The storm that "The World's No.1 Restaurant" has stirred up in the Yanjing drama and literary circles is still going on, but Lin Chaoyang has already retired.

The money earned from writing drama scripts is really too little, how can it be as exciting as writing movie scripts!

He rushed to the deadline of one month and sent the script of "The Shepherd" to Xie Jin, completing the agreement between the two parties.

That day, Lin Chaoyang was at work, and Tao Yushu suddenly ran to the Yanda Library.

She didn't have classes this afternoon, and ran over to tell Lin Chaoyang a good news.

The review article she wrote for "Parental Love" was published again in "Wenyi Bao".

Including this time, this is the second time that her article has appeared in "Wenyi Bao", the top magazine in the domestic literary and artistic circles.

For Tao Yushu, who is still in school, such an achievement is enough to make people proud.

"Really good. Is this the first article published this year?" Lin Chaoyang asked with a smile after reading the article.

Tao Yushu was as happy as a chick pecking at rice. In the second half of last year, Lin Chaoyang was criticized by the literary world for "The Inevitable Rise and Decline of Scar Literature". At that time, she was like a chicken blood, and published several articles in a row.

However, since then, perhaps because she has lost that spirit, few of the articles she submitted have been accepted.

This time, the article was published in "Literary Gazette", which undoubtedly greatly encouraged Tao Yushu's creative confidence.

After being happy, Tao Yushu said: "I have seen a lot of comments on "Parental Love" recently, and the response from the literary world is very good."

"Parental Love" has been published for nearly four months. Both the readers' emotions and the public opinions in the commentary circle have accumulated to a very high level. Whether it is the readers' evaluation or the comments in the commentary circle, it can be said that they have been coming one after another in the past two months.

The novel was published in the first issue of "Harvest" this year. The second issue at the end of March published a commentary article with the title "\u003cParental Love\u003e: On the Chinese View of Love".

"…Parental Love, with its delicate characterization, moving storyline and keen capture of the changes of the times, unfolds for us a picture of marriage and family spanning decades.

It is particularly noteworthy that the novel, through the vivid description of the love life of the protagonists Jiang Defu and An Jie, deeply reveals the Chinese concept of love, which is a concept completely different from the Western concept of love.

It includes the interweaving of love and responsibility, the integration of individual emotions and family ethics, and the persistence and evolution of love in the changing times.

In traditional Chinese culture, love is often closely linked to responsibility, and this concept is vividly reflected in Parental Love. The love between Jiang Defu and An Jie is not just a romantic private emotion, but is deeply rooted in the responsibility to the family and society.

As a soldier, Jiang Defu's love contains loyalty to the country and protection of the family; as an intellectual woman, An Jie's love implies understanding of her partner and teachings to her children.

In their love relationship, they respect each other, support each other, and share the ups and downs, which constitutes a solid family foundation. This This view of love emphasizes that love is not only an emotional bond between two people, but also the fulfillment of commitments to family and society, reflecting the unique understanding of the depth and breadth of love by the Chinese.

"Parental Love" provides us with a Chinese view of love that is rich in depth and warmth, and reminds us that true love not only contains passion and romance, but also requires responsibility and dedication, and needs to seek individual emotional satisfaction within the framework of family ethics.

In modern society, although the concept of individualism is becoming increasingly prominent, this novel reminds us that love should still be rooted in deep concern for family and society, which is an important source for love to last and give meaning to life.

This novel is not only a touching love story, but also a cultural mirror that sees into the values ​​of the Chinese people's hearts. It has important reference value for understanding the Chinese people's view of love and its development in modern society. "

In addition to this review in "Harvest", many well-known literary magazines such as "Zhejiang Literature and Art", "Gansu Literature and Art", "Literary Review" and "Contemporary" have also recently published commentary articles on "Parental Love".

Some of them are the voices of the literary and critical circles, and some are from the deep feelings of ordinary literary lovers.

Undoubtedly, since its publication, Parents’ Love has achieved both professional reputation and reader evaluation, and has also helped further expand Lin Chaoyang’s fame.

The article was published again in the Literary Gazette, and Tao Yushu’s confidence increased greatly. He planned to write a review of Lin Chaoyang’s new novel next, aiming at the top literary publications such as Harvest, Literary Gazette, and Literary Review.

Lin Chaoyang has long been accustomed to Tao Yushu’s active pursuit of progress. He joked: "Do you want me to teach you some of my experience in writing novels?"

Tao Yushu immediately expressed dissatisfaction: "I have read the novel several times and know it like the back of my hand. You, the author, may not think as much as I do."

Lin Chaoyang joked: "You are worthy of being a reviewer. You dare to boast in front of me, the author."

The new novel they were talking about was naturally the work that Lin Chaoyang had previously submitted to Contemporary - "Lai Zi's Summer"

The prototype of the novel came from a movie Lin Chaoyang had seen in later life, "Kikujiro's Summer".

The story of the movie takes place in the summer. It tells the story of a little boy named Zhengnan who lost his father at a young age. He misses his mother who lives far away and embarks on a journey alone to see her.

The kind neighbor discovered Masao's plan and arranged for her husband, Kikujiro, to accompany Masao. Kikujiro was an idle, seemingly rude but kind-hearted man.

Masao began his journey to find his mother. Along the way, he and Kikujiro experienced various difficulties, and also gained a lot of kindness and help from strangers, which brought them laughter and moved them.

Masao found his mother, but found that she had formed a new family. Faced with such a reality, Masao was full of pain and disappointment. In order to comfort Masao, Kikujiro did not hesitate to play the role of "fake mother" and "fake father" to alleviate Masao's sadness.

At the end of the journey, Masao learned to accept reality and face setbacks in life under Kikujiro's unique way of caring, and he and Kikujiro also established a deep friendship.

Although he did not return to his mother, Masao spent an unforgettable and loving summer with Kikujiro.

"Kikujiro's Summer" was released in 1999 and is one of the representative works of director Kitano Takeshi. It won many international film awards including the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in the year of its release.

In addition to the awards, the film has won the love of countless audiences around the world with its warm and bright style after its release, becoming a rare masterpiece in the world film industry in the 20th century.

Lin Chaoyang adapted the novel, and the social and historical background must be localized, and the big story framework has not changed.

However, the identity of the protagonist Lai Zi (Kikujiro) has changed, becoming a middle-aged man who has been in prison for speculation.

Because of his previous record of speculation, Lai Zi was fired from the factory and was not welcomed at home and among neighbors.

In addition to being a neighbor of Xiaojun (Masao), his wife is also Xiaojun's distant cousin. When his wife found out that Xiaojun wanted to travel hundreds of miles to find his mother, she arranged for Lai Zi to escort him.

In addition to worrying about Xiaojun, another reason was that she didn't want to see Lai Zi staying at home and doing nothing every day.

The identity of the other protagonist, Xiaojun (Zhengnan), was because his family was hit by the buzz. His father committed suicide unjustly. His mother had already drawn a line with his father before his death and remarried after his father's death. Xiaojun has been dependent on his grandmother.

"Lai Zi's Summer" was published in the second issue of "Contemporary" this year, which is the April issue. It has been almost a month now.

When the novel was published, it enjoyed the headline treatment of "Contemporary", and it was published in one issue. The editorial department can be said to have given Lin Chaoyang enough face.

Of course, there is a reason why the editorial department loves "Lai Zi's Summer" so much.

As an important branch of modernist literature, stream of consciousness novels have distinctive characteristics and artistic creation techniques.

Its creation focuses on showing the characters' ever-changing thinking activities, allowing readers to directly contact the characters' deepest emotions, memories, and desires, so as to have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the characters.

In terms of narrative techniques, it breaks the logical order of traditional linear narratives, and uses associations, inner monologues, and jumping thinking to create a nonlinear dynamic narrative structure, which often brings readers a refreshing reading experience.

Because of this creative technique, stream of consciousness literature has an appeal beyond general types in exploring the complexity of human psychology, enhancing literary realism, and triggering readers' resonance.

But at the same time, its advantages also have two-sided shortcomings.

Because of the abandonment of clear story clues and logic, many stream of consciousness literature has plot jumps and chaotic timelines, which poses a challenge to understanding for many ordinary readers.

Moreover, breaking the routine in narrative techniques can easily bring about a problem. Putting aside the traditional plot drive and dramatic conflict, many stream of consciousness literary works are relatively low in readability.

Therefore, for stream of consciousness literary works, readers need to have a certain reading patience and literary literacy to follow the author's thinking trajectory and enter the world of the novel.

Since the concept of stream of consciousness literature was introduced to China, no writer has been able to create eye-catching works in this important branch of modern literature.

Of course, there are factors of the times and politics, but we have to admit that the domestic literary world does not have a deep understanding of stream of consciousness. Writers have long been immersed in the creative soil of classicism, realism and revolutionary romanticism, and lack the courage to jump out.

The appearance of "Lai Zi's Summer" can be said to have broken the embarrassing situation of stream of consciousness literature in China.

This novel has the distinct advantages of stream of consciousness literature, while retaining a strong story and readability.

The editors of "Contemporary" were amazed by the unique style of this novel when they reviewed it, so they made an exception and gave it such a high treatment.

After the novel was published, it did not disappoint the editors' expectations. The novel was published in April, just in time for Lin Chaoyang to win two awards at the National Excellent Short Story Award, becoming the focus of heated discussion among the domestic literary world and readers.

"Lai Zi's Summer" is Lin Chaoyang's first novel, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.

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