Lin Chaoyang thought and replied: "The story is still a bit warm, but the style is a bit different, more inclined to stream of consciousness literature."

Li Tuo immediately became excited when he heard it, "Stream of consciousness? I haven't seen a few domestic writers write stream of consciousness novels, and even fewer write well."

Although stream of consciousness literature was introduced to China very early, because the domestic literary world has been advocating classicism, revolutionary romanticism and realism for so many years, there is no development at all.

In recent years, the atmosphere of the literary world has gradually opened up, and people's minds have begun to be liberated. Many people in the literary world have begun to be interested in stream of consciousness, but there has never been any influential representative works.

Even for the vast majority of people in the literary world, stream of consciousness literature is still a very novel and fashionable term.

"I remember a paper published by Yuan Kejia in the Journal of Literary Research in 1964. It seemed to be called "A Review of American and British "Stream of Consciousness" Novels". It said that modern stream of consciousness novels are works that express various decadent ideas after the decline of the bourgeoisie. They are too reactionary and decadent, anti-social, anti-rational, and anti-realistic."

Li Tuo mentioned the paper from more than ten years ago. Zhu Wei and Tao Yucheng had never heard of it, but Lin Chaoyang took over the topic.

"I have read his article. Many parts are well written. Joyce's "Ulysses", Woolf's "To the Lighthouse", Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury"... His analysis of these stream of consciousness works is very specific and in-depth.

But some parts are still too deliberate, imposing ideological things on literary creation. But it is rare. It is probably the only article in China that seriously reviews stream of consciousness literature in so many years."

Seeing that Lin Chaoyang was familiar with the content of the paper, Li Tuo couldn't help but give him a higher evaluation in his heart.

At a time when most people in the literary world had not yet paid attention to stream-of-consciousness literature, Lin Chaoyang not only carefully studied the books and papers on this subject, but also personally created such a novel. He admired such pioneering and enterprising spirit.

Zhu Wei listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

He had never even heard of some of the things that Li Tuo and Lin Chaoyang discussed, let alone read them.

The only thing he knew was Faulkner, thanks to "Foreign Literature and Art".

"Chaoyang, several short stories by Faulkner were published in "Foreign Literature and Art" last month." Zhu Wei said.

Lin Chaoyang nodded, "Yes, I noticed it too."

"Foreign Literature and Art" is a bimonthly magazine published by Shanghai Translation Publishing House. It mainly translates contemporary foreign literary and artistic works and theories, introduces representative schools, reflects new foreign literary trends and dynamics, and also introduces some literary works that have won major international awards. It is one of the few channels in China that allows literary lovers to get in touch with contemporary foreign literature in this era.

In the sixth issue of December 1979, Foreign Literature and Art began to systematically introduce the concept of stream-of-consciousness literature, and published several short stories by Faulkner, a representative writer of stream-of-consciousness literature. It seems that other stream-of-consciousness writers will be introduced in the future.

"I see that by next year, the term 'stream-of-consciousness literature' will not be a new thing." Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

Li Tuo said humorously: "By then, everyone will write stream-of-consciousness, and you may even be able to become a 'leader'."

Lin Chaoyang said easily: "I don't want to be a 'leader', just don't criticize me as NGSS."

What he called "criticism" was not "PD", but "PP".

Now the revolutionary romanticism in the domestic literary world has been suppressed, but the mainstream trend is still realism, and the style of stream-of-consciousness literature is still incompatible with the mainstream.

"Are you planning to deepen your research in the direction of stream-of-consciousness literature?" Zhu Wei asked Lin Chaoyang.

He shook his head, "No, that's not the case. This time it's purely because I set the season in the novel in summer. I want that kind of psychedelic feeling, just like when you look up at the sun in summer, you will have that kind of dazzling dizziness for a moment."

As soon as Lin Chaoyang said this, Li Tuo and Zhu Wei immediately understood the atmosphere and feeling he wanted to express.

Lin Chaoyang can explain what he wants to show readers so clearly and accurately, and his control of the content and emotions of the novel must be extremely accurate.

The two of them couldn't help but have a strong expectation for Lin Chaoyang's work.

After a long chat, at eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yucheng left Li Tuo's house.

On the way home, Tao Yucheng suddenly felt a little emotional.

His brother-in-law usually doesn't show his talent, but occasionally he shows his talent, which always makes people amazed.

Tao Yucheng is a literary youth after all, but there are many topics that Lin Chaoyang and Li Tuo talked about today that he only knows the basics of, and he doesn't know where to start if he wants to participate.

Lin Chaoyang, however, was able to talk freely and well with Li Tuo, and even made Li Tuo admire him, which forced Tao Yucheng to refresh his understanding of his brother-in-law.

It seems that Chaoyang's novels are so good not by chance, but through practical learning and accumulation.

Two days later, Lin Chaoyang found his colleague Du Rong reading "Harvest" at work.

The January issue of "Harvest" has just been released. As one of the most influential publications in the domestic literary world, "Harvest" has always been a must-read for many literary lovers.

"Chaoyang, have you read this issue of "Harvest"?" Du Rong asked Lin Chaoyang after finishing lunch.

"No, what's wrong?"

Du Rong said: "It's nothing. I just saw a novel that is very similar in style to your "Wrangler" and "Little Shoes"."

Lin Chaoyang was a little surprised. He didn't expect Du Rong's sense to be so sharp.

Before Lin Chaoyang could speak, Du Rong turned over the magazine and showed it to Lin Chaoyang, "Look, it's this one, "Parental Love"."

"Parental Love" is the novel that Lin Chaoyang sent to Li Xiaolin before. This novel is based on the later TV series of the same name.

In fact, the TV series itself is also adapted from a novel, but the adaptation is not a complete novel, but a collection of short stories and short stories written by military writer Liu Jing.

The plot of the TV series is actually a mixture of seven stories from the novel collection, and Lin Chaoyang refined these stories into a novella of 120,000 words.

The TV series "Parents' Love" won many honors such as the Magnolia Award, the Feitian Award, and the National Outstanding TV Drama Award for the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party in the year it was aired. It scored as high as 9.4 on Douban.

As we all know, Douban has always been harsh on domestic literature, film and television works, and the high score of 9.4 scored by more than 380,000 people is enough to prove the excellence of this story.

Lin Chaoyang's version of "Parental Love" still uses the fifty-year relationship between naval officer Jiang Defu and wealthy girl An Jie as a clue. It tells the story of the two people who jointly overcame the differences in origin, the disparity in education levels, the harsh living environment, and... The story of surviving difficulties in special times and raising five children through ups and downs together.

However, the time span of the novel has been adjusted. The timeline of "Parental Love" has changed to start on the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China and finally stopped in 1978 when the old man announced the reform and opening up.

"What do you think of this novel?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

Du Rong hesitated, "I told you not to be angry."

"What do I have to be angry about?" Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

"I think this novel is better than your "Wrangler" and "Little Shoes"."

After Du Rong said this, she looked at Lin Chaoyang with some embarrassment.

He joked: "You've said it all, why are you still afraid of offending others?"

"It's not because I'm afraid of offending others, it's because I care about your feelings."

"Then you shouldn't have said it."

Seeing his relaxed expression, Du Rong didn't take it to heart and said with a smile, "I knew you wouldn't be angry."

"Then tell me, how is this novel better than my novel?"

Du Rong thought seriously, and after a while he said: "Let me first talk about the similarities between your works. The similarity is that the stories are all plain, simple and warm. As for the advantages of "Parental Love", I I don’t know if what I think is right, just listen and see.”

"I think the first thing is the storyline. Due to length reasons, the time span in "Parental Love" is as long as thirty years.

The story not only shows Jiang Defu and An Jie's decades of marriage and mutual affection, but also closely interweaves individual destiny with social changes, showing the historical scene from the 1940s to the 1970s.

In terms of the depth and breadth of the story, it is more watchable than "The Wrangler" and "Little Shoes".

Another is the design of conflicts in the story. Compared with the peaceful and soothing rhythms of "The Wrangler" and "Little Shoes", the conflicts in "Parental Love" are more intense.

Because it involves not only the individual and the family, but also the three levels of society.

Differences in origin, conflicts of ideas, trivial family matters, intergenerational communication... Every single question can be made into a big deal.

But this author actually integrated so many issues into one novella, which is quite a luxury.

But the advantage of this is also obvious, that is, the conflicts in the novel are full of tension and fascinating.

The last point I think "Parental Love" does well is in its structure. Because it is a narrative method that spans a long time, you can clearly see the independent chapters of each stage of the novel.

But this structure also ensures the coherence of the main line, the plot is clear, the emotions are progressive, and the ending is full of power. "

After saying so much in one breath, Du Rong touched her hair unconfidently in the end and said, "I don't know if what I said is right or not, it's all my feelings anyway."

Lin Chaoyang nodded and said: "That's right. Every sentence is on point. I think it's enough for you to write a review."

Hearing his affirmation, Du Rong's face showed some confidence, "Don't fool me."

"I'm serious. Not only did you look at it carefully, you also summed it up very well."

Du Rong couldn't help but grinned with a bright smile.

"Parental Love" has only been published for a few days. Du Rong is considered one of the earliest readers of this novel. After hearing her evaluation of the novel, Lin Chaoyang felt much more at ease.

Du Rong is a college student and works in a library. She reads far more than ordinary readers. Her ability to rate "Parental Love" so highly proves the quality of this novel.

Two days later, seeing that the New Year was approaching, Tao Yushu had already prepared all the New Year's goods he was going to bring back to Northeast China.

Returning to the Northeast was decided last year. Considering that Lin Chaoyang had not returned to his hometown for more than a year, Tao Yushu had discussed with Tao's father to spend this year in the Northeast.

Tao's parents and Lin Chaoyang went to the Northeast, while Tao Yucheng's family and Tao Yumo stayed in Yanjing.

Tao Yumo had never been to the Northeast since she was a child. She had been clamoring to go, but was rejected by Tao Yushu.

One more person would cost an extra fifty yuan for the train ticket.

This year's New Year's Eve is February 15th. Yanda will start school at the end of February. After discussion, everyone decided to leave on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month and come out on the third day of the first lunar month.

It takes a total of nine days to go back and forth. Excluding nearly four days on the road, it is just right to spend the New Year in the Northeast.

Now train tickets can only be bought three days in advance, and they have to be purchased at the pre-sale point. If you go directly to the train station, you can only buy tickets for the same day or the next day.

Counting the days, Lin Chaoyang was planning to go to the pre-sale point at Xizhimen to buy tickets this morning, but he ran into Du Feng when he went out.

"Why did you come here in such a cold weather?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

"It's still about the house."

"What's going on?"

"I think Lin Fugui is a little anxious. He and Jianjun came to play with me that day and mentioned that someone wanted to buy his house."

Jianjun is a mutual friend of Du Feng and Lin Fugui. It was because of him that Du Feng knew that Lin Fugui wanted to sell his house.

Lin Chaoyang immediately understood what Du Feng meant when he heard what he said. If someone really wanted to buy Lin Fugui's house, he would not specifically mention it to Du Feng.

"Then ask him out to meet and talk."

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

After making an appointment to talk to Lin Fugui about the house, Du Feng saw Lin Chaoyang going out and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Buy a train ticket and go back to the Northeast in two days."

"Are you going back with my two sisters?"

"And your aunt and uncle."

"It's not easy to buy a ticket now. You definitely can't buy a sleeper ticket."

"I'll go and see first. If it doesn't work, I'll find a way." Lin Chaoyang said.

Du Feng stopped him and said, "Come on, leave it to me."

The next day, Du Feng's ears were red from the cold and he showed up at Langrun Lake Apartment. He not only bought sleeper tickets for Lin Chaoyang and his friends, but also arranged the transfer for them.

Nephew Du Feng helped to arrange the train tickets back to the Northeast, which made Tao's mother feel proud.

"Brother-in-law, I see you are leaving the day after tomorrow. If the house issue doesn't work out, let's move it to after the New Year." Du Feng suggested.


It's the New Year, and no one can sell the house at this time.

Everything was ready. On the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu and their parents went to the train station with large and small bags.

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