Literary Master 1978

Chapter 398 The Richest Man in the Literary World

Turn the clock back ten days ago, and three months have passed since the publication of "Crossing Guandong".

For any news event or cultural phenomenon, such a long time is enough to wear out their vitality, but the phenomenal reading craze triggered by "Crossing Guandong" has not passed.

On April 20, the first part of "Crossing Guandong" was published in the second issue of "Huacheng", and the final sales of the magazine in that issue were fixed at 2.74 million copies.

On June 20, the second part of "Crossing Guandong" was published in the third issue of "Huacheng", and the sales volume climbed again to 3.27 million copies.

The sales volume of the two issues of the magazine totaled 6.01 million copies!

Although "Crossing Guandong" was published in "Huacheng", everyone understands that the record-breaking sales performance of these two issues of "Huacheng" has little to do with "Huacheng" magazine itself.

Otherwise, it should have been the leader in the field of Chinese literary journals.

After the publication of "Crossing Guandong", there were many people praising it. Some people said that the Chinese literary world in 1984 belonged to "Crossing Guandong".

The super high sales of 6.01 million copies was also given to "Huacheng" by this outstanding novel "Crossing Guandong". In addition to the record sales and economic benefits, it brought more influence to "Huacheng" and Huacheng Publishing House.

It made "Huacheng" have the influence of a domestic first-line literary magazine!

Therefore, Huacheng Publishing House also placed great hopes on "Crossing Guandong".

It was published and released three months after the publication, which was a bit hasty for a long novel, but Huacheng Publishing House also had its own considerations.

They hope to let the craze of "Crossing Guandong" continue, from spring to winter, so that this novel can truly accompany all readers.

Only in this way can they live up to the saying that "the Chinese literary world in 1984 belongs to "Crossing Guandong".

On September 20, the novel "Crossing Guandong" officially appeared on the bookshelves of bookstores and post offices in major cities and towns across the country.

As early as a month ago, the publication information of this novel appeared in the fourth issue of Huacheng.

Not only Huacheng, but also more than ten literary magazines such as People's Literature, October, Zhongshan, and Yalu River have appeared on the advertising pages of "Chuang Guandong".

Such a strong advertising force is enough to show how much Huacheng Publishing House attaches importance to "Chuang Guandong".

Of course, "Chuang Guandong" deserves such treatment.

On the first day of the novel's release, people lined up in front of Xinhua Bookstores in major cities across the country to buy the novel.

Some bookstores had hundreds of copies in stock, but they were sold out before they could even hold on to the sales peak of one morning. They had to post notices at the door of the bookstore, which made readers who did not buy the book feel regretful.

In some small towns with sparse reader groups, there are no Xinhua Bookstores, only post offices. In the past, some books and newspapers may not be sold for several months, but "Chuang Guandong" was sold out in less than three or five days.

The first print run of "Crossing Guandong" was 200,000 copies. For most other works, this might be unthinkable, but for "Crossing Guandong", it was as conservative as it could be.

In just two or three days, the stocks of Xinhua Bookstores in many places were snapped up by enthusiastic readers. The order calls from Xinhua Bookstores in various places rushed to Huacheng Publishing House as if they were urging them to die, making them exhausted.

Faced with this situation, Huacheng Publishing House was happy, but more surprised.

They thought that "Crossing Guandong" would be popular after it was released, but they didn't expect it to be so popular.

A full 200,000 copies of the book, including 20,000 hardcover copies, could not last for five days.

What else can they say?

Print more! Print more!

Huacheng Publishing House is a relatively influential publishing house in GD Province, but compared with the real large publishing houses, there is still a big gap.

In addition to the gap in editing resources, author resources, etc., there is also a big gap in printing resources.

In order to solve the problem of printing paper and printing resources for "Crossing Guandong", President Su Chen personally went to Guangdong People's Publishing House for help.

Before the reform and opening up, each province had its own People's Publishing House, and GD Province was no exception.

After the reform and opening up, in response to the policy, Guangdong People's Publishing House split into Guangdong Science and Technology Publishing House, Lingnan Fine Arts Publishing House and Huacheng Publishing House in 1978 and 1984 respectively.

So in essence, Huacheng Publishing House belongs to the People's Publishing House.

When there is a problem, the first person I think of is of course my eldest brother.

Guangdong People's Publishing House was established in 1951 and has published more than 6,000 kinds of books to date. It not only monopolizes most of the printing resources of Guangdong Xinhua Printing Factory, but also co-founded a printing factory with Huaxian County in the past two years, with sufficient printing resources.

Su Chen's request was quickly responded to by the People's Publishing House, which gave the green light to the printing of "Crossing Guandong", and the problem of printing resources was solved.

The hot sales momentum of "Crossing Guandong" is still rising. When the inventory of bookstores in various places is sold out, there are even readers who go to town post offices to buy novels.

Post offices in small towns have limited readers, limited order volume, and a relatively long sales cycle, but this situation was broken after the appearance of "Chuang Guandong".

Those enthusiastic readers swept these post offices clean like locusts passing through.

If nothing unexpected happens, this situation may continue for a while until the print run of "Crossing the Guandong" can satisfy the purchasing desire of the most enthusiastic readers, and then it will decline.

Time came to Yanjing on the day of the National Day.

The buying frenzy caused by "Crossing the Guandong" is shocking, but what is even more shocking is the income Lin Chaoyang has gained from it.

Write a book and make one million yuan!

In the past, it was almost a daydream for Chinese writers.

Under the payment model of basic royalties plus print royalties, writers write novels, short stories are 100 to 200 yuan, novels are several hundred to 1,000, and novels are only 3,000 to 4,000 yuan.

If some works are lucky enough to be popular, writers can also get 1,800 yuan in print royalties. More often, the basic royalties are all the royalties that writers can receive.

The income of writers is certainly not meager, but it is also very difficult to make a fortune by writing.

Therefore, the hot sales of "Crossing Guandong" and the huge royalties that may bring to Lin Chaoyang are particularly shocking and full of impact.

When everyone thought of this reality that was about to happen, their eyes were filled with jealousy.

Chen Jiangong fiercely inserted his chopsticks into the red stewed meat on the table, wishing that he could pick up Lin Chaoyang's future million-dollar royalties with one chopstick, chew them into powder, swallow them into his stomach and digest them cleanly.

As a brother, can you live better than your brother? If you do this, you are not authentic!

Everyone was amazed, and Lin Chaoyang helplessly warned: "Don't spread the royalties. What's the connection with the 'President of the Folk Literature Association'? It makes me look like a traitor."

Li Tuo joked: "How do you think Old Zhang sees you now? Aren't you a traitor? Chaoyang, it's not impossible for you to set up another literature association. You have such good relationships, maybe you can empty it out!"

Before Lin Chaoyang could speak, the others laughed, and Chen Jiangong said: "If that's the case, Old Zhang and his group would fight Chaoyang to death!"

Everyone was talking and laughing, and Zheng Wanlong suddenly said with a jealous tone, "If "Crossing the Guandong" sells for a few more months, Chaoyang will become the richest man in the Chinese literary world!"

Everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

Whether "Crossing the Guandong" sells or not, he, Lin Chaoyang, is also the richest man in the literary world!

Is there anything else worth debating about this matter?

After finishing the meal, everyone left.

Tao Yumo followed Lin Chaoyang like a tail, and asked eagerly: "Brother-in-law, can you really make a million after the publication of "Crossing Guandong"?"

Lin Chaoyang glanced at her, "Why are you asking this?"

"Nothing, just curious!"

Tao Yumo touched her nose and didn't tell the truth.

She actually wanted to say, brother-in-law, you have made a lot of money, it is reasonable to give me a raise, right?

But she didn't dare, she was afraid that Tao Yushu would hit her after she said it, she had only had the Famicom for two months.

"You will know if you calculate it yourself!" Lin Chaoyang replied casually.

Tao Yumo exclaimed: "One million! How many years does it take to earn it!"

"The economy will develop faster and faster in the future. In another 30 years, one million may be about the same as 10,000 now."

Tao Yumo was very dissatisfied with Lin Chaoyang's words that treated her like a child, "How many 30 years do I have in my life? Can earning one million at the age of 20 be the same as earning one million at the age of 50?"

Lin Chaoyang couldn't help laughing when he heard it. Don't say, my sister-in-law's anti-PUA attribute is quite high.

No pancake is better than the ready-made pancake!

No wonder she was transferred from the Changping campus of her school to the Haidian campus after working for a year, just to save more than two hours of commuting time every day.

"Stop talking big! You only make a few dozen yuan a month, but you only think about tens of millions." Tao Yushu scolded her sister.

Tao Yumo was not angry when she was scolded, she was used to it now.

It is said that girls can't stay when they grow up. It's not that girls don't want to stay, but it's really because the family members hate them and it's hard to stay even if they want to.

In front of Tao's mother, she was treated the same way.

She ran to the corner and flipped through the magazines, listening to Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu talking about their daily lives, curling her lips in disdain.

You said I was bragging, but you gossip more than anyone else!

While flipping through the magazines, Tao Yumo suddenly saw an article.

"Brother-in-law, do you think our Chinese team can win this China-Japan Go Challenge?"

Lin Chaoyang hesitated, "It's hard to say. If we just talk about strength, we will definitely lose more than we win."

Although Go originated in China, it is an indisputable fact that Japan has been the number one in East Asia in this sport for a hundred years.

Listening to his words, Tao Yumo sighed lightly, "Is there really no hope? That's the same as what the magazine said."

The magazine Tao Yumo flipped through was "New Sports", and this issue happened to have a prediction of the results of the first China-Japan Go Challenge to be held in Japan in a few days.

The China-Japan Go Challenge was an idea that Japan suddenly proposed to China this year. In recent years, the Go circles of the two countries have visited each other every now and then.

During the visit, a friendly Go match was held, which was the origin of the China-Japan Go Challenge.

This time, the Japanese side proposed to turn the friendly match into a competition match, and even found a sponsor, the Japanese NEC company. Naturally, there was no reason for the Chinese side to refuse. If they refused, wouldn’t it be equivalent to telling the Japanese that China was afraid?

After the news was released, the media of the two countries immediately reported on the challenge match, and the news attracted widespread attention and heated discussions from Go enthusiasts in the two countries.

China's "New Sports" and "Go World", Japan's "Go" and "Weekly Go" and other media also conducted a special survey on the China-Japan Go competition.

The survey showed that Go enthusiasts in the two countries had surprisingly consistent predictions on the results of the challenge match.

More than 80% of Go enthusiasts believed that Japan would win the challenge match, while less than 20% of Go enthusiasts believed that China would win.

When the two sides played against each other, China lost more and won less, which was determined by strength, so the judgment of Go enthusiasts was relatively fair.

After a moment of disappointment, Tao Yumo had another idea.

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