Literary Master 1978

Chapter 338 Bullying at Home

"Listen to me! Go home and have a good rest, and don't worry about work.

It's a library, so what's the problem with one less person."

"I see that you don't look very good recently, you must be tired, young people should take care of their health!"

"It just so happens that I have some wolfberries at home, I will send them to Yushu's family later, and let Lao Tao bring them to you."


Lin Chaoyang was sent out of the office by Xie Daoyuan in a daze. In addition to getting a bag of wolfberries, he also had a vacation.

That's not right!

He stood at the door for a long time before he remembered that the director didn't say when the vacation would be!

He thought about it again and remembered that Xie Daoyuan said "there is nothing to do during the summer vacation", which means that the summer vacation is his vacation?

In this case...

It seems that it is not impossible.

Take a vacation first, and talk about resignation after the summer vacation.

When he got home in the evening, he told Tao Yushu about the resignation today.

Tao Yushu smiled and said, "Uncle Xie is trying to buy time with you!"

Lin Chaoyang said cheerfully, "What does it matter? It's actually good this way."

Resignation was not a very urgent matter, so Tao Yushu didn't say much.

On the weekend, the couple took Xiao Dongdong back to Tao's house for dinner.

Tao's father handed a bag of wolfberries to Lin Chaoyang, and he immediately understood what was going on.

"Dad, Uncle Xie came to see you?"

Tao's father nodded.

"What did he say to you?"

"Nothing, just let me persuade you..."

Father Tao didn't continue, he said to Lin Chaoyang: "Don't feel pressured. It's not easy for a library to produce a talent like you. It's normal for Old Xie to want to keep you. He came to me just to complain."

"I understand, he even gave me two months off."

Father Tao laughed when he heard this, "He is quite skilled in using this little trick."

He added: "Just follow your heart, don't think too much."


After the father-in-law and son-in-law chatted for a few words, they heard Mother Tao complaining about Tao Yumo not being seen all day.

In the last summer vacation of her college life, Tao Yumo originally planned to have a good time while there were still some days before the registration time, but she had just been free for a few days, and she had already fallen to the point of being hated by everyone at home.

The mother and daughter quarreled for a while, and Tao Yumo was ordered by Mother Tao to report to the University of Political Science and Law.

Compared with her older brother and sister who had experience in going to the countryside, she can be regarded as a flower in a greenhouse.

When she went out to play during the winter and summer vacations, she dared to go to Beidaihe alone. Changping was only more than 40 kilometers away from Yanjing. When she was asked to go to report, she was timid and insisted that Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu take her there.

The couple agreed that she was not afraid to go to Changping, but she had not yet completed the psychological transformation from a student to a social person.

"If you ask me to say something good about you, you will be a bully at home!"

The next morning, Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu took Tao Yumo on the school bus of the School of Political Science and Law to Changping. Tao Yushu couldn't help scolding her sister.

There were many cadres and teachers from the School of Political Science and Law on the bus. Tao Yumo thought that these people might be her future colleagues.

She was scolded by her sister so shamelessly that it might become a black history in the future, so she pulled her sister's hand and said coquettishly: "Sister, don't say it!"


All the way to Changping, Lin Chaoyang and his wife took Tao Yumo to report first.

The elder sister from the school's personnel department said, "Just come and register before August 25th. You're here too early!"

Tao Yumo was delighted when she heard that. It's not even mid-July yet, so she still has more than 40 days of vacation left.

But since she was already here, Tao Yushu still took her to complete the formalities.

The registration procedures were not complicated. The dispatch certificate, graduation certificate, household registration certificate, medical record registration, library, logistics furniture, and more than ten stamps were stamped in less than an hour.

Tao Yumo was only in her early twenties. She looked young and pretty. Following her sister and brother-in-law, she looked like a little girl who didn't know much about the world. The elder sister liked her as soon as she saw her.

She said to her, "There's nothing to do right now. Leave me a phone number where I can contact you. If there's something going on at school, I'll have someone contact you. You don't have to come here on weekdays."

Tao Yumo was immediately happy and called out sweetly, "Thank you, elder sister!"

After completing the registration procedures, the three of them came to the staff dormitory arranged by the school for Tao Yumo.

The dormitory has water and electricity, a bed, a bookshelf, a desk, and a row of small coal stoves in the corridor outside for teachers and staff to cook. The conditions are no different from the tube buildings in most units these days.

"Okay, the procedures are done, and the dormitory is also available.

Do you want to stay in school or go home?"

The big sister of the personnel department just said that it was not necessary to come now, so Tao Yushu asked Tao Yumo's opinion.

"I'm going home!" Tao Yumo said without hesitation.

"That's fine. Come home with me, just in time your nephew misses you."

"Ah?" Tao Yumo was very depressed when she heard it. She wanted to go back to Yanjing to play, not to take care of the little one who was breastfeeding.

"Ah, what? Let's go!"

Lin Chaoyang and the other two left the school. It was a hot day, and the waists of the poplar trees on the roadside outside seemed to be bent by the sun, just like the security guards at the gate of the community saluting pedestrians in a loose manner.

"It's too hot today, sister, let's find a place to have a meal first." Tao Yumo suggested.

The three of them left early in the morning, spent more than an hour on the road, and spent another two hours at school. It was already noon.


Changping is located in the northwest suburbs of Yanjing. The county town looks like a tofu block from a distance. It is square and square. Like most county towns in China today, it is scattered with similar restaurants, hotels, post offices, public toilets and party and government agencies.

The three of them had not walked far when Tao Yumo saw an acquaintance from a distance. He waved from a distance and shouted, "Xiao Cha!"

There were also three people coming towards them. The leader was Tao Yumo's classmate Cha Haisheng. He walked with two other young people, and the three of them were carrying luggage in their hands.

"Are you here to report today too?"

"Yes, I've been in school for a week. If you don't leave, they will chase you away."

Cha Haisheng said something to Tao Yumo, and then greeted Lin Chaoyang and his wife, and then introduced the classmates around them to them.

"This is Liu Jun, this is Luo Yihe."

Liu Jun and Luo Yihe were a little nervous when they saw Lin Chaoyang. Lin Chaoyang smiled and said to Liu Jun: "I have seen you, classmate Liu Jun."

"You can call me Xichuan. Yes, you really have a good memory when the literature club invited you to give a speech last year."

Lin Chaoyang waved his hand and said: "It is better to meet by chance than to invite each other. You haven't eaten yet, right? Why don't you send your luggage to school first? We will wait for you here and have some food together."

Lin Chaoyang asked Cha Haisheng and others to send the luggage. The three of them waited under the tree. After more than 20 minutes, the three of them came out trotting.

A group of six people walked on the streets of Changping County. From time to time, the beautiful music of "The Great Wall will never fall~" came from the roadside shops.

In the first half of the year, "Heroes Huo Yuanjia" produced by Hong Kong Asia Television in 1981 was broadcast on Guangdong TV, which set off a viewing craze in GD Province. Then it was broadcast in turn on TV stations in various places, and it became popular all over the country.

After walking for a while, they chose a small restaurant and went in.

After ordering the dishes, Lin Chaoyang saw Luo Yihe staring at the bottles of wine in the restaurant, so he suggested: "Two more bottles of beer."

Cha Haisheng and the other two waved their hands together, "No, no."

"It's okay. It's hot, just treat it as quenching your thirst."

After ordering beer, Lin Chaoyang said again: "Haisheng and Yumo are classmates, and they will work in the same unit in the future. You must take care of each other."

Cha Haisheng nodded shyly, and Tao Yumo said carelessly: "That's for sure."

"Xichuan is a pen name, right? I remember Haisheng's pen name is Haizi, does Yihe have a pen name?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

"My pen name is Yihe."

Haizi, Xichuan, Luo Yihe, the three poets of Yanda in the 1980s gathered today.

But now the fame of the three is limited to the campus, and Cha Haisheng is the most famous among the three.

In the past two years, he was supported by Lin Chaoyang and his poems were published in "Yanjing Literature". In the past two years, he has published several more poems. His poetry creation is ahead of later generations.

Lin Chaoyang spoke to the three people in a friendly and gentle manner. After chatting for a few words, Cha Haisheng and others relaxed and talked and laughed.

"Teacher Lin, did Du Sanjiang really eat his mother in "The Story of the Boat Crossing"? "

As they chatted, Xichuan couldn't help his curiosity and asked Lin Chaoyang a question.

It has been more than four months since the publication of "The Story of the Boat Crossing". The literary world has given it a very good evaluation and readers have also responded very well. There is a voice that has always stood firm in the tide of praise for "The Story of the Boat Crossing".

That is whether the protagonist of the novel, Du Sanjiang, killed his mother and ate his mother's flesh and blood.

If we look at it purely from the aesthetic perspective of critics, this part of the metaphorical plot of "The Story of the Boat Crossing" fully demonstrates the helpless choice of people when facing desperate situations. Such treatment is undoubtedly very literary and artistic.

But this novel is not just for critics in the literary world after all.

Most readers have no psychological burden to accept this metaphorical plot, but for a small number of readers, the plot of killing the mother or even eating the mother is too cruel, which makes people feel chilled just by hearing it.

Most of these readers are women, and many of them are mothers, so they are particularly resistant to this plot. Previously, the editorial department of "Huacheng" wrote a letter to Lin Chaoyang to mention this issue.

But whether it is the author Lin Chaoyang or the editorial department, they have no way to deal with this concept.

"The Story of the Boat" was not written to specifically talk about cannibalism. They are also helpless if readers insist on understanding it this way.

Xichuan is not uncomfortable with this plot. He is purely curious. There are too many metaphors in "The Story of the Boat".

He read it over and over again. Although he can guess most of the meanings, it is just a guess after all.

Today, he finally had dinner with the author Lin Chaoyang. Of course, he would ask him a question when he got the chance.

Listening to Xichuan's question, Lin Chaoyang pondered for a moment.

"The Ferryman's Tale uses a two-layer structure, and actually tells three stories. These three stories are just three possibilities."

Lin Chaoyang's answer was simple, and he did not give a definite answer from the author's perspective, because he liked the director Ang Lee's restrained treatment in the film.

It is said that there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand readers. Every reader has a different understanding of the work. Appropriate blank space is not only the author's art, but also the achievement of the work.

After listening to his answer, Xichuan nodded thoughtfully. This answer was reasonable, but also unexpected.

He said "reasonable" because he had guessed the intention of the author Lin Chaoyang from the perspective of a reader, and he said "unexpected" because he was surprised that Lin Chaoyang could restrain the author's desire to express himself even in front of him.

Xichuan wrote poems and novels. He knew very well that as an author, the desire to express himself after conceiving a good story was difficult to suppress. Many good works were defeated by the author's lack of restraint.

He looked at Lin Chaoyang's calm and silent appearance, and couldn't help but feel a little admiration in his heart.

Perhaps only such a writer could write such a good work as "The Story of the Boat Crossing".

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