Literary Master 1978

Chapter 403 The Role of

The next morning, Lin Chaoyang first brought his wife and children to the training bureau of the Sports Committee as agreed.

At this time, the Chinese Chess Academy has not yet been established, and the members of the national Go team and members of the national teams such as basketball volleyball and gymnastics all live in the training bureau building.

As soon as he arrived, he met the curious eyes of the Go team members.

"Chess Master" has become very popular since its publication, and it is also loved by these professional chess players.

The knowledge points about Go in the novel can be called professional, and some of the views are also very enlightening for professionals like them.

In addition, when Nie Weiping occasionally chatted with everyone in the past two years, he would also mention Lin Chaoyang's outstanding talent in layout, so everyone was full of curiosity about Lin Chaoyang, a writer who can both write novels and play Go.

Today we finally got to meet each other. Everyone was very excited. Several people couldn't wait to make a request to talk to Lin Chaoyang.

Lin Chaoyang didn't come here for abuse. He refused because he was short of time and just chatted with everyone casually for a while.

What I talk about the most is of course the birth process of the novel "The Chess Master" and some details of the movie.

He is here to cheer for the Go team today, and of course he has to say something to encourage morale.

Tao Yushu held Xiao Dongdong in his arms and touched around in the training room of the Go team, as if he wanted to bring the child here to consecrate him.

When it was almost time for lunch, Hao Keqiang, the leader of the Go team, took Lin Chaoyang's family of three to the cafeteria.

To practice sports, nutrition must be kept up, so the food in the training bureau canteen can be regarded as rich and nutritionally balanced even by the standards of future generations.

While eating, Lin Chaoyang noticed that many eyes in the cafeteria were focused on him.

Hao Keqiang explained: "The news that you came to our training bureau building this morning has spread. There are many fans of your book among these athletes."

Lin Chaoyang smiled after listening to Hao Keqiang's words, and Tao Yushu had a look of pride on his face.

The athletes in the training bureau building are all elites from all over the country, and many of them have won Olympic medals. The attention they receive here makes their sense of pride even stronger.

After taking a break after dinner, Lin Chaoyang and his family went to the Capital Cinema to rewatch "The Master of Chess" with the Go team.

After watching the movie, many people in the Go team were deeply moved and their eyes were red.

"I wish you all good luck in chess!" Lin Chaoyang said sternly to the members of the Go team before leaving.

Hearing his blessings, everyone immediately thought of the phrase in the movie, "If the country is prosperous, the chess fortune will be prosperous." Their faces were extremely solemn, and they thanked Lin Chaoyang solemnly.

At this moment, for some reason, everyone felt a sense of solemnity and solemnity, as the wind rustled and the water became cold.

The next day, the second game of the Sino-Japanese Go Tournament was held as scheduled at the Yanjing Hotel.

In addition to Go players from the two countries' Go teams, there were also many diplomats, media reporters and invited guests, including Lin Chaoyang.

In the second game, Jiang Zhujiu from China took the stage to challenge the champion Noriyoda Noriki.

In the first game two months ago, Yida Noriki defeated China's Wang Jianhong. His momentum was as strong as a rainbow, but the start was still a rigorous chess style.

On the other hand, Jiang Zhujiu's chess style is extremely fierce. If someone who doesn't know the situation of both sides just looks at the opening, they would think that the Chinese team is the one with the upper hand.

At the beginning, Jiang Zhujiu used a three-room high trap. In the first game, Yida Jiji used this move to defeat Wang Jianhong. Jiang Zhujiu's move can be regarded as "repaying the other's favor with his own way."

Go matches require an extremely quiet environment so that players can think quietly, so the matches must be held in the battle room. Lin Chaoyang and others can only watch the time-lapse demonstration of the players' playing process in the explanation hall outside.

The chess game demonstration in the explanation hall has entered the middle game. White's chess blocked Black's chess, and Black's chess had to push white's chess thickly, struggling to survive. After the center was finalized, White showed his tactics and used the three ambushes in the layout.

Nie Weiping looked at the trend of the chess game and whispered to Lin Chaoyang: "Yitian doesn't have enough space."

Lin Chaoyang nodded lightly. Since the black chess piece in the center was always a burden and the black chess piece lacked the necessary robberies talent, the robberies that the white chess piece could calmly complete would be almost a clean life.

Jiang Zhujiu's chances of winning this game of chess are getting bigger and bigger.

Less than half an hour after the exchange between the two, the game in the battle room ended. Jiang Zhujiu won by 2.5 points, and the Chinese personnel in the explanation hall cheered.

The Japanese personnel looked gloomy, but they still maintained their demeanor. They considered themselves to be stronger than the Chinese team, and were not worried about any disturbance the Chinese team would cause. They just lost a game of chess, and there were still seven chess players behind them.

Therefore, the Japanese team performed very gracefully after the game. Even Noriyoshi Yida, the loser, behaved calmly when being interviewed by reporters from "New Sports", "China Sports News" and other media, without any frustration at losing.

On the contrary, Jiang Zhujiu, the winner, was very excited during the interview.

When reporters asked him about the opportunity for his victory, he said: "Yitian and I are close in strength, and it is not easy to beat him. If you ask why we beat him, I think it is fighting spirit. Captain Hao just took us there yesterday. Watching "The Master of Chess" boosted everyone's morale..."

Jiang Zhujiu's answer was very long, but the reporters no longer paid attention to the rest of his answer. All their attention was attracted by "The Chess Saint" in Jiang Zhujiu's mouth.

"You mean, you organized a group to watch "The Master of Chess" before the game?" the reporter asked.

"Yes, everyone was very inspired after watching the movie. Lao Nie also invited the author of "The Master of Chess" to come over and communicate with everyone."

Early the next morning, news about the China-Japan Go Tournament appeared on the front page of China Sports News.

Jiang Zhujiu defeated Noriki Ita, bringing the score to 1:1 in the arena. Seeing this news, people in the Go community and Go enthusiasts were immediately delighted.

In addition to being happy, everyone took a closer look at the content of the report and noticed another interesting point.

The Chinese Go team actually went to watch "The Master" before the war started.

A group of national players, the top experts in the Go world, went to watch a movie together before the war. You can say that they were doing their jobs seriously. They went to watch a Go movie written by an amateur player. You could say that they are not doing their job properly. What they are watching is a movie about Go.

The unfolding of this magical plot made Go enthusiasts across the country dumbfounded.

But these people also have to admit that the Chinese team's actions seem to have some effect.

Originally, Go enthusiasts discussed before the game that it was generally believed that the Chinese team might only have Ma Xiaochun and Nie Weiping, and they were absolutely sure that they could win one or two Japanese players.

This is why the Chinese team has set the requirement that "you will pass if you meet Koichi Kobayashi."

Therefore, Jiang Zhujiu's victory over Ita Noriki gave everyone a feeling of surprise, and they couldn't help but look forward to the schedule in the next few months.

At the same time, this report in "China Sports News" has also added a bit of popularity to the already popular "Chess" movie.

Many Go enthusiasts and ordinary people who follow the Sino-Japanese Go Tournament entered the cinema. The movie-viewing momentum that had been declining in major cities turned out to be a positive trend again.

The movie "Chess Master" was released for a month and a half and became the biggest dark horse in the Chinese film industry in 1984.

Affected by the popularity of the movie, the original novel "The Chess Master" also experienced a sales boom.

For literary works, the first two years after publication are undoubtedly the most prime time for readers to pay attention to the work and for sales of the work.

In the nearly three years since "Chess Master" was published, the cumulative sales have reached 2.6 million copies, of which nearly 2.4 million copies were achieved in the first two years.

As of this year, 200,000 copies have been sold in more than half a year.

As time goes by, the sales of this novel may further decline, and then remain at a relatively small number of sales, with only one or two reprints per year. This is also the fate that most best-selling books face.

But since the release of the "Chess" movie, sales of the original novel have skyrocketed.

Previously, it only sold 200,000 copies for the better part of half a year. However, more than a month after the release of the movie "Chess Master", the original novel sold nearly 400,000 copies, bringing the total sales volume of the novel to successfully approach the 3 million mark.

Now "Chess Master" has been linked to the Sino-Japanese Go Tournament, the hottest social topic at the moment. Whether it is a movie or a novel, in the next period of time, I am afraid it will usher in a hot market.

This makes Yanjing Publishing House extremely happy. The publishing contract for "The Chess Master" will not expire for half a year. During this time, they can earn hundreds of thousands of yuan from this novel.

It's like pie in the sky, you can make money while lying down!

When the topic of the Sino-Japanese Go Tournament was in full swing among the public, Lin Chaoyang received a call from Dong Qiao from Xiangjiang.

Four or five months have passed since Ming Pao Publishing House made a publishing request in July, and then Lin Chaoyang went to Xiangjiang to sign a contract with them in August. Lin Chaoyang had just received the sample book of "Crossing Guandong" a few days ago.

As soon as they came up, Dong Qiao first asked Lin Chaoyang for his opinion on the sample book. After Lin Chaoyang said he was satisfied, he then talked about the advance payment of royalties.

This time Ming Pao Publishing House is very confident about "Enter Guandong". The binding format is the same as that in the mainland. It is also divided into two volumes. The single volume is priced at 60 Hong Kong dollars, and the two volumes are 120 Hong Kong dollars.

For the first printing of 10,000 copies of the novel, the royalties that Lin Chaoyang deserved were 240,000 Hong Kong dollars. Dong Qiao said on the phone that he would remit it to Lin Chaoyang in the next two days.

Hearing this, Lin Chaoyang was a little surprised. This was not like the style of Ming Pao Publishing House.

Then, Dong Qiao mentioned "The Master of Chess" which had just been released in Hong Kong.

"The Chess" was released in Hong Kong in early November. It lasted for 31 days and achieved a box office of HK$10.45 million. It successfully entered the top 20 box office rankings of Hong Kong movies this year, ranking 19th.

For a movie produced by a mainland team without big investment or big stars, it is not easy to achieve such results.

The movie "The Chess Master" has achieved good box office results in Hong Kong. With an audience base, it is naturally possible to sell well, so Ming Pao Publishing House became interested in the original novel of "The Chess Master".

Dong Qiao made the international long distance call this time mainly for this matter.

Ming Pao Publishing House wanted to publish "The Master of Chess", and as long as the royalties were sufficient, Lin Chaoyang had no reason not to agree.

After some exchanges, the two parties successfully reached an agreement, which was still 20% of the royalties. Lin Chaoyang handed over the publishing rights of "The Master of Chess" to Ming Pao Publishing House.

Two days later, Lin Chaoyang received HK$240,000 in royalties from Ming Pao Publishing House from Hong Kong.

After he got home, Tao Yushu had just gotten off work. Du Feng suddenly ran over and asked the couple: "Sister, brother-in-law, will your family buy a car?"

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