscience" for being serious, cold, and sad, and that it has surpassed the level of student dramas.

Chen Jiangong's psychological pressure during this period was suddenly relieved by the praise from everyone, and his face was full of joy.

After the show ended, he grabbed Lin Chaoyang and said proudly, "How is it? My play is not worse than "Beautiful Love", right?"

"Look at your potential! People compare you with Renyi dramas, but you have to compare yourself with student dramas." Lin Chaoyang teased.

Chen Jiangong was stunned, changed the subject, and asked, "How's your script going?"

"It's lined up."

"I heard people from Yan Normal University talking about how amazing you are, and I almost praised you as if Lao She was still alive."

Lin Chaoyang had not read the script of "The First Floor in the World" to Chen Jiangong. It was only recently that the script was widely circulated in Yan Normal University, and he learned about it.

"The best building in the world! I should say it or not, just hearing this name gives me a sense of momentum. But..."

Chen Jiangong glanced up and down at Lin Chaoyang, "Those people from Yan Normal University always talk about what's wrong."

The implication is that Lin Chaoyang's level is average, and this is a reply to Lin Chaoyang's sarcasm just now.

Lin Chaoyang didn't defend himself, and the inscrutable smile on his face made Chen Jiangong feel unsure.

"why are you laughing?"

"Why don't you give in if I laugh?"

Chen Jiangong refused to grind his teeth with him and asked: "Tell me, buddy, what is your script about? Just listen to what they said, and no one said a good way. It makes people feel uncomfortable."

"Don't you know it when you wait for the performance? If you have a good meal, you won't be afraid of being late. Do you understand?"

The two hurt each other, but Chen Jiangong left angrily because he didn't understand the content of "The First Floor in the World" in detail.

Then two days later, when Lin Chaoyang was at work, Chen Jiangong ran to the library and said to him with a look of embarrassment: "Chaoyang, my brother's play is going to be at the December 9th Art Performance."

The so-called December 9th refers to an anti-Japanese and national salvation movement that took place on December 9, 1935. At that time, thousands of university and middle school students in Peiping held an anti-Japanese and national salvation demonstration, opposing North China's autonomy, resisting Japanese imperialism, demanding the preservation of China's territorial integrity, and setting off a new upsurge in the country's resistance to Japan and national salvation.

Since then, the activities have continued to spread across the country. The patriotic actions of Peiping students have received positive responses from students and people across the country, quickly forming a new upsurge in the national anti-Japanese democratic movement and promoting the establishment of the anti-Japanese national united front.

This year, Yanjing City stepped forward to organize the December 9th College Art Performance, inviting major universities including Shuimu, Yanjing University, Renmin University, Yanjing Normal University and other prestigious universities to participate. Chen Jiangong's "Conscience" was recommended by the school as a performance programme.

Originally it was just an activity for self-entertainment on campus, but now he can participate in a college performance held in Yanjing City. How could this not make Chen Jiangong excited?

More importantly, the venue for this performance was the Yanjing Municipal Government Auditorium.

Thinking that his play would be performed in front of thousands of elites from Yanjing's political and cultural circles and major universities, Chen Jiangong couldn't help but feel high-spirited, and felt proud in every pore of his body.

From then on, he had one more thing to brag about.

Seeing that Chen Jiangong was almost walking sideways, Lin Chaoyang said slowly: "Isn't this a coincidence?"

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