Literary Master 1978

Chapter 306 Uncle, I can’t tell the difference

The old man who came was Yang Xianyi, the deputy editor of "Chinese Literature" and a well-known translator in China.

Unlike other translators who translate foreign literary works into Chinese, the wise couple have dedicated their lives to translating Chinese literary works into English and spreading Chinese culture to the world.

Two years ago, Yang Xianyi came to discuss with Lin Chaoyang on behalf of "Chinese Literature" about serializing his "Lai Zi's Summer".

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Lin Chaoyang invited Yang Xianyi into the room and served tea. Yang Xianyi took a sip of tea and spoke on his own initiative.

"Comrade Chaoyang, you also know that our "Chinese Literature" has always been committed to introducing Chinese literary works to the world. Previously, your "Laizi's Summer" was serialized in our magazine and gained a lot of popularity in overseas Sinology circles and Chinese groups. Good reviews.

This year, under my promotion, our "Chinese Literature" launched the "Panda Series", which mainly publishes China's outstanding modern, contemporary and ancient literary works in English and French.

I came here this time to communicate with you and include the two works "Raiko's Summer" and "The Death of Van Gogh". "

Yang Xianyi told the purpose of this visit, and Lin Chaoyang said with a relaxed expression: "My works can be seen by more overseas readers through the platform of your magazine. This is of course a good thing..."

Whether it is "Chinese Literature" or "Panda Series", they are all promoted by the government and have obvious official overtones.

Overseas, we mainly rely on distributors, and the distribution channels are special. Most of them go to libraries in overseas countries. There is a lack of display in bookstores, and there are even fewer relevant reports.

It is unrealistic to say that it can have a big impact, but this is an official recognition after all.

Lin Chaoyang communicated with Yang Xianyi for a few minutes and agreed to publish the two novels. However, in terms of manuscript fees, "Chinese Literature" gave them a lower price than last time.

Wang Zengqi had complained to him before, saying that several of his short stories had been translated into English by "Chinese Literature" and published in the magazine, and the royalties were pitiful.

"The price of six yuan per thousand words is indeed a bit low. Comrade Chaoyang, please understand that magazines like ours rely entirely on government funding and make no profit."

It is true that Lin Chaoyang values ​​manuscript fees, but he does not insist on money. In a situation like "Chinese Literature", it is unrealistic for them to pay high royalties. Anyway, the magazine and book series are not distributed in the country, so it doesn't matter.

However, he still kept a secret and made an agreement with Yang Xianyi that the publication of his two novels would not be exclusive.

To put it bluntly, I can publish my novel for you, but if another publisher wants to publish it, you can't stop it.

"This is natural, this is natural. Our magazines and book series are more of a promotional nature. Comrade Chaoyang, if your works can be published and distributed on a large scale overseas, we will be happy for you."

After discussing the publication with Lin Chaoyang, Yang Xianyi left.

After the National Day, Chen Huaikai brought his son Chen Kaige to Lin Chaoyang's house.

"The Chess Master" has been confirmed to be adapted by Yan Film Studio, and he is the director. Of course, he needs to discuss the adaptation issue with Lin Chaoyang.

It was selfish to bring his son Chen Kaige here because he wanted him to have more contact with Lin Chaoyang.

The first time he came to Lin Chaoyang's house, Chen Kaige was full of curiosity.

He is a senior literary young man. When he first entered college a few years ago, "Today" became popular in Yanjing University. He participated in many activities with that group of people.

After saying hello to each other, Chen Kaige sat aside obediently and listened as his father discussed the creative direction of the script with Lin Chaoyang.

The story of "The Chess Master" is very complete in terms of structure. Both the character creation and the design of conflicts are excellent. From a textual perspective, there is almost nothing to criticize.

Adapting it into a script only requires step-by-step operations.

So Chen Huaikai and Lin Chaoyang discussed it for a long time. In fact, they couldn't put forward many suggestions for improvement. They mostly explained to Lin Chaoyang some of his thoughts on the split-shot script and future shooting.

The two talked for a long time, and when they were done talking, they stopped and drank tea. Lin Chaoyang asked: "Does Kege have any ideas?"

Chen Kaige's face suddenly lit up when he heard this. That day, his father came back and told him that the new movie had transferred him to Yan Film Studio as an assistant director. The next day, Yan Film Studio sent a secondment letter to Er Film Factory.

In the past few days, he has been studying the original work of "The Master of Chess" in his free time, and he feels like he has a lot of ideas in his mind.

Seeing Lin Chaoyang asking him for his opinion, Chen Kaige was excited and was about to speak, but his father Chen Huaikai said: "He is a recent graduate and has not made a movie yet. What ideas can he have?"

After listening to his father's words, Chen Kaige's face darkened, and he swallowed the words that were on his lips.

When Lin Chaoyang saw this, he couldn't help but sigh that his tutoring was really strict. The Kege in front of him was so similar to Arthur forty years later!

"Chaoyang, how long do you plan to complete the script?" When the conversation was almost finished, Chen Huaikai asked Lin Chaoyang a key question.

Lin Chaoyang pondered. He was currently writing a novel, but he was not in a hurry. He could put it down at any time and write the script first.

In fact, in his opinion, it would be best if the "Chess Master" movie could be released in the second half of 1984, because that time would coincide with the craze of the first Sino-Japanese Go Tournament, which could give the movie a huge wave of popularity.

The movie's box office has nothing to do with him, but the movie's popularity will help increase the popularity and sales of the original work, which is also a good thing for him.

"Probably after the new year."

Chen Huaikai nodded when he heard this. He works in a film studio. Many screenwriters can only write a script in one or two years. Lin Chaoyang said that after the New Year, it would take four or five months. This efficiency is already very high for him.

"Okay, then wait until you bring out the first draft after the New Year and we will discuss it again."

Lin Chaoyang: ? ? ?

You still want me to change the script? The 10,000 yuan from your studio does not include changing the script!

Complaints aside, Lin Chaoyang thinks Chen Huaikai's attitude is right. Slow work produces fine work.

Throughout October, the hottest news in the Chinese literary world is this year's Nobel Prize in Literature.

The influence of the Nobel Prize in China has a long history. As early as before World War II, this award with important influence worldwide was praised by the Chinese cultural and scientific circles at that time.

After the reform and opening up, the Western wind spread eastward, and many things in developed Western countries were sought after and loved by the domestic people, so the annual Nobel Prize has become more concerned.

The reason why this year's Nobel Prize in Literature has caused a heated discussion in the Chinese literary world is mainly because Guangdong's "Huacheng" magazine published the award-winning speech of the award winner, Marquez.

In the "Genre Appreciation" column of the magazine, it introduced what "magical realism" is, and also introduced Juan Rulfo's "Pedro Páramo".

"Huacheng" was founded in April 1979. The magazine has a total of 11 columns: "Novel", "Film Literature", "Prose", "Remembering and Thinking", "Poetry", "Hong Kong News", "Overseas Information", "Foreign Literature", "Huacheng Forum", "Visit Notes", and "Fine Arts".

In addition to several regular columns, columns such as "Hong Kong News", "Overseas Information", and "Foreign Literature" all publish content that domestic readers rarely read.

"Huacheng" also quickly became famous among readers by providing domestic readers with foreign literary trends and became a well-known literary magazine.

This time, Huacheng Magazine spared no effort to introduce Marquez and magic realism to China, and the effect was good. It not only attracted readers' attention, but also made the literary world pay attention to Marquez, the new Nobel Prize winner in literature, and the literary style he led.

This trend has been spreading until November. Whenever young literary people who like to read books meet, they will talk about "Marquez" and "magical realism". Even Chen Kaige has to talk to Lin Chaoyang for a while when he comes to visit Lin Chaoyang's house.

Chen Kaige was arranged by his father to be the assistant director of "The Chess Master" and was seconded to Yanying Studio. However, the script of the movie is still in the writing stage, so he actually has nothing to do.

In addition to going to Yanying Studio to sign in every day and visiting various crews to learn, his favorite thing is to visit Lin Chaoyang's house on weekends, under the pretext of learning scriptwriting.

On the weekend in late November, Chen Kaige did not go to Lin Chaoyang's house, but met Tian Zhuangzhuang in the morning and went to the East 40th Street.

In later generations, Tian Zhuangzhuang's reputation was inferior to Chen Kaige's, but at this time, Tian Zhuangzhuang was the leader of the group of people in Yanying Studio, and Chen Kaige's participation in various activities of "Today" was basically led by him.

The two entered a large courtyard, which was Zhao Zhenkai's home and the place where their small circle often organized activities.

"Today" has been banned for more than a year. During this period, the editorial staff and friends have also tried to try to resume publication, but unfortunately they all ended in failure.

Such setbacks have also led to the gradual decline of the amateur poets and writers who originally gathered around "Today". As soon as Chen Kaige entered the courtyard today, he clearly felt that the atmosphere today was not as warm as when he participated in the activities two years ago.

But Chen Kaige saw Zhao Zhenkai, who was still so thin, wearing a beige windbreaker, standing at the door of the house to welcome friends.

Whether he is crazy or not, look at the beige; whether he is a bandit or not, look at the trouser legs.

Beige is the popular color in Yanjing now. In such a cold winter, the yellow windbreaker worn by Zhao Zhenkai gave Chen Kaige a strong visual impact.

So crazy!

For literary youths who love poetry, both men and women, they always wear a layer of idol filter when looking at Zhao Zhenkai.

"Kaige!" Zhao Zhenkai smiled gently and greeted Chen Kaige.


Chen Kaige suppressed his inner excitement and greeted Zhao Zhenkai. He participated in many activities of "Today", but he didn't have many opportunities to talk to Zhao Zhenkai alone.

Zhao Zhenkai is always surrounded by many people, as if the moon is guarded by stars.

Chen Kaige sometimes unconsciously compares Tian Zhuangzhuang, the leader of Yan Cinema, with the gentle and elegant Zhao Zhenkai. Whenever this happens, Tian Zhuangzhuang, who usually looks a bit like a big brother, always loses his luster in Chen Kaige's eyes.

At around nine in the morning, more than 20 people gathered in the room, the main force of which was the editorial department of Today, headed by Zhao Zhenkai, and students from various universities in Yanjing. There were only five or six people who had already joined the work, such as Chen Kaige and Tian Zhuangzhuang.

Today's meeting was not a poetry discussion, but a novel creation symposium, discussing the "magical realism" that has been popular in Yanjing City recently.

For most of the people present, the term "magical realism" was a term they had only heard of in the past one or two months, thanks to Huacheng.

Therefore, for these people, it was undoubtedly a relatively difficult thing to participate in the discussion at the meeting. The speeches at the meeting were mainly by Zhao Zhenkai, Yang Lian and other poets with a wide range of reading and fame.

They talked freely, and all kinds of knowledge about magic realism seemed to come to their mind easily. From time to time, they would compare Chinese modern and contemporary literature. They were completely well-versed in both Chinese and Western literature, which made many people present look admiring when they listened.

"...In 1954, Latin American American literary critic Angel Flores first used "magical realism" to name Latin American contemporary novels, which was undoubtedly an important step for magic realism to enter the world literary world.

Since then, magic realism has entered the world literary world and has become the most important literary genre in Latin America, and has also widely influenced the development of world literary trends...

Just now, someone asked me which works I should read to understand magic realism, so I will recommend them to you.

Not to mention Marquez, who is now a Nobel Prize-level writer. Others such as Borges, Rulfo, Mayea, Cortázar, Ernesto Salvato, and Novas Calvo are all outstanding magic realist writers in Latin America.

Their works have been tested by time and readers, and are worth reading carefully. I believe that everyone will benefit a lot after reading their works."

Zhao Zhenkai stood in front of the crowd and talked and laughed freely. He spoke for more than 20 minutes in a row, which made everyone present feel very useful.

At the end, he did not forget to popularize the knowledge of foreign writers of the magical realism school, which made everyone even happier. Many people secretly made up their minds that they must find and read all the works of these people after returning.

While everyone was impressed by Zhao Zhenkai's performance, Chen Kaige's brows were always furrowed.

These days, he often went to Lin Chaoyang's house. Magical realism is now a hot topic. He asked for advice as a junior, and Lin Chaoyang would teach him some content about this aspect from time to time.

Lin Chaoyang's speech was very formal, far less vivid and imposing than Zhao Zhenkai's. The most important thing was that his interpretation of magical realism was very different from what Zhao Zhenkai said.

Chen Kaige couldn't tell for a moment, who was right?

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