At first, the couple didn't know the gender of the child, so they came up with a bunch of names. Sometimes they thought this name was good, and sometimes they thought that name was good. After the child was born, they felt that these names were all average.

It's been four days since the baby was born, and the hospital's birth certificate hasn't been issued yet.

Tao Yushu said with a sad face: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"How about I name one for my nephew?"

Tao Yushu listened to her words and looked at her sideways, expressing full distrust of his sister.

"How about calling me Lin Shuangmu?"

"Not very good."

Tao Yushu almost rolled his eyes and said sarcastically: "With your level, can you be called a college student?"

Tao Yumo was not discouraged even after being hit. "What I just said was a joke. In fact, I thought of a very good name, which is particularly memorable. It can not only reflect the love between you and your husband, but also prove my nephew's identity."

Hearing what she said, Tao Yushu couldn't help but be curious, "What's your name?"

"Lin Aitao, how are you?"

After Tao Yumo said the name, he looked at his sister and brother-in-law with a look of shame on his face.

"Not bad." Lin Chaoyang said.

After receiving Lin Chaoyang's affirmation, Tao Yumo was even more excited and set his sights on his sister again.

Tao Yushu shook his head, "Not very good."

Tao Yumo looked at her with an unwilling expression, "Sister, Lin loves Tao, Lin~ loves~ Tao!"

She winked and gestured in an attempt to gain a chance for her name, but Tao Yushu dismissed it.

She is not the kind of heroine in romance novels, and she has never had the idea of ​​naming her children to reflect the crystallization of love.

The name "Lin Aitao" was neither elegant nor catchy. She was not willing to give her child such a name.

"That's called Lin Aishu." Tao Yumo retreated and settled for the next best thing.

"No." Tao Yushu firmly refused again.

"Then you can't call her Lin Aiyu, right? I..."

Tao Yushu interrupted his sister speechlessly, "Okay, okay, with your level, you can still choose 'Dongzi'."

"What's wrong with 'Dongzi'? Dongzi sounds so nice. I think it's better than Dongdong. From now on, I'll call him 'Dongzi'!" Tao Yumo couldn't give him a big name, so he just came up with a nickname.

Tao Yushu was too lazy to talk to her, so he pulled Lin Chaoyang and said, "We can't put off the name matter any longer. Why don't we decide on one today."

She asked Lin Chaoyang to write down all the names that came to mind and put them in front of her. The two of them discussed and screened them one by one. They looked more serious than reviewing the manuscript.

"Jingfu", "Futian", "Feihan", "Siyan"...

Most of Lin Lin's dozen or so names come from the Book of Songs, and some also come from other classics.

Tao Yushu looked dissatisfied. She glanced at a name, pointed at it and asked, "Did you name the name 'Weimin'?"

"No. My dad started it, just to make up for it." Lin Chaoyang said.

"Lin Weimin, Lin Weimin..." Tao Yushu muttered, "It's a bit rustic, it feels like a name for people of our generation."

"It's good that he has such a name for his high school level." Lin Chaoyang joked.

Putting aside the name, she added: "I think the name 'Si Yan' is quite good. Bai Gui's stain can be polished off, but Si Yan's stain can't be done! I hope he will live a pure life and be cautious in his words." OK."

"It's pretty good, why not take this one!" Lin Chaoyang said.

"I'll think about it, think about it again."

Tao Yushu racked his brains and thought hard, even more seriously than when he took exams in school.

It's not that there's no good name now, it's that Tao Yushu takes this matter too seriously and can't decide on it at all.

At this time, Tao's mother asked the two of them to eat. Tao Yushu kept talking while eating. Tao's mother said impatiently: "You can do it with just one name, and you plan to let him be the emperor in the future?"

Tao Yushu was unhappy when his mother teased him.

After dinner, Tao's father rode his bicycle all the way to see his grandson. Lin Chaoyang said, "Dad, how about you help us give our child a name?"

Father Tao asked in surprise: "You haven't decided on a name yet?"

"Your daughter is almost done with her dictionary. She has read through all the "Book of Songs" that she can use, but she is not satisfied with any of them." Tao's mother complained.

"The name is just a symbol, so why take it seriously? No matter how good the name is, it is just a parent's expectation for the child. His future life will not be determined by this name."

Father Tao persuaded his daughter, and then said, "I think let Chaoyang decide on one."

After listening to his father's words, Tao Yushu reluctantly handed over the right to name his son.

"Get up well!" She told Lin Chaoyang with a look of reluctance.

"Don't worry."

Lin Chaoyang picked up the pen, circled the name "Si Yan" with a big stroke, "That's it!"

After deciding on his son's name, Tao Yushu reluctantly looked at the other names, "These names are also very good."

Lin Chaoyang whispered in her ear: "It's okay. We will continue to work hard in the future and we can use these."

Tao Yushu slapped him angrily, "Not serious!"

The couple laughed and decided on their son's name, and Tao Yushu couldn't help but pick up his chubby son.

"Xiao Dongdong, when you have a famous name from now on, you will be called Lin Siyan. How do you like it? Do you like it?"

She held the little one with a bright smile, exuding the brilliance of motherhood, and then she was pleasantly surprised to find that a smile also appeared on the corner of her son's mouth.

"Chaoyang, look, he's smiling! My son must like this name!"

"Such a good name, I would be happy too!" Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

After a few days of busy work, the family finally returned to their original rhythm of life, but there were more sources of happiness and joy in their daily life than before.

Natural childbirth would have made the body recover quickly, and Tao Yushu had both her mother-in-law and mother-in-law to take care of her. She was able to walk briskly in about a week, but she was still held down by her two mothers and not allowed to leave the house. She was bored and anxious every day.

She couldn't hold it back any longer that day, so she secretly asked Lin Chaoyang to contact Zhang Dening and send her a few manuscripts.

Tao Yushu had enough milk, and Xiao Dongdong was fed by her breast milk. It was okay during the day, but she had to feed her every two hours at night, and she still had the energy to review the manuscripts.

Lin Chaoyang knew that he couldn't persuade her, so he could only run to the editorial department of "Yenching Literature".

The people in the editorial department were dumbfounded when they heard Lin Chaoyang's request. Everyone knew that Tao Yushu worked hard and worked until she was pregnant, but now she didn't even stop for confinement, which refreshed everyone's cognition.

"The teacher is right, women can hold up half the sky!" Liu Heng sighed as he looked at Lin Chaoyang's back.

"More than half the sky, if there were people like Yushu in society, they could hold up the whole sky!" Zhang Dening exclaimed, "I'm going to make a suggestion to the leader, and this year's advanced individual will be given to Yushu."

Her words attracted the approval of others. It's not that everyone didn't want this "advanced individual", but they really couldn't beat Tao Yushu!

"With her here, I guess we won't have a chance to be an 'advanced individual' in the future!" Zhou Yanru said.

"You will retire in two years, and you will definitely not have a chance." Zhang Dening joked.

After getting the manuscript back from Tao Yushu, she finally had something to do, and she would pick up the manuscript whenever she had time.

With two mothers to take care of, Lin Chaoyang didn't have much burden, just washing the diaper occasionally.

While he had time, he picked up the novel that he had stopped writing for several days and continued to create.

While he was enjoying his family life, various news reports about the Mao Dun Literature Prize had been widely reported by major domestic media.

The influence of the award expanded rapidly, and many winning works became the objects of pursuit by countless readers.

In addition to Lin Chaoyang himself, Yanjing Literature was the happiest about the award of "The Chess Master", but the one who benefited the most was Yanjing Publishing House.

"The Chess Master" was just published in June this year, and the hot sales momentum has not yet passed. Now with the blessing of the Mao Dun Literature Prize, sales have been rising all the way, and the inventory of bookstores in many places has been sold out in just a few days.

"The Chess Master" is published by Yanjing Publishing House. With each increase in sales, the publisher's profit also increases.

In addition, Yan Film Studio, which bought the adaptation rights of "The Chess Master", is also very happy.

Although winning the Mao Dun Literature Prize does not mean that the movie will definitely be a great success, the original work has become well-known, which is only good for the movie, not bad.

Wang Yang said to Chen Huaikai privately: "This ten thousand yuan is really worth it!"

Lin Chaoyang certainly didn't know this, Chen Huaikai said it when he came to visit.

More than a week after Tao Yushu gave birth, Lin Chaoyang's family has been full of guests congratulating and congratulating, with up to three waves of guests a day, which fully reflects Lin Chaoyang's good popularity in the current literary world.

On the day before New Year's Day, Zhang Guangnian brought a middle-aged man with a big belly and glasses to Lin Chaoyang's home.

"Chaoyang, let me introduce you, this is Li Shifei, the editor-in-chief of "Huacheng" magazine. He also attended the award ceremony of the Mao Dun Literature Award a few days ago, but it's a pity that you didn't meet."

Zhang Guangnian introduced Lin Chaoyang and Li Shifei to each other, and after the greetings, Lin Chaoyang asked the two to sit down.

"Old Li is collecting manuscripts in Yanjing recently. I wanted to visit you a few days ago, but you just had a baby, so I was embarrassed to bother you.

It has been half a month since he left home. He plans to go back to Guangzhou tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so I thought of coming to talk to you."

Zhang Guangnian is the second-in-command of the Guangdong Literary Association. Lin Chaoyang didn't expect that Li Shifei had such a big face that he could invite him to come and ask for manuscripts.

"Huacheng" was founded in April 1979. Among many well-known literary magazines in China, its style has always been famous for its foreign style.

The magazine columns include "Hong Kong News", "Overseas Wind", "Foreign Literature" and many other literary works introducing overseas countries and regions.

Therefore, it has been loved by many domestic literary lovers, and its sales have been stable at 600,000 or 700,000 copies for many years. Its popularity is not inferior to magazines such as "Contemporary", "October" and "Harvest".

In addition to being the editor-in-chief of "Huacheng", Li Shifei is also the second-in-command of the Guangdong Literary Association and the editor-in-chief of Huacheng Publishing House. He is a well-known figure in the cultural circle of Guangdong Province.

With Zhang Guangnian as the middleman, Lin Chaoyang naturally would not reject people at a distance, and he politely talked with Li Shifei for a while.

When the two sides gradually chatted, Li Shifei asked: "I wonder what Comrade Chaoyang thinks of the works of the 'magical realism' school that originated in Latin America?"

Lin Chaoyang didn't understand why he suddenly talked about the theme of magic realism, and said thoughtfully:

"The birth and popularity of magic realism in Latin America is rooted in local social and ethnic factors.

'Magic' means unreality, but adding 'realism' is to construct a text model based on realism with more imagination.

I don't know much about the social development and history of Latin America, and it's not easy to comment on it, but I have read the works of several famous Latin American writers, and they are indeed very well written.

It is not about blindly creating a fantasy world, but trying to go deep into reality to discover the mystery in things, life and human activities. "

Lin Chaoyang did not talk about literature and art in a show-off manner like some people do. He only said a few words in a very low-key manner, but every sentence was on point.

"Comrade Chaoyang's summary can be said to be profound. Since this year, because Marquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature, the genre of magical realism has become very popular among domestic readers.

I have read all your works and know that you have been pursuing innovation and change since you entered the literary world and never set limits for yourself. I wonder if you are interested in creating a work in the style of magical realism? "

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