Literary Master 1978

Chapter 115 As long as you are happy

The commotion at the school gate pales in comparison to the formation in front of the auditorium. At early six o'clock, thousands of college students from both inside and outside the school had gathered outside the auditorium. If it is not handled well, it will be a serious gang incident.

After receiving the news, Jia Zhen did not dare to be careless and rushed here as soon as possible.

"...Thanks to all the students for your love for Yan Normal University and the drama "The First Floor in the World", you are able to brave such cold weather to come to watch the drama. Lao Jia, on behalf of Yan Normal University, thank you all.

Please also understand us, students. The popularity of "The First Floor in the World" is indeed beyond our expectations at Yantai Normal University.

Our auditorium has only 1,500 seats. Counting the aisles, we can only accommodate a maximum of 2,000 people.

Now, there are already more than 2,200 students in the auditorium, so there is no way to put more people in..."

The arrival of Jia Zhen made the noisy students quiet for a while. The students were originally looking forward to Jia Zhen's arrival to help everyone coordinate their entry into the auditorium, but he said that no more people could enter the auditorium. The students who had just been quiet for a while became excited again. stand up.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jia Zhen amplified his voice and pressed his hands down, "Everyone, listen to me, listen to me!"

""The First Floor in the World" is a drama that our school fully supports. Everyone is willing to watch it. As long as conditions permit, we will definitely perform it and let more students see this drama.

Not only our teachers and students at Yanjing Normal University, but also students from major universities in Yanjing, I, Jia Zhen, promise everyone here that you will definitely see this drama.

Today is December 6th, and there are three days left until the December 9th Capital University Art Performance. At that time, this drama will meet students from major universities in Yanjing.

Of course, I know that the performance can only allow a small number of students to see this play.

After December 9th, our Yanjing Normal University's "The First Floor in the World" will hold a tour in major universities in Yanjing. By then, students from every university, including you, will have a look at this show. The style of drama! "

Jia Zhen's voice was sonorous and powerful. Although the plan he proposed was not perfect, it was indeed feasible. After he finished speaking, the students below really became quiet.

Seeing this, Jia Zhen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, he was someone who had experienced war and turbulent times, but he didn't dare to be careless in the face of such a group of college students, who were all treasures of the country.

But at this moment, someone shouted from below.

"Secretary Jia, if you only think about other schools, what will happen to us Yan Normal University students? We haven't watched "The First Floor in the World" yet?"

"Yeah, we haven't seen the play our school put on yet!"

Among the thousands of students below, there are not only a large number of students from other schools, but also a small number of students from our own school. Jia Zhen's proposal only mentioned care for students from other schools, but some students from Yan Normal University felt that they were not taken seriously.

It is always easy to handle objections from students in our school. Jia Zhen shouted in a relaxed tone: "There are still several days before the 9th. Isn't there enough for you to watch? When the students from our brother schools finish watching, what do you want to watch?" What do you think?"

"Besides, our Yan Normal University has produced such a good drama, don't you want to show off?

They from Shuimu, Yan University, and National People's Congress have suppressed us every year. This time they have such a good opportunity to win? Why can't you grasp it? "

His words were lighthearted and humorous. Many of the students below were from the universities he had just named, and there was a burst of good-natured laughter from the crowd.

With Jia Zhen's promise, the situation at the entrance of the auditorium was finally averted.

He also offered to send everyone out of school. Although he was a bit suspicious of being escorted, it was still a different kind of attention.

The crowd finally began to loosen up and walked towards the main entrance of the division in an orderly manner.

Li Tong and others looked at each other, and Wang Xiaoping asked: "What about us?"

Chen Jiangong sighed, "Let's go, don't expect to be able to take advantage of today's situation."

Everyone thought so and followed the flow of people.

Less than ten minutes later, a team of thousands of people approached the school gate in a mighty manner, causing the crowd that had calmed down to become commotion again.

The security guard at the door was already frightened. Before the one outside the door was dealt with, the one from the school appeared again.

Fortunately, Secretary Jia Zhen walked at the front of the crowd and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw his face.

Jia Zhen repeated the promise he had just made in the auditorium at the school gate. The students at the gate also accepted the plan and gradually dispersed.

Watching the students gradually disappear into the night, Jia Zhen finally let out a long breath.

"Secretary, thank you so much for turning the tide today."

As soon as the Director of Security said the flattery, he received a fierce look from Jia Zhen.

"You failed to control the situation during yesterday's performance, and today you dare to let so many students into the school. Can you still do the work of the security department? What do you do as the director of the department?"

Jia Zhen's angry voice echoed through the gate of Yan Normal University.

Chen Jiangong's eyes swept around under the light, and finally he missed the crowd and met a familiar gaze.

"Old Blue!"


The two brushed against the crowd and held hands like a victorious meeting in Jinggangshan.

Then Lan Tianye complained, "Why didn't you tell me to be early? You came and waited for a long time, and you didn't even enter the school gate."

"We didn't go in either, didn't we? Why did I go to you late last night? It was because I had a feeling that "The Best Restaurant in the World" was going to be a hit. In the morning, you insisted that we had to rehearse during the day, and you dragged on until the evening, and you blamed me?"

The two complained to each other after the fact, but they couldn't change the result.

"I heard from the secretary just now that it will be performed tomorrow. I'll come again tomorrow." Lan Tianye said.

Chen Jiangong glanced at the security guard at the door, "Can you come in by yourself? Go to the People's Art Theater early tomorrow morning to get a letter of introduction. With your People's Art Theater's name, it will be easier to do things!"

Lan Tianye slapped his forehead, "I'm confused, I'm confused, I should do this today."

Of course, his words should not be taken seriously. Chen Jiangong talked a lot last night. He seemed to take it seriously, but he was always a little contemptuous in his heart. After all, it was just a student drama.

Today, seeing the crazy scene of college students for "The Best Restaurant in the World", he finally took the drama seriously in his heart.

After parting with Lan Tianye, Chen Jiangong and others took advantage of the night to return to Yanda.

On the way, Wang Xiaoping sighed, "I never thought that The World's No. 1 Restaurant would have such a big impact on students after only one day of performance."

"Our universities are close to each other, and students often move around, so news spreads quickly.

When we performed Conscience, didn't students from those schools also flock to our Yanda? It's just not as exaggerated as The World's No. 1 Restaurant." Liu Zhida said.

Everyone nodded with sympathy.

It has such a momentum after only one day of performance. Everyone dared not imagine how much reputation The World's No. 1 Restaurant would bring to Yanjing Normal University if it was performed for half a month, and how strong influence it would have on the Yanjing university community.

Today is the second day of The World's No. 1 Restaurant at Yanjing Normal University, and the performance and atmosphere in the auditorium are more popular than yesterday.

Young people always have a kind of naive paranoia. They will praise what they like to the sky, and they will trample on what they hate.

Although the script of "The Best Restaurant in the World" was written by Lin Chaoyang, he is also the husband of Yanshi University alumnus Tao Yushu and is regarded as one of their own by Yanshi University students.

During the two-day performance, despite the rough stage setting and sound effects and the immature performance of the actors, the brilliance of "The Best Restaurant in the World" was not obscured at all. On the contrary, in such a strong contrast, the powerful background and artistic appeal of this drama were more evident.

In the hearts of those students who have watched this drama, it has far exceeded the level of student dramas, and is not inferior to many professional troupes.

Earlier, when this drama was still on paper, many Yanshi University students who had read the script praised it for having "seven points of the charm of "Tea House"".

"Tea House" was born more than 20 years ago and has long become one of the insurmountable classics in the Chinese drama industry. When several students compared "The Best Restaurant in the World" with it, many people sneered.

But now that "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" has made its debut, it has become a sensation, and all the previous doubts have turned into applause, shouts and praises.

Today's curtain call lasted for more than 20 minutes. Unlike yesterday, when everyone left the auditorium with excitement after the performance, some students spontaneously stopped at the door of the auditorium after the performance.

The security guards who have been guarding here have just experienced the battle before the performance, and they are afraid that these students will make trouble again, so they ask these students to leave quickly.

But these students refused to leave, and waited at the door of the auditorium until a group of actors who had just removed their makeup and changed their costumes walked out of the auditorium, and they swarmed in at once.

"Lu Mengshi!"

"Chang Gui!"

"Yu Chu'er!"


The actors of "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" are mainly students from the Chinese Department of Yanshi University in 1977. Everyone was talking and laughing on their way out, but they were suddenly blocked by a group of people and were startled.

After hearing the shouts of these classmates, they realized that everyone was waiting for them.

In fact, these students didn't want to do anything when they were waiting here. They didn't prepare flowers or gifts. They just wanted to say a few words to these actors and get close to the idols shining on the stage.

On the stage, everyone was an actor and an audience, and everyone was a classmate off the stage. The actors didn't have any airs. After chatting for a while, the security guard came out again to chase them away, and the students left reluctantly.

Because of her close relationship with Tao Yushu, Wu Yingfang got the role of Yu Chu'er. She is the lover of the protagonist Lu Mengshi in "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" and the only female role among the more than 30 actors in the whole play.

A little red in the green, naturally won the love of many audiences.

Enjoying the pursuit and admiration of the students, she couldn't help but feel happy and floating in her heart.

"I heard that there is a rule in the Capital Theatre. Every day when the show is over, fans who like the show will wait at the gate of the theatre, waiting for the actors from the People's Art Theatre to ride by on bicycles and greet them." Wu Yingfang said with a sly smile.

Tao Yushu joked: "Yes, you are a big star now!"

"Go away, are you making fun of me?" Wu Yingfang said shyly.

"Well, of course it's a joke." Tao Yushu became serious and said: "But in our Yanshi University campus, you actors are really big stars now. I guess after a few more days of performances, someone will block the classroom to confess to you."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Wu Yingfang was tempted by Tao Yushu's words and her cheeks flushed.

After a few jokes, everyone separated, and Tao Yushu returned to Yanda with her classmates. It was already ten o'clock in the evening when she got home.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw a face that I had not seen for a long time.

"Sister~" Tao Yumo's voice was so sweet.

When you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something.

When her younger sister had been soft on her since she was young, she would always ask for her help.

Tao Yushu took off his coat and said, "If you have something to say, just say it!"

"Sister, your "No. 1 in the World" ranking is really good!"

"Have you gone to see it?" Tao Yushu asked.

Tao Yumo was choked by her, but was not discouraged, "No. I haven't had time yet? Really, I'm your sister. Why didn't you tell me about the premiere yesterday? I heard that you are going to Yanzhou today. People from Normal University are almost overcrowding the school?”

"Who did you listen to?"

"Of course they are the group of people who went to your school. Hundreds of people went to our school, but they didn't notice any of them. They returned to the dormitory at seven or eight o'clock, and the corridors were full of complaints..."

"Let's get down to business." Tao Yushu interrupted her chatter.

Tao Yumo laughed and said, "Sister, you can take me to your school tomorrow! They said that your Yan Normal University won't let people from other schools in now."

"Yeah, okay." Tao Yushu agreed.

"That's great, sister!" Tao Yumo hugged Tao Yushu and said, "I have a few classmates..."

"Don't push yourself too far. I'm just helping out on the set. How much authority do you think I have?"

Tao Yumo said reluctantly: "Don't lie to me, the script was written by my brother-in-law."

Her idea is actually correct. As a key figure in the birth of "The First Floor in the World", although Tao Yushu did not play a role in the play and only did some behind-the-scenes work, he still became the most popular person in Master Yan's mind in the past two days. Great hero.

Even if she doesn't hold any important position in the crew, she is still inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Tao Yumo stalked her sister, but in desperation, Tao Yushu finally had to agree that she could bring two classmates with her, but no more would be enough.

After returning to the room, Tao Yushu released all his strength and threw himself on the bed.

"Oh, it's so tiring to do the show!"

Lin Chaoyang asked: "Now that the play has started, you don't do physical work behind the scenes, so where are you tired?"

"I'm so tired!" Tao Yushu turned to him, "You don't even know that there was almost an accident in the auditorium tonight."

Lin Chaoyang nodded, "I heard what Yu Mo said. News spreads quickly among these students, and their legs are faster. It only takes one day."

When this topic was mentioned, Tao Yushu's fatigue disappeared and he sat up suddenly, his face excited.

"That's because your script is so good and you don't even know..."

From yesterday to today, Tao Yushu couldn't remember how many compliments he had heard, some of which were about her, but more of them were about Lin Chaoyang and "The First Floor in the World".

These praises and kind words filled Tao Yushu's heart. Lin Chaoyang did not go to Yan Normal University today, and she couldn't wait to share these honors with her as soon as she came back.

Under the light, her skin was as smooth as cream, so bright and beautiful that she couldn't find anything to look at.

Lin Chaoyang just looked at her quietly. It took a long time before Tao Yushu realized what he was doing and asked, "Why don't you speak?"

"I just listen to you."

"Are you happy?" Tao Yushu asked again.

"As long as you are happy." Lin Chaoyang's expression was full of doting.

Feeling the love in his words, Tao Yushu narrowed his eyes with a smile and threw himself into his arms.

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