Literary Master 1978

Chapter 194 A rare genius in a century

That night, Lin Chaoyang stayed in Building 32 until after nine o'clock in the evening before going home.

The next day, when it was almost time to get off work, Liang Zuo ran to the library and asked attentively: "Master, do you have anything to do tonight?"

"Stop!" Lin Chaoyang stopped him, "When did I become your master?"

"You have passed on all your unique skills to me, so you are my master, right?" Liang Zuo said as if it was a matter of course, and there was a bit of flattery in his expression.

Lin Chaoyang waved his hand, "I can't be your master, I just play a few games with you." Liang Zuo said anxiously, "Master, my chess skills are a little worse, but you can't deny me, you have passed on all your life's skills to me!" "What a mess! Are you okay? Don't delay me from getting off work if you're okay." "Yes, I'm busy!" Liang Zuo picked up the things he had just put aside, "I'm here to give you a gift." A gift was a gift given by ancient students to their teachers when they first met them to show respect. Zheng Xuan's note on "Book of Rites·Shaoyi" said: "A gift is ten pieces of dried meat", so the gift Liang Zuo brought to Lin Chaoyang today was a piece of bacon. Lin Chaoyang looked at the bacon in his hand with a smile, "Where did you get this thing?" Yanjing didn't have the habit of eating bacon, and Lin Chaoyang couldn't figure out where Liang Zuo got this bacon from. "I went home on purpose and borrowed it from our neighbor, who is from Hunan."

Liang Zuo saw that Lin Chaoyang did not refuse immediately, and explained to him happily, and then said: "I will treat you to dinner after get off work."

"No, it's not necessary." Lin Chaoyang quickly refused.

"If you don't have time today, then tomorrow."

"No tomorrow either."

Liang Zuo looked embarrassed, "Master, you have taught me all your skills, you can't deny me as your apprentice!"

Last night, Lin Chaoyang beat Liang Zuo with his AI style of play, almost doubting his life. All the games ended in the middle game without exception. The best one was that after the two played 150 moves, Liang Zuo had to resign and admit defeat.

A night of competition completely overturned Liang Zuo's understanding of Go after more than 20 years of life.

Almost every step of Lin Chaoyang was beyond his expectations. Many of the places where he made moves were unconventional in the eyes of him, who had been learning Go since elementary school, and some of the moves were obviously eliminated by the Go world.

But it was this unconventional and backward thinking that could make Liang Zuo unable to fight back. In the end, he lost all confidence and even began to doubt his life.

Fortunately, Lin Chaoyang played chess with Liang Zuo not to knock down his confidence, but to make up for his mistakes. After several rounds of fighting last night, although Liang Zuo suffered some setbacks, it also opened a new door for his understanding of Go.

After Lin Chaoyang left last night, Liang Zuo lay on the bed in the dormitory, tossing and turning. All he could think of were Lin Chaoyang's wild and unrestrained moves, and then he slowly imagined the image of a peerless master who was hidden in the city.

He could make him lose all his resistance within 100 moves. What kind of absolute strength gap is this?

He even felt that Lin Chaoyang's strength might have surpassed most professional chess players, because in his opinion, the real strength of professional chess players lies in their meticulous logical reasoning and calculation ability, which is particularly evident in the middle and late stages of the game.

Lin Chaoyang's strength lies in that he doesn't give you a chance to hold on to the later stages.

His seemingly ordinary and unexpected moves can always produce unexpected and stunning effects, instantly revitalizing the situation and reversing the offensive and defensive trends.

The more Liang Zuo thought about it, the more terrifying it felt. At the same time, he was even more fortunate that Lin Chaoyang would teach him his Go experience without reservation. How could he be considered a direct disciple?

Liang Zuo felt that although he had known Lin Chaoyang for more than two years and they were only two years older, Lin Chaoyang was the master in Go. Just because Lin Chaoyang taught him Go without reservation, he had to recognize this master.

After some brainstorming, Liang Zuo was determined to become his apprentice.

Lin Chaoyang looked at Liang Zuo speechlessly and said, "I've told you that I can't be your master."

"Master, I understand. You are indifferent to fame and fortune. You pursue the great path of writing. Go is just a small path for you, a game that you can play at will.

You don't want others to know your Go skills. Don't worry, I will never spread your affairs.

A great man hides in the city, I understand!"

Lin Chaoyang sighed. Otherwise, you can be a screenwriter. This imagination is amazing.

I am still indifferent to fame and fortune? I am still a great man hides in the city?

"If you have nothing to do, don't waste time with me. I will definitely not accept you as my apprentice.

Aren't you going to defeat Fukuda Kazuhiro? Go today, so as not to let him be rampant for too long."

Liang Zuo was determined to worship Lin Chaoyang as his master, and Lin Chaoyang decided to send him away first.

Listening to his words, Liang Zuo was a little hesitant, "Go today? Master, I've only learned from you for one day, to beat him..."

"One day is enough." Lin Chaoyang waved his hand and said without question.

Liang Zuo felt that his master was full of strong confidence in his every move, a confidence based on absolute strength, which made his originally somewhat uneasy mood become confident.

"Okay, then I'll go now."

He just turned around, and before he took a step, he turned back and stuffed the bacon in his hand to Lin Chaoyang, and then turned around and ran away.

Looking at the bacon in his hand, Lin Chaoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In the International Students Building, Liu Guangyuan and Fukuda Kazuhiro's room was more lively than yesterday.

This was the fourth day that Fukuda Kazuhiro had set up a boxing match. More and more Yanda students knew about the arrogant deeds of this Japanese, and naturally more people came to challenge Fukuda Kazuhiro.

When Liang Zuo came here, today's boxing match had not started yet, but there were already two people in front of him.

Liang Zuo discussed with the two students in front of him, and the two gave up their seats to him.

As soon as he sat down, Fukuda Kazuhiro recognized him at a glance, "My classmate, you seem to have lost to me before, right?"

"Yes, you didn't stipulate that people who lost to you can't play with you again, right?"

Liang Zuo's words made Fukuda Kazuhiro speechless. He held the boxing match purely out of complacency and didn't think so much.

"Well, let's start with you. Let's set a rule that a second challenge is not allowed."

The strength of a chess player cannot be improved in one or two days. Since the opponent lost to him before, the result this time will not change at all. Fukuda Kazuhiro is full of confidence in his strength.

After saying this, he did not forget to hit Liang Zuo's confidence, "Your level is still a certain distance from mine. Even if you play again, there will be no change."

As soon as Fukuda Kazuhiro finished speaking, Liang Zuo's eyes hidden behind his glasses became cold. Not only him, but also the Chinese students standing behind him were very angry.

This little devil is so arrogant!

Liang Zuo felt that although he had only learned a little bit of his master's fur, he would not lose the battle. He said in a deep voice: "Within a hundred moves, I will kill you!"

Hearing this, Fukuda Kazuhiro's eyes flashed with a sharpness. The defeated general was so rampant.

A group of Chinese students standing behind Liang Zuo were all sweating for him. They could understand Liang Zuo's desire to kill this little Japanese and vent their anger.

But everyone just heard that Liang Zuo had lost to Fukuda Kazuhiro before, and today he even threatened to defeat him within a hundred moves. Who gave him the courage?

Both sides trash-talked each other, and the game officially began.

Fukuda Kazuhiro played black first, and his first few moves made people feel a fierce momentum.

Liang Zuo responded calmly, and at the same time, he thought of Lin Chaoyang's face-to-face instructions to him last night.

"It is obvious that Fukuda Kazuhiro's layout is carefully studied, and his style of play is fierce, so when you first play against him, you will have the illusion of being crushed by a mountain.

According to my observation, his chess skills have a significant decline after fifty moves, and his true level is after a hundred moves.

You are all amateurs, and it is unrealistic to rely on positional warfare to strangle him in the middle game.

So you must confront him tit for tat in the layout stage, press step by step, disrupt his position, and let him show his true level, so that you can defeat him."

More and more points on the chessboard were occupied, and Fukuda Kazuhiro's black pieces took the lead. He should have been happy, but at this time he couldn't help frowning.

What kind of play is this?

What's the use of pressing with black pieces next to me? I am now in a low position. Once the corners are occupied by me, no matter how much you occupy in the hinterland, it will be nothing more than a meal on the plate.

This Shusaku tip is not bad, but it's a pity that it is an outdated play.

With half guessing and half doubt in his heart, Fukuda Kazuhiro's chess pieces still landed steadily on the chessboard.

After fifty moves, it was the turn of the black piece to make a move again. Fukuda Kazuhiro's hand, which had been firmly moving, stopped. He looked at the corner position where he had originally occupied an advantage, and suddenly realized that the white piece seemed to have an opportunity to lead the attack. At this time, the opponent's momentum was already formed, and it was too late for him to cut off.

Fukuda Kazuhiro panicked, no, it was clearly in an advantage just now.

As the white piece kept calling for capture, Fukuda Kazuhiro was under increasing pressure. His black piece was raised twice in a row, but he could not organize a decent counterattack.

What on earth was going on?

Fukuda Kazuhiro's eyes were fixed on the chessboard, trying to dig out the key point that Liang Zuo reversed the situation without making a sound, but he was at a loss.

Because he saw all kinds of vulgar moves, even bad moves, and he had never encountered such a weird chess game in his Go career.

As the white piece placed a piece in a high position, a situation of double capture against the black piece was formed, and Fukuda Kazuhiro's psychological defense line completely collapsed.

He held the chess piece in his hand and stared at it for a long time, but felt that there was no place to play.

He couldn't figure out why such a good situation turned out like this?

His black piece was suspended in the air for a long time, and finally fell down casually. Before Liang Zuo made a move, he added another black piece.

Placing two chess pieces anywhere on the chessboard represents surrender.

When the black piece fell, Fukuda Kazuhiro's momentum collapsed, and there was no trace of the high spirits before the game.

Fukuda Kazuhiro's surrender surprised Liang Zuo a little. Although he had made a bold statement before the game that he would win the game within a hundred moves, it was more to overwhelm Fukuda Kazuhiro in momentum.

Liang Zuo was overjoyed after winning the game. He wanted to shout loudly to boost his momentum, but for some reason, Lin Chaoyang's face, which showed no emotion when playing chess, suddenly flashed in his mind, and his expression became calm and indifferent.

The opposite of Liang Zuo's performance was the Yan University students standing behind him. After confirming that Liang Zuo had defeated Fukuda Kazuhiro, they immediately cheered. The dormitory was filled with jubilation, as if Liang Zuo had not defeated Fukuda Kazuhiro, but the world champion.

Before that, Fukuda Kazuhiro had held a four-day challenge match in the dormitory without losing a single game, and all the Chinese students were holding their breath.

Liang Zuo defeated Fukuda Kazuhiro within a hundred moves, and his bold words before the game came true, sweeping away the pent-up anger in everyone's hearts.

When everyone was cheering and celebrating the victory, Fukuda Kazuhiro looked at Liang Zuo unwillingly.

"You can't play chess like this. There must be a master behind you."

Listening to the words of the Japanese on the other side, Liang Zuo showed disdain, "If you lose, you lose. What excuses are there? If you have the ability, you can find a master."

Liang Zuo's words were not pleasant to hear, but Fukuda Kazuhiro also understood that Liang Zuo's playing style just now was indeed not something that a Go master could teach. His style was too biased, too strange, and too abnormal.

He looked at Liang Zuo in front of him. He was beaten by him yesterday without any chance to fight back, but today his style of play changed drastically and crushed him.

Is this the legendary epiphany? Has he met the kind of rare genius that only appears once in a century?

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