Literary Master 1978

Chapter 177 The Great Aaron Bushnell (Monthly Pass Plus)

"Sister Jianmei, yes, I came here to buy books. Didn't you say that "Lai Zi's Summer" will arrive today?" Cha Haisheng smiled at Guo Jianmei.

Cha Haisheng's eyes glanced at Tao Yumo next to Guo Jianmei, and a trace of shyness flashed across his face. As the most beautiful girl in the Law Department of Yanda Class of 1979, Tao Yumo can be said to be the recognized goddess of the Law Department.

"Xiao Cha, you are late."

Tao Yumo smiled and said in a teasing tone.

Guo Jianmei urged: "Just now everyone rushed to grab books, you should go and see if there are any left."

Hearing Guo Jianmei's urging, Cha Haisheng quickly came to the new bookshelf. There was a large empty space where the new books were originally placed. He looked for a long time, but there was no "Lai Zi's Summer".

He ran to the counter and asked the salesperson, "Do you still have "Lai Zi's Summer"?"

"No, it's all sold out just now. If you want to buy it, you have to wait for half a month."

Hearing this, Cha Haisheng looked disappointed. He had to wait for half a month longer because he was late.

"You didn't know to come and line up early when the bookstore had new books. No wonder you couldn't buy the book." Tao Yumo said sarcastically.

Cha Haisheng smiled helplessly, "They had to drag me this morning..."

Before he finished his explanation, Tao Yumo stretched out his hand and handed over a book.

Its cover is blue and yellow. The blue is the sky and the sea, and the yellow is a large field of sunflowers. In the field full of sunflowers, two figures, one big and one small, stare at each other.

"I'll give you this one!" Tao Yumo said.

At the door of the bookstore in the early morning, the sun shone on her, and Cha Haisheng seemed to see a fairy.

"Do you want it?" Tao Yumo waited for a long time, and seeing that Cha Haisheng didn't speak, she asked impatiently.

Cha Haisheng finally reacted, "Yes, yes, yes!"

He hurriedly took out the money and handed it to Tao Yumo, and took the book from her hand.

Then he watched Tao Yumo meet up with a few female classmates and drift away, feeling lost.

"Hey, Yumo, did you see the way Xiao Cha looked at you just now?"

On the way back to school, Guo Jianmei asked Tao Yumo.

"Little brat!" Tao Yumo did not answer her question directly, but obviously understood what she was talking about.

Cha Haisheng was admitted to university at the age of 15. He was the youngest student in the Law Department of Yanda in 1979. He is a sophomore this year and only 16 years old. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a young genius. He has been valued by the school and teachers since he entered school, and he has also been taken care of by his classmates in the department.

After all, among the three classes of college students in 1977, 1978, and 1979, there are many freshmen in their twenties. When Cha Haisheng was just born, some of his classmates may have been in elementary school or even middle school.

"He's just a kid, aren't you only three years older than him? A girl who's three years older than you is rich." Guo Jianmei joked.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Tao Yumo glared at Guo Jianmei.

Seeing that she was a little angry, Guo Jianmei didn't dare to joke anymore.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."


After a few words of temper, Tao Yumo returned to her innocent nature and talked and laughed with a few classmates.

She followed a few classmates back to the girls' dormitory. Someone saw them coming back from outside and greeted them.

"Where did you go?"

"I went to the bookstore to buy books. Lai Zi's Summer has been published and there are so many people rushing to buy it."

"Really? Do you have any books left? I want to buy one too."

"What are you thinking? The bookstore was sold out in less than ten minutes after it opened. If you want to buy it, go to another bookstore."

Several classmates returned to the dormitory, and a girl exclaimed: "Yumo, your brother-in-law's book is really popular!"

Tao Yumo looked proud, "That's for sure. His novel pioneered the concept of Chinese stream of consciousness literature."

Guo Jianmei said: "Your brother-in-law's novel has high reviews, but it still can't compare with "The Wreath under the Mountain" in terms of sales. The reading threshold of Lai Zi's Summer is relatively high."

"The high threshold means that it is literary, which is not bad." A classmate said.

Many young literary people are proud of reading some seemingly profound and obscure foreign literary works, but think that some literary works with strong storytelling are too popular and lack style.

This is not only the case in later generations, but also in today.

"That's not right! The literary quality of a literary work is only one aspect, it also needs to attract readers. If it only talks about literary quality, and there is not even one reader, how can such a work be called a good work?"

Several girls debated for a long time about the reading threshold of "Lai Zi's Summer", and then a classmate who just came back from outside knocked on the door and said that someone was looking for Guo Jianmei outside.

"Oh, are they going out to make love!"

Everyone teased Guo Jianmei, but she didn't answer them and went out with a red face.

After she left, the atmosphere in the dormitory became deserted. Tao Yumo stayed here until almost noon, and then rode her bike to the Overseas Chinese Apartment.

Having lunch and taking a hot bath, it was wonderful.

During lunch, Tao Yumo told Lin Chaoyang about the scene of them queuing up to grab books in the bookstore in the morning.

"Brother-in-law, your book will definitely be a big hit again!"

"How much it sells depends on the readers' recognition."

"Your works have always been recognized by everyone. The Wreath Under the Mountain has sold more than three million copies."

Lin Chaoyang shook his head, "That's different. "The Wreath Under the Mountain" has a strong storyline, and it has the right time, right place, and right people, so it can sell so many copies. "Lai Zi's Summer" is a stream of consciousness. Although it has a high evaluation in the literary world, it is definitely not as popular as "The Wreath Under the Mountain" in terms of readership."

"I also talked about this issue with my classmates in the dormitory this morning. The impact should not be that big, right? I remember that issue of "Contemporary" sold more than 500,000 copies."

"I'm just talking relatively."

Tao Yumo laughed, knowing that her brother-in-law was only talking about the comparison with "The Wreath Under the Mountain".

"Brother-in-law, what do you think about the reading threshold? Didn't you consider this issue when you wrote "Lai Zi's Summer"? My sister said that your new novel is also stream of consciousness literature?"

"Any literary work has a reading threshold, but the height is different. What we writers can do is to lower this threshold as much as possible while ensuring the artistic level of the novel.

When writing "Lai Zi's Summer", I considered it, but I wrote it too quickly and didn't have time to think about it carefully.

The new novel only has some stream of consciousness techniques and elements. Strictly speaking, it can't be considered a real stream of consciousness novel."

Hearing Lin Chaoyang say this, Tao Yumo also became curious about his new novel, "Not a stream of consciousness novel? What style is it?"

"Hmm..." Lin Chaoyang pondered.

There is a classic science fiction British TV series "Doctor Who" in later generations. One of the episodes is called "Meeting Van Gogh". The story tells that the protagonist Doctor Who discovered a strange monster image in Van Gogh's painting "The Church at Auvers" at an art exhibition.

This phenomenon should not have occurred. In order to investigate this abnormal phenomenon, the doctor decided to go to France in the 19th century with his assistant Amy.

After crossing, the doctor met Van Gogh who was exchanging paintings for wine in a tavern. At this time, he was at the bottom of his life, suffering from mental illness, and his works were not recognized by society. Even the bartenders and waiters in the tavern could ridicule and mock him.

And because a murder occurred in the town, the whole town believed that it was the misfortune brought by the madman Van Gogh.

The doctor found that the criminal who committed the murder in the town was the monster he and Amy saw in the painting, and in the town, only Van Gogh, whose vision was easier than that of ordinary people, could see this monster.

The doctor tried to eradicate the monster, but almost died, but he also formed a friendship with Van Gogh.

After some twists and turns, the doctor and Van Gogh finally joined forces to get rid of the alien monster, but they found that it was an abandoned alien creature. He became ferocious because of blindness and loneliness. The doctor understood his roar before it died.

"I'm scared!"

The monster attacked others crazily just because there were no companions on this strange planet, no one understood it, and no one could see it, just like Van Gogh at this moment.

In order to let Van Gogh feel the value and power of his existence, the doctor took him back to a modern museum, where a retrospective of Van Gogh's works was on display.

In the museum, Van Gogh heard an art critic's profound interpretation and high evaluation of his works with extremely flattering words, and was deeply moved and burst into tears.

Sending Van Gogh back to the original time and space, Amy thought Van Gogh would have a different ending, but in the end he committed suicide at the age of thirty.

But the only difference from the original is that the monster on the window of the painting "The Church of Auvers" is gone, and the series ends in a deep and sentimental tone.

Lin Chaoyang is a loyal viewer of "Doctor Who" and was deeply moved when he saw this episode of the TV series.

Especially at the end of the series, when Van Gogh stood in the Musee d'Orsay in France, tearfully looking around at the paintings he had worked so hard to create, Lin Chaoyang was shocked by the scene.

After the TV series was broadcast, this shot also became a famous scene on the short video platform of later generations.

The novel "The Death of Van Gogh" is based on the story of "Meeting Van Gogh", but Lin Chaoyang also made some changes to the story.

In his novel, there is no omnipotent character like Doctor Who. The protagonist of the novel becomes a young man who loves painting, but because of his limited talent, his paintings are not recognized by others.

Aaron's most admired painter is Van Gogh. He often imagines himself as Van Gogh, who is not appreciated for his talent, and gradually becomes cynical.

At an exhibition, he met a group of extreme environmentalists who set fire to the paintings. In order to save the paintings, Aaron rushed into the fire desperately, but accidentally traveled to Europe in the 19th century.

Lin Chaoyang did not make too many changes to the story after the time travel, but just removed the science fiction elements in the TV series. The monsters in the TV series were just Van Gogh's inner demons in the novel. Van Gogh finally defeated his inner demons with the help of Aaron.

Aaron thought he had changed Van Gogh's tragedy, but in the end he found that it was just a dream he had in a coma.

He was just burned while saving the painting, choked on the toxic smoke, and fell into a coma.

After waking up, Aaron felt lost. In the dream, Aaron kept telling Van Gogh that he would become an unparalleled artist in the future, and his works were highly praised by the world, but Van Gogh at that time never believed it. Aaron regretted not letting Van Gogh witness his own brilliant achievements with his own eyes.

After Aaron was discharged from the hospital, he came to the art gallery that was originally set on fire, but was surprised to find that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

The same art gallery, the same exhibition, the same audience, the same him.

Looking at the masterpieces of Van Gogh hanging there intact, Aaron looked around and burst into tears.

At this moment, time and space intertwined, as if Van Gogh was there in person and witnessed how his works were admired and loved by the world.

At the end of the novel, the arsonists broke into the art gallery again as if they had rehearsed, and a raging fire quickly ignited in the museum.

Aaron faced the flames and jumped again.

The story of "The Death of Van Gogh" is based on "Meeting Van Gogh", and at the same time draws on the narrative style and structure of "The Da Vinci Code". The plot is both a journey through time and space and a cycle of time and space.

The novel incorporates many elements such as stream of consciousness, science fiction, and suspense. In today's Chinese literary world, this writing style can no longer be described as novel, but completely breaks the imagination of contemporary writers.

Lin Chaoyang thought for a long time and didn't know how to describe the style of "The Death of Van Gogh".

"You should wait until the novel is published and read it yourself." He finally said.

Tao Yumo was a little unhappy when he heard this, thinking that he was keeping it a secret.

After lunch, Tao Yumo was ordered by her sister to wash the dishes.

At this time, Zhu Changsheng suddenly came and said to Lin Chaoyang excitedly as soon as he entered the door: "Chaoyang, "The Death of Van Gogh" has been confirmed to be published in this January issue. After one issue is published, it has been printed now."

Zhu Changsheng came to tell Lin Chaoyang the good news. After all, he swore to Lin Chaoyang that this novel would definitely be published in "Contemporary" with high standards.

Now, he has kept his promise.

"Your editorial department is very efficient!" Lin Chaoyang said happily.

Zhu Changsheng took a sip of the tea handed by Tao Yushu, "You don't know how much shock your novel has caused in our editorial department!"

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