Literary Master 1978

Chapter 118 How did I end up writing novels?

The disputes between students at Yanjing University over "The First Floor in the World" only spread among the student circles, but the impact of this drama was not limited to the student circles.

Since the end of the December 9 student art performance in the capital, the crew of "The First Floor in the World" has started touring major universities in Yanjing, which has also allowed the influence of this student drama to continue to spread outward.

Although university campuses may look like ivory towers, there are a large number of social elites hidden within them, especially in prestigious schools such as Shuimu and Yanda, which have invisibly maintained highly close ties with the cultural and literary circles of the capital.

The popularity of "The First Floor in the World" these days has naturally not escaped the eyes of those who are interested, so almost every performance during the Yanjing Normal University students' tour was more or less mixed with Yanjing culture. People in the world and drama industry.

This morning, Lin Chaoyang took a leave from the museum and came to Yanjing People's Art.

He is not unfamiliar with the area here. The Yanjing People's Art Center is behind the Capital Theater. He and his family have come here several times to watch plays at the Capital Theater.

But it was his first time to come to the back of the Capital Theater. The office building of Renyi was a typical Soviet-Russian architectural style, just like many buildings built in the 1950s.

There was a mailroom at the door. Lin Chaoyang registered and explained his intention. After a while, a person came down from upstairs. It was Lan Tianye who he had met twice before.

"Comrade Chaoyang, you came just in time, everyone is waiting for you!"

Lan Tianye led Lin Chaoyang upstairs. As he passed by, he took a look and saw that each room on the first floor of the office building had nameplates with the words dressing room, scene making workshop, etc.

Going up to the corridor on the second floor, there are offices on both sides, the light is dim, and the air is still filled with the aroma of cooking, which is floating down from upstairs. The top floor of the People's Art Office Building lives in the theater's newly married young actors.

The two walked to the door of the conference room, and Lan Tianye pushed the door open and entered.

There is a long table in the middle of the conference room, surrounded by a circle of chairs. Almost every chair is occupied by a middle-aged comrade. Many of them are familiar to Lin Chaoyang, having seen them before when watching dramas.

"This is Comrade Lin Chaoyang, the screenwriter of "The First Floor in the World". Of course, I think everyone is more familiar with his other name - Xu Lingjun! Everyone is welcome!"

Lan Tianye solemnly introduced Lin Chaoyang, and there was a burst of warm applause in the conference room.

Lin Chaoyang was a little uncomfortable with the solemn atmosphere. He sat down at the seat Lan Tianye had arranged for him, thinking that if there were more seat nameplates, it would be basically the same as holding a symposium.

So Zhi explained today's occasion to Lin Chaoyang. Almost everyone present was a member of the Humanities and Arts Committee.

After these few days, "The First Floor in the World" has passed the review of the Arts Committee. Today, I found Lin Chaoyang, mainly because this script was produced outside the academy, and no one knew much about the screenwriting and creation process. I thought Communicate more.

After listening to Yu Zhi's explanation, Lin Chaoyang said with a smile: "You are all seniors in the drama industry. I just wrote a script by chance. There are still many things that I have not learned about the drama industry and there are omissions. Please be patient.”

Everyone responded with smiles, so Zhi then said: "Then let's get started. Why don't Comrade Chaoyang talk about the creative opportunities of "The First Floor in the World" first?"

Lin Chaoyang nodded, and he used the same rhetoric he used at Yan Normal University again. He spoke in a relaxed and humorous tone for about ten minutes and then stopped, "The creative process of "The First Floor in the World" is probably so."

Lan Tianye was the first to raise a question and asked: "Chaoyang, Fujude in the script "The First Floor of the World" should be based on Quanjude, right? Have you experienced life in Quanjude before? I read the script. The description is quite detailed.”

"Experiencing life is out of the question. I have only been to Quanjude twice. Regarding some details in the script, it is mainly because I work in the Yanda Library. There are some rare ancient books on the sixth floor of the library, including some written by literati in the late Qing Dynasty. Miscellaneous articles, and then asking around the old Yanjing people.

Some things may not be right. If an expert sees it, it will probably make people laugh. "

Lan Tianye said with a smile: "It must be enough to fool a layman like me."

"Comrade Chaoyang, can we ask you about the ending of the character Lu Mengshi? He is the well-deserved protagonist in the script. You have created him in the most full, comprehensive and complex way.

I read in the script that Yu Chu'er suggested that Lu Mengshi occupy the magpie's nest, and he was actually moved.

In Act 2, Scene 2, the two of them had some plans. But by the time of the third act, eight years have passed. With Lu Mengshi's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to completely overshadow the two young masters of the Tang family. How could he be helpless just because he was bullied? "

The person who asked the question was Xia Chun, the veteran director of Renyi, one of the four major directors in the early days of Renyi.

What he raised was a question about the plot connection and logic of the script. Lin Chaoyang replied thoughtfully:

"This is mainly due to two considerations. One is that when I originally wrote the script, I considered it to be a student drama, and the duration should not be too long. The other reason is that I think this plot would be a bit redundant and the pace would be slow if written."

Lin Chaoyang answered in an orderly manner, and Xia Chun nodded, recognizing his statement.

Lin Chaoyang initially thought it was incorrect to think that today was a "symposium". After answering a few questions, he even felt that it was a script troubleshooting session.

He dealt with everyone's questions one by one, and seeing that the time was almost up, he asked curiously: "Chaoyang, we all think this couplet at the end of the script is a masterpiece. It not only fits the theme, but also has a long aftertaste. You How did you come up with it?”

Lin Chaoyang smiled sheepishly.

"I don't dare to take credit for this. This couplet actually comes from the "Collection of Couplets". It is said that the first couplet was inscribed by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty to a restaurant, and the second couplet is Ji Xiaolan's attribute.

However, this cannot be argued to be true or false. Emperor Kangxi and Ji Xiaolan were far apart in age, and Ji Xiaolan was not yet born when Kangxi died. Maybe Ji Xiaolan was right later. I haven't done any specific research on this, so I dare not make any judgments.

I discovered the couplet by accident and found it very interesting and in line with the theme of "The First Floor in the World".

In the script, Fujude's "building a high building" is used throughout, from no building to building a building, and then to this building being magnificent and making money every day, highlighting the career symbolized by the building.

The 'dangerous building' is more in line with the process of success and failure in the script.

Of course, what touches me most in this couplet is the sentence ‘Who is the host and who is the guest?’ How consistent is this with the experience of the protagonist Lu Mengshi?

In the dream, I didn't know that I was a guest. Poor Lu Mengshi was welcomed and sent away for the rest of his life, but he never understood this level.

In fact, not only Lu Mengshi, who worked hard and had great ambitions, but also Chang Gui, who endured hardship with a smile all his life and finally died of grief and anger, and Xiu Dingxin, who saw through current affairs and was cynical, which one of them is not like this?

From the expression to the content, this couplet directly captures the true meaning of life. People who have experienced vicissitudes of life call it a sigh, and those who are unwilling to do so call it a cry.

The flavor of life is all contained here.

The second line of the second line was originally 'half suitable for the bright moon and half suitable for the wind'. I changed 'half' to 'hour'. Although I ignored the neatness and smoothness of the original sentence, it may be closer to what I want to express, and it is also more in line with "The World" The charm of the drama "The First Floor". "

At this point, Lin Chaoyang stopped.

Everyone couldn't help but spontaneously applaud, and looked at Lin Chaoyang with eyes filled with admiration.

If I didn't have a profound understanding of literature and drama creation, I wouldn't be able to say what I just said.

"Chaoyang said it well. It really opened our eyes and gained us knowledge."

So Zhi clapped his hands and sighed. Although he got the script of "The First Floor in the World" from Renyi, he didn't know more about the script than anyone else.

He listened to Lin Chaoyang's understanding of the script from beginning to end. In addition to admiration, he was also glad that the script "The First Floor in the World" was finally obtained by Renyi.

"Chaoyang, I have one last question, and it can't be considered a question." So Zhi said again.

"Please speak!" Lin Chaoyang said harmoniously.

"No surprise, the focus of our art next year will be the drama "The First Floor in the World". We will inevitably need to do some publicity then. Can you summarize the plot concisely? We will use these words on promotional posters and on the program list.”

After hearing what Su Zhi said, Lin Chaoyang looked thoughtful.

Others looked at him expectantly. Lin Chaoyang had just shown his profound understanding of creation and scripts. Everyone was curious about how he would summarize such a rich script.

“You push cups and cups at the table, and all the five flavors are on the plate;

Who understands the bitter, spicy, sour and sweet food in the capital of humanity? "

Lin Chaoyang read out four sentences in a soft but firm voice, and when everyone heard them, they all looked solemn.

Everyone chewed on these four sentences over and over, and felt that they were profoundly philosophical and meaningful. They really perfectly summarized the content of "The First Floor in the World" in such a short sentence.

"Okay!" Zhu Xu looked excited and took the lead in clapping his hands and shouting "ok" loudly.

Everyone also applauded and praised him without hesitation.

At this point in the meeting, everyone's questions have been answered, and Lin Chaoyang's mission has been completed.

After resting for a while, Lin Chaoyang said goodbye, so Zhi took him to the Finance Department and received a remuneration of 200 yuan.

The full text of the script of "The First Floor" is more than 30,000 words. If it were written in narrative language, it would probably be 100,000 words. But the script is different. It is a condensed art. The emphasis on the stage is to portray the characters through dialogue, and the words must be refined.

Even based on the number of words in the script, the standard of six yuan per thousand words is not high.

Not only now, but also in later generations. By around 2000, screenwriters at Renyi were only paid 1,000 yuan for writing a 30,000-word script. At the same time, screenwriters were paid 10,000 yuan to write a TV series script outside.

Prices have not risen in the past few years, and the atmosphere for dramas is booming. In the future, doing dramas will really become a source of electricity for love.

Lin Chaoyang originally didn't write "The First Floor in the World" to make money, so it was an unexpected blessing to receive royalties. He didn't say anything more, but he thanked Zhi Zhi, and Zhi Zhi stopped him again.

"Chaoyang, I heard that you don't have an establishment at Yanda yet?"


Listening to Su Zhi's tone, Lin Chaoyang probably guessed what he wanted to say.

As expected, Su Zhi immediately spoke: "Have you ever thought about coming to our Renyi? Your talent in drama creation is so outstanding, it would be a pity not to come to our Renyi."

If Lin Chaoyang was a young man with no money now, he would probably jump for joy after being recruited by Su Zhi.

But now he already has a name, and the People's Art Theatre can't give him benefits. It's better to join the army than to come to the People's Art Theatre. He refused Yu Zhi's recruitment without thinking.

Yu Zhi persuaded him: "At least you have a position here. You can leave again when you find a good place in the future!"

He used a retreat to advance, but Lin Chaoyang smiled and said indifferently: "The position is irrelevant to me."

Yu Zhi sighed helplessly. He almost forgot that Lin Chaoyang was not only a good scriptwriter, but also a young writer who was very popular in the past two years.

Although everyone valued the position at this time, it was not a difficult task for him.

"Then... write some scripts when you have time. Writing novels all the time will make your thinking rigid. It's good to write scripts occasionally to relax your mind."

Yu Zhi almost hit Lin Chaoyang in the face with abacus beads.

He looked at Lin Chaoyang's back as he left, his eyes full of regret and disappointment.

What a good playwright seedling, how could he go astray by writing novels?

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