Literary Master 1978

Chapter 141 I dare not even think about it (more updates with monthly tickets)

Tao Yushu was a little sad after just moving, but she moved in the morning and Tao Yumo followed in the afternoon, and her sadness immediately disappeared without a trace.

The first thing Tao Yumo did when she came was to take a hot bath. The hot water in the Overseas Chinese Apartment was available from morning to night, so it was so convenient to take a bath. She no longer had to go to the bathhouse, and she didn't even have to worry about how much hot water she used.

Tao Yumo hummed a song while taking a bath, and she was in a good mood.

Listening to her sister's movements, Tao Yushu smiled helplessly.

This girl has been spoiled since she was a child, and she is always a worry wherever she goes.

The next morning, Lin Chaoyang rode his bicycle to work, and Tao Yumo shouted behind him.

"Brother-in-law, wait for me, wait for me!"

When we arrived at the school, the library should have been busy on Monday, but it was relatively leisurely for most of the day.

It is said that there are foreign guests from Italy visiting Yanda today, and the school organized an event, and all the students went to participate, so the library naturally became deserted.

After work, Lin Chaoyang habitually walked out of the library and headed north. He didn't realize it until he walked more than 20 meters.

Shaking his head, he returned to the library to get his bicycle. Before he rode out of the triangle, he heard a greeting.

He turned around and saw that it was Hong Zicheng, accompanied by two other teachers from the Chinese Department, Sun Yushi and Xie Mian.

"Brother Zicheng, Teacher Sun, Teacher Xie!" Lin Chaoyang greeted the three of them.

Hong Zicheng looked at his car, "Just bought? It seems that you have moved to a new home."

"Yes, I moved yesterday. Do you have time this weekend? Please go to warm the pot."

"That's great, we just happened to visit the Overseas Chinese Apartment." Several people said with a smile.

After chatting for a few words, Lin Chaoyang greeted several people and left.

Hong Zicheng looked at Lin Chaoyang's back and said enviously: "Young and famous, with a beautiful wife and family, and a mansion and fine clothes!"

Xie Mian laughed and said: "Why are you suddenly jealous?"

"I'm not jealous, I'm envious. Chaoyang is so young and so talented, who can't be envious?" Hong Zicheng said with a laugh.

Sun Yushi nodded, "Indeed. If I hadn't heard everyone say it, I wouldn't have known that he not only has the pen name Xu Lingjun, but also has two works published under the pen name Wang Qinglai. He can still be published in authoritative publications under a different pen name, which is really good."

"Yesterday I was still reading "Parents' Love", which is quite interesting. He always seems to find a different angle from others when writing novels, which makes people unforgettable at first glance." Xie Mian said.

Sun Yushi said: "I think the response to "Parents' Love" is very good. This month, "October" and "People's Liberation Army Literature and Art" have published review articles."

It takes a certain amount of time for the public media to respond to novels published in publications. "Parents' Love" was published in "Harvest" in January this year, and more than two months have passed since then.

Many reviews of this novel have appeared in many newspapers and magazines, and the overall evaluation of the literary world is relatively high.

For example, the article "Parental Love: Deep Love and Life Poems in the Long River of Time" published in "October" was written by Qin Baocai, an associate professor at Liaoning Academy of Literature.

The author himself is not well-known in the literary world and literary criticism, but his article has attracted a lot of attention because of its excellent quality.

The article says:

"The uniqueness of "Parents' Love" lies in its profound excavation and unique interpretation of the theme of love. The novel does not over-exaggerate romantic encounters and passionate collisions, but delicately depicts the love view of the parents' generation with plain language and trivial details of life - a deep emotional bond formed by understanding, respect and the tempering of common life.

Their love does not have gorgeous vows, but in the daily life of firewood, rice, oil and salt, children's education, and family conflicts, it shows unparalleled tenacity and persistence.

This love view transcends short-lived passion and presents a simple beauty that can withstand the test of time. It is a powerful interpretation of the realistic love view.

The novel not only shows the long journey of parents' lives through clever narrative structure and time jumps, but also highlights the emotional waves at key nodes, forming narrative tension.

This narrative technique of seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary allows the novel to maintain a fascinating artistic appeal while telling an ordinary story."

The article "\u003cParents' Love\u003e: Deep Watching and Life Poems in the Long River of Time" has a high evaluation of "Parents' Love", but it has won the unanimous approval of many people in the literary world.

The literary world has been praising "Parents' Love" constantly, and this novel has also caused a great response among readers.

The characters portrayed in "Parents' Love" are likable, the plot is smooth and natural, relaxed and humorous, and profound, and at the same time, the values ​​are deeply in line with the concepts of contemporary readers.

Its popularity is justified. Many works of this kind of tone are popular in later generations, such as "The Passionate Years", "Military Songs", and "Golden Wedding".

The popularity of these works is inseparable from several reasons: the tone of realism, appropriate ease and humor plus sensationalism, in line with public values.

At this time, other literary works of this style have not yet been born. The appearance of "Parents' Love" immediately attracted the attention of readers and refreshed readers.

As a novella published in the first issue of "Harvest" in 1980, the weight of "Parents' Love" is naturally self-evident. After more than two months of feedback from readers and the literary world, the quality of this novel has also been proved.

Just a few days ago, "People's Daily" reported on this year's National Outstanding Short Story Award in a special article, mentioning Lin Chaoyang's other pen name "Wang Qinglai".

This naturally attracted the attention of domestic literary circles and many interested readers, and added fuel to the popularity of "Parental Love". Many readers who had never heard of or read this novel also had a strong interest in it. interest.

On the evening of Saturday, Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu went back to Tao's house for a meal.

Compared with the previous Saturday night meal, it was obviously much richer, and even Tao Mu's attitude softened.

After the meal, the two went home. Tao Yushu talked about his mother's attitude. Lin Chaoyang said with a smile: "This is probably because distance creates beauty."

"Distance creates beauty?" Tao Yushu muttered a few sentences and laughed, "That's a really good summary!"

The next day was the first weekend for Lin Chaoyang and his wife to move, and it was also the day to invite friends to warm up the pot.

Early in the morning, the house was bustling with people.

Tao Yushu invited a few classmates with whom he was usually close, and Lin Chaoyang invited more, including teachers and students from the Chinese Department, library colleagues, and his uncle also brought Li Tuo and Zhu Wei.

There were more than twenty people in the house all of a sudden. It was a big mistake that the house was big, otherwise it wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people.

When everyone entered Lin Chaoyang's house, they were immediately attracted by the big house.

A 120-square-meter house may have been the level of an average middle-class family in later generations, but in the eyes of today's people, it is extremely luxurious.

Especially the large balcony facing south, where you can have a panoramic view of the spring scenery at a glance. Everyone rushed to the balcony to enjoy the sunshine and spring breeze.

"This house in Chaoyang is too big!" Chen Jiangong sighed.

His family is from Yanjing and lives in Liujiayao, Nancheng. It is a house allocated by his parents' work unit. It is spacious compared to most people, but compared with Lin Chaoyang's house, it is as different as clouds and mud.

He was accompanied by Zhang Yaozhong and Liu Zhenyun. The three of them visited the house with envy on their faces.

"Jiangong, Zhenyun, when can you two write novels to the level of Chaoyang?" Zhang Yaozhong said.

His so-called "level" is naturally calculated in terms of houses. Both Chen Jiangong and Liu Zhenyun write novels.

"I can't get such a big house even if I work for ten years." Liu Zhenyun said with a bitter smile.

He is still at the level of an amateur author. Apart from student publications, he has not published any works publicly in magazines.

Compared with Liu Zhenyun, Chen Jiangong entered the literary world very early. He started writing in 1973 and published some works one after another. He has never been famous and can only be regarded as slightly famous.

Because he can publish several novels every year, he can also earn two to three hundred yuan in royalties. But when it comes to being able to buy such a big house, Chen Jiangong can only shake his head.

I don’t dare to think about it, I don’t dare to think about it at all!

"It's better to make money by writing novels, especially medium-length novels!" Zhang Yaozhong said with emotion.

Li Tuo listened to his words and laughed loudly: "Young man, the novel is the cause and the royalties are the effect. Don't reverse the cause and effect!"

People rarely talk about money directly these days. Zhang Yaozhong blushed when he teased him, but Chen Jiangong said: "If there is a cause, there will be an effect, and the cause and effect are equally important."

Lin Chaoyang had introduced them when they came in, but they were not familiar with each other and had not spoken to each other. Now that they had a common topic, Li Tuo and Chen Jiangong started chatting.

The two of them had cosmopolitan personalities, and soon they became familiar with each other as if they had been good brothers for many years.

Liu Zhenyun looked at Chen Jiangong with some envy. He was born in a rural area and had a low self-esteem. Coupled with his introverted personality, it was difficult for him to let go in communicating with others.

Next to them, several students from Yanjing Normal University were talking about "The First Floor in the World" they were rehearsing. This drama had a huge response in universities in Yanjing last winter. Liu Zhenyun also watched it when he came to Yanjing University to perform. The plot and characters of this drama are still fresh in my memory.

Hearing that they were chatting animatedly, he couldn't help but lean in and listen for a while.

There were many guests at home today, and Lin Chaoyang was busy greeting everyone. He chatted with colleagues in the library for a while, and then chatted with teachers and students of the Chinese Department.

Over there, sisters Tao Yushu and Tao Yumo were busy in the kitchen. Today, everyone came to warm their pot. They all brought things with them when they came, some of which were daily necessities, and some of which were vegetables and meat, so they didn't even have to buy groceries.

Tao Yumo watched everyone chatting in full swing, and her heart was about to move, but she was stared at by Tao Yushu.

There were so many people at home today, and it would be too busy for just one person. How could Tao Yushu let her go?

Fortunately, several lesbians among the guests took the initiative to come to the kitchen to help after chatting with everyone for a while, and Tao Yumo had an excuse to run out.

I came to Lin Chaoyang and listened to his conversation with several teachers in the Chinese Department.

Hong Zicheng asked Lin Chaoyang: "Hey, Chaoyang, I observed "The Wrangler", "Little Shoes" and "Parental Love". Their styles and cores actually have something in common. You seem to value human touch in particular? In terms of character creation and treatment , especially the pen and ink.”

“The three elements of a novel are characters, plot, and environment.

The environment shapes the characters, the characters drive the plot, and the characters serve as a link between the past and the next. When I write these novels, I actually focus on characters.

This can be considered a personal experience. I am used to writing about characters. "

Lin Chaoyang's answer aroused Hong Zicheng's interest, and he pondered and said:

"You reminded me of this. I remember when I was in college, Yang Hui once said that Shen Congwen had a theory: novels should be written closely to the characters.

Shen Congwen believed that the characters in the novel are the main and dominant ones, and the rest are derived from them and are secondary.

Environmental descriptions, the author's subjective lyricism, and discussion can only be attached to the characters and cannot be separated from the characters.

The author's psychology and thinking must always be closely attached to the characters. If they are not, the things written will be floating, floating, drifting, and slippery, and appear to be fancy and mysterious."

Xie Mian joked: "So, Chaoyang's current level should be on par with Shen Congwen."

Several people laughed, and Lin Chaoyang waved his hand.

"Don't make fun of me. This is just my experience in writing.

In fact, if you look at the rise of stream-of-consciousness literature in the Western literary world, you will find that many writers have this feeling.

One of the fundamental reasons for the emergence of stream-of-consciousness literature is that many writers are no longer satisfied with traditional narrative techniques and structures.

They believe that the author's overly subjective narration in the work and the practice of inserting a comment into the novel at any time and place have interfered with the creation of the novel.

The characters in the book have become tools for the writer to explain and comment. The bizarre and tortuous plots have begun to occupy an increasingly important position in the novel, because the author constantly interrupts the reader's immersion, so he has to use this method to attract the reader's attention.

I haven't reached the realm of "writers withdrawing from novels" as they say when writing novels, but I still try to use characters as narrators as much as possible to reflect various forms of reality from different perspectives. I think the works produced in this way may be more effective."

After Lin Chaoyang finished speaking his thoughts, Hong Zicheng and others looked thoughtful.

At this time, applause suddenly broke out beside him. It turned out to be Li Tuo who had been chatting with Chen Jiangong before.

"Chaoyang said it very well. I think your creative ideas are ahead of most writers in our country."

Lin Chaoyang said modestly: "Just kidding, my level is not good enough, I am just repeating what others have said."

Li Tuo joked: "Don't be so modest, you have become famous again recently!"

"Haha! The literary world has paid a lot of attention to Chaoyang recently. He has been very popular in the past two years. As a result, the selection of the National Excellent Short Story Award made everyone discover that he actually has a pen name, and the quality of his works is also good."

The speaker was Hong Zicheng, who studies contemporary literature and has many opportunities to communicate with Lin Chaoyang. But like everyone else, he only knew about Lin Chaoyang's other pen name through the article reporting the National Excellent Short Story Award in the People's Daily.

"I think the most interesting thing is that this kind of public opinion report directly promoted the attention of "Qiu Ju Goes to Court" and "Parental Love".

Recently, many people have been discussing these two works. This time, the "People's Daily" can be regarded as a disguised publicity for Chaoyang."

Xie Mian said this with a somewhat teasing tone, which made several people around him couldn't help laughing.

The National Excellent Short Story Award has always been highly popular in the domestic literary circles and reader groups. After the last award, many young writers became famous because of this award and attracted much attention from the literary world.

This year is the second year of the award, and the public's attention to the award has increased. As a result, the "People's Daily" revealed the news that Lin Chaoyang won two awards, which immediately attracted most of the public's attention and made Lin Chaoyang receive unprecedented attention.

Not only him, but also his works. Many readers in the private sector are full of interest in the works behind Lin Chaoyang's two awards, which has caused many readers to rush to read Lin Chaoyang's works in recent times.

The topic of the crowd lasted for a long time, always centered on Lin Chaoyang and his works.

These teachers are the backbone of the Chinese Department of Yanda University, and the best in the field of national literature research.

Listening to their praise and compliments for Lin Chaoyang, Tao Yumo felt an inexplicable sense of pride in his heart.

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