Literary Master 1978

Chapter 139 Exaggerated Sales

The one who was more disappointed than everyone else was Chen Jiangong. He had always been the one who had the best relationship with Lin Chaoyang in the Chinese Department of the Class of 1977.

But in his heart, he actually had some thoughts of competing with Lin Chaoyang, especially after the drama craze last year.

Lin Chaoyang's "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" was a far cry from his "Conscience". Chen Jiangong thought at the time that he could not beat Chaoyang in writing a drama, but he might have a chance in writing a novel.

Although Lin Chaoyang had published several novels that had a great impact, he believed that he had entered the field of novel writing much earlier than Lin Chaoyang, and that he might have a chance to catch up with and surpass Lin Chaoyang after accumulating a lot of experience.

He had indeed been working hard on his creation in recent months, but today he heard from Zhang Yaozhong that Lin Chaoyang had won awards for two works under two pen names, and he couldn't help but feel powerless.

That feeling was like an ordinary person facing Bolt. He naively thought that he was also a human being and had two legs, so he might have a chance to beat Bolt in the 100-meter race.

But little do people know that the gap between people may sometimes be greater than the gap between people and dogs.

You run as hard as you can, but it's not as good as others strolling leisurely.

Chen Jiangong shook his head helplessly. Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, he knew that in the field of novel writing, he would never be able to surpass Lin Chaoyang in his life.

The news in dormitory 332 soon spread throughout Building 32 and the Chinese Department. Students talked about Lin Chaoyang's performance in the National Excellent Short Story Award.

Everyone was also very interested in Lin Chaoyang's other pseudonym Wang Qinglai. Many people even went to read "Qiu Ju Goes to Court" and "Parents' Love". After reading, they couldn't help but sigh that it was no wonder that they won the award. They were really well written.

Yanshi University, teaching on the second floor.

Just after class, the students were walking out of the classroom. Wu Yingfang and Tao Yushu talked about the "People's Daily" they saw in the morning.

"Your Chaoyang is really amazing. He was even on the People's Daily!"

"It's not that he is amazing, it's that people mentioned him when reporting on the awards." Tao Yushu said.

Wu Yingfang joked: "There are so many winners, why didn't you report on others? In the reports, besides him, there are big names like Mao Dun and Zhou Yang. I think your Chaoyang will be like them in another 20 years."

"You are getting more and more exaggerated!"

Tao Yushu didn't respond to Wu Yingfang's words. She said a few words to herself and felt boring. She changed the topic and talked about the revival of "The Best Restaurant in the World".

Last December, "The Best Restaurant in the World" came out and shocked the entire Yenching University and cultural circles. The students of Yenching University performed more than a dozen shows in a row, and their physical strength had reached the limit at that time.

Fortunately, because it was close to the end of the semester, the crew naturally entered a state of recuperation.

Since the start of school in March, student unions of Yenching universities have contacted Yenching University, hoping that "The Best Restaurant in the World" can continue the tour that was not completed last year.

But there were a lot of things to do at the beginning of the school year, so the crew kept dragging their feet.

As April was approaching, the students' studies had stabilized, so everyone had the idea of ​​re-staging the play.

After the two chatted for a while, Wu Yingfang asked again: "I don't know what the progress of the version of the People's Art Theatre is now? I really want to see "The World's No. 1 Restaurant" on the stage of the People's Art Theatre as soon as possible."

"It should be soon, it is said to be performed in the first half of the year."

Wu Yingfang stopped Tao Yushu's arm, "Yushu, we have such a good relationship, you have to get me a ticket for the premiere."

Tao Yushu smiled, "The World's No. 1 Restaurant was originally staged by our school, are you still afraid of not having tickets?"

"That's right."

"How could you do this? How could you do this?" Liu Xinwu looked at Lin Chaoyang with a face full of resentment, chattering in his mouth, like a grudge.

"It's a pity that our "October" also published a review of "Parents' Love" this month!"

Lin Chaoyang looked helpless.

The Writers Association organized a symposium on the National Excellent Short Story Award these two days. Liu Xinwu learned that Lin Chaoyang had just finished writing a novel some time ago, but gave it to "Contemporary", and he was immediately furious.

Previously, "The Wreath under the Mountain" was originally intended for "October", but the army intervened and insisted that "October" was not influential enough, so it was forced to "People's Literature".

Now Lin Chaoyang finally has a new work, and he didn't even see the manuscript, but it was given to "Contemporary". How can Liu Xinwu balance his mind?

"I just finished writing the manuscript, and the other party's attitude is very sincere, and the manuscript fee is also high. What do you want me to do?"

Liu Xinwu couldn't listen to such an explanation, so Lin Chaoyang changed his words, "You are the same, you have to wait for me to send you the manuscript. Look at the subjective initiative of "Contemporary", who can you blame?"

It's okay that the manuscript is gone, but he was also blamed by Lin Chaoyang, which made Liu Xinwu feel depressed.

"So do you have any new works recently?"

After struggling for a long time, he finally let it go. Anyway, he can write as long as he is still alive.

"I have a lot of things to do recently, and I am still thinking about it." Lin Chaoyang said.

Liu Xinwu nodded slightly. He understood this point. Apart from other things, it takes several days to judge an award.

After taking four consecutive days off, Lin Chaoyang finally appeared in the library near the end of the month, and immediately attracted the attention of his colleagues.

During the days when he was away, the news about him in the library never stopped.

So far, there are no influential literary awards in China. The National Outstanding Short Story Award is the first of its kind. It has a huge influence in the literary world and among readers. The ability of literature to create stars is not inferior to the Mao Dun Literary Award a few years later. .

Lin Chaoyang's double award not only set a record for the National Outstanding Short Story Award, but also made his name the focus of attention in the domestic literary circle and all people who care about literature in just a few days.

The library is where Lin Chaoyang works, so naturally everyone pays more attention to him than others.

This week, it was Lin Chaoyang's turn to be on duty at the front desk. He dealt with it for a while, and his colleagues gradually dispersed. He wanted to work with peace of mind, but found that the eyes of the students coming and going would always be on him, and from time to time there would be students. Come up and have a chat with him and express your love for him and his works.

"Chaoyang, why don't you go to the library?"

The students of Yan University are not as fanatical as the star-chasing girls, but there are too many people coming to chat, which will affect the efficiency of the front desk of the library to some extent.

Hu Wenqiong barely had the word "dislike" written on her face. Lin Chaoyang didn't care, and was even a little happy: "Then I'll ask Du Rong to come down."

The front desk is facing the students, so it’s not as fun to fish for fish as it is to stay in the library!

After catching fish for a long time, I happily left work in the evening.

After going to bed at night, Tao Yushu said: "I have to get a bicycle ticket in the next few days."

Overseas Chinese Apartment is located in the West Third Ring Road, a few kilometers away from both Yan'an University and Yan'an Normal University. Tao Yushu's schooling is a little more convenient than before.

However, Lin Chaoyang's commute time to work has become longer. Fortunately, he has developed the habit of running in the past six months. Riding a bicycle to work for half an hour in the morning is just a different way of exercising.

The house in the Overseas Chinese Apartment has been undergoing minor repairs these days, costing almost three hundred yuan. It has been sorted out in the past two days and can be moved in at any time. Now Lin Chaoyang still needs a bicycle for commuting.

"I'll go to work tomorrow to find out who has a bicycle ticket!"

These days, tickets for large-scale industrial products are scarce resources and are easily out of reach.

Lin Chaoyang asked around the workplace and found that there were more than 100 people in the library, but they didn't even have a bicycle ticket.

Back home, when Lin Chaoyang explained the situation, Tao Yushu was scratching his head.

Overseas Chinese Apartment is several kilometers away from Yanda. Lin Chaoyang can't possibly walk to and from work every day, right?

"How about I ask eldest brother?" Lin Chaoyang suggested.

Although Tao Yushu usually looked down on his eldest brother, he recognized his ability to make friends with friends. It seemed appropriate to leave this kind of thing to him.

Lin Chaoyang went to Tao Yucheng and told him the situation. Tao Yucheng smiled and said: "Two days ago, I was thinking about how you would move here and work. No problem, I'll take care of it!"

Two days later, it was already early April. The grass was growing on the campus of Yanjing University and the orioles were flying. The weeping willows by the Weiming Lake were green, the waves were shining, and the spring was beautiful.

The students of Yan University who have been waiting all winter are ready to take action. The school will hold a sports meeting in April, and sports activists from various departments want to take advantage of this opportunity to show off.

Even Lin Chaoyang and his library had to participate. Lin Chaoyang was a new force in the library. He was considered young among students in his early twenties. Naturally, he was included in the ranks of athletes by the library, and he was specially approved to have sports every morning. Two hours of exercise time.

Lin Chaoyang usually runs for exercise, so he signed up for a 1,500-meter long-distance running event.

After practicing for a few days, and seeing that the sports meeting was about to start, Liang Junshu from Warrior Publishing House suddenly came to the door.

It was said that the publishing house was going to hold a workshop for "Garland Under the Mountain", and the time was set for April 9th, which was the day of the sports meeting.

Lin Chaoyang wanted to refuse, but Liang Junshu said: "This seminar is considered a political mission. The leaders of ZZ will participate, and Wei Wei and Feng Mu will also be present. The standards are very high."

Having just attended the symposium for three days in a row, Lin Chaoyang really had no interest in the seminar, but Warrior Publishing House had set the tone of the seminar so high that he couldn't even think about going.

On the 9th, Lin Chaoyang came to the Warrior Publishing House located in Pinganli, Xicheng District.

The seminar was held in the conference room of the publishing house. The scale was not large, but as Liang Junshu said, the standards were very high.

ZZ has two leaders, two heavyweight writers in military literature, Wei Wei and Xu Huaizhong, and the critic Feng Mu, plus several senior editors from several publishing houses and editorial departments. Today’s seminar has guest specifications. The aspect is really high.

Unlike ordinary symposiums, the atmosphere of today's seminar was somewhat serious, probably because of the participation of troops.

Lin Chaoyang spoke according to the script for about twenty minutes, and then handed over the topic to others.

Half a day passed by in a flash, and the atmosphere finally relaxed at the end of the seminar.

Xu Huaizhong is one of the editorial board members of "People's Literature". He talked about the time when he was entrusted by the army to submit manuscripts to "People's Literature". He said with some regret: "Comrade Chaoyang's military novels are so good. It’s a shame to continue creating.”

Lin Chaoyang said with a smile: "It was just the right time to write "High Mountain". I don't know much about military affairs and war, so it was very difficult to write. No matter how much I write, I may not be able to write a book better than "High Mountain"."

Wei Wei nodded and said, "With the example of "High Mountain", it is really difficult to write again. You have not only given yourself a difficult problem, but also given a difficult problem to those colleagues who write military-themed works."

Wei Wei's words were half joking and half praise. "The Wreath Under the High Mountain" was published less than a year ago, but its influence is far beyond that of ordinary military-themed novels. It has greatly made military-themed novels appear in the mainstream literary world.

"I saw a report saying that "Parental Love" was also written by you. That novel also describes some military life. It is very close to reality, with plain language, rich details, delicate emotions, and lively characters. It is an excellent work."

Being able to say "excellent" from a famous writer like Wei Wei is undoubtedly the highest praise for "Parental Love".

"You are too kind." Lin Chaoyang said politely.

At the end of the seminar, Lin Chaoyang waved goodbye to everyone.

Liang Junshu saw him out and talked about the distribution of "The Wreath Under the High Mountain".

"Some time ago, the ZZ issued a document calling on the whole army to read "High Mountain". The first print of 300,000 copies was almost sold out as soon as it was released.

During this period, we have reprinted twice, and now the total print volume has reached 700,000 copies.

At this rate, sales will exceed one million copies in less than three months."

When Liang Junshu spoke, his expression was a little surprised. Even though he was the editor-in-charge of "High Mountain" and even though he knew in advance that the whole army was called on to read, the number of one million copies within three months was still shocking.

Lin Chaoyang nodded. With the support of the army, breaking one million copies in three months is not a new thing. The real sales volume will depend on the wave of reading in the army.

The single volume of "The Wreath under the Mountain" will be released at the end of February. The royalties will be paid every three months. With the current sales of the novel, it will be a considerable amount of royalties.

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