Literary Master 1978

Chapter 406 Isn't this cheating? (Thanks to Brother Nuan Yang and Silver Alliance)

"That year, the Japanese people launched 23 large-scale just struggles in succession, which caused a great shock in the intellectual community, and many intellectuals left their study.

Standing at the forefront of the people's struggle, we must breathe and share the same fate with the people, and more people took to the streets..."

Kondo Naoko excitedly recounted her experience when she was young. With a surging heart, she opened the gift she brought this time.

A picture album titled "The Japanese People Have Stood Up" is full of scenes of the Japanese passionate people fighting bravely.

Lin Chaoyang, a Chinese, couldn't help but feel a little excited after seeing it.

It's really awesome!

This is called cultural output!

"It's a pity that we didn't fight against American imperialism and their running dogs after all."

At the end, Kondo Naoko couldn't help but shed tears, and Lin Chaoyang and Hong Zicheng were also very sad when they heard it.

Seeing that Kondo Naoko was in a low mood, Lin Chaoyang changed the topic and asked about her feelings and experiences during her visit to China. After chatting for a while, the atmosphere became cheerful again.

Then they talked about the introductory research article written by Naoko Kondo for "Crossing Guandong". This article was written by Naoko Kondo after reading "Crossing Guandong". She invested a lot of energy in it. After the article was published, it also caused a certain response in the Japanese Sinology community.

"Mr. Lin's "Crossing Guandong" has a magnificent pattern and epic style. It is not only a first-class work in the Chinese literary world, but also in Asia."

Naoko Kondo's admiration and love for "Crossing Guandong" is undisguised, and her exaggerated words are more explicit than the pen style of many domestic critics.

After Lin Chaoyang was polite and talked to her about the details of the novel creation, Naoko Kondo suddenly said:

"Mr. Lin, like "Crossing Guandong" should be seen by more readers. I have an unwelcome request."

"Ms. Kondo might as well speak directly."

"I want to obtain your authorization and cooperate with a domestic publisher in Japan to publish your novel in Japan."

At this point, Naoko Kondo lowered her head with a sincere attitude.

Writers have always enjoyed a very high status in Japanese society. Naoko Kondo highly praised Lin Chaoyang, so she was particularly respectful.

"This..." Lin Chaoyang hesitated for a moment and asked, "Ms. Kondo, my works and I are not well-known in Japan. Publishing may not be that easy, right?"

Naoko Kondo raised her head and replied, "I can translate your novel first, and then contact the Japanese publisher. The only regret is that my Sinology level is not outstanding enough, and I am afraid that I can't translate the essence of your original work."

Listening to Naoko Kondo's words, Lin Chaoyang didn't know what to say. She was just bringing her own dry food to make trouble. If he didn't agree, it would be too unkind.

"I am naturally happy to have the help of Ms. Kondo, but I am afraid of causing trouble for you."

"Don't be polite. If you can really introduce "Crossing Guandong" into Japan, it will be my supreme honor."

Lin Chaoyang was controlled by Naoko Kondo's respectful and humble attitude. He felt that he was about to be worshipped.

The main thing is that they really contributed for free. Before deciding on a publisher, they first translated a novel of more than 600,000 words like "Crossing Guandong". Such a huge amount of work cannot be completed in less than a year or two.

If you don't really love it, who would do such a stupid thing?

Not to mention the time and energy it takes, if no publisher chooses this novel, then all the hard work for so long will go to waste.

Not to mention Lin Chaoyang, even Tao Yushu and Hong Zicheng were deeply moved after hearing it.

Before Kondo Naoko left, Tao Yushu pulled Lin Chaoyang aside and said, "Ms. Kondo is so dedicated to helping. No matter whether the matter can be accomplished, we have to show our appreciation."

Lin Chaoyang nodded. He also had this idea, but he didn't know what to give for a while.

People are not trying to help introduce Lin Chaoyang's works to Japan for money. If the gift is not given well, it will become utilitarian.

Tao Yushu said, "Why not give her the manuscript of "Crossing Guandong"?"

After Lin Chaoyang finished writing many of his works, he sent the transcribed versions to the editorial department, and he kept the real manuscripts in his own hands.

After hearing this, Lin Chaoyang thought for a few seconds.

Manuscripts are of course precious to the writer himself and the readers who love the works. But if you want to say how much it is worth, it's not a big deal.

The key is that giving such a thing not only reflects Lin Chaoyang's sincerity, but also fulfills Kondo Naoko's love for this novel. I believe she will like it.

"That's good."

After the couple discussed it, Tao Yushu went to the study to get the manuscript.

The manuscript of more than 600,000 words was recorded on 500-grid manuscript paper, and a thick stack was bound in a thread-bound way. It looks a bit simple, but full of heaviness.

"I am very happy to meet Ms. Kondo today. Thank you for your love for "Crossing Guandong".

Translating "Crossing Guandong" is probably a difficult task. Here is the manuscript of the novel. I hope it can help you."

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, Naoko Kondo was surprised.

She looked at the manuscript in Lin Chaoyang's hand with great excitement, and suddenly bowed 90 degrees.


Lin Chaoyang doesn't know Japanese, but he can understand this sentence, "Auntie Arigadogude is dead", which means "thank you"!

"Ms. Kondo, you're welcome!" He handed over the manuscript.

Naoko Kondo raised her head, but still leaned forward, stretched out her hands, looked pious, and took the manuscript from Lin Chaoyang solemnly.

Then she bowed again and repeated what she had just said, and said: "Mr. Lin, thank you for your trust, I will do my best!"

After saying these words, she stood up, carefully held the manuscript in her arms, her eyes swept over the manuscript, her face showed excitement again, feeling flattered.

After saying goodbye again and again, she left with Hong Zicheng.

A few days later, just after Christmas in the West, the news of the China-Japan Go Challenge came again.

On December 23, the Chinese team once again faced the Japanese team in Tokyo, Japan. The venue of the game was the Ishiyotei Hotel in Hakone, which is also the venue for many important games in the Japanese Go world.

This match was between the Chinese champion Jiang Zhujiu and the Japanese champion Kobayashi Akira. The two had played against each other as early as 1979.

After five years, the two played against each other again, and Jiang Zhujiu performed as stable as ever.

With the 143rd move, Jiang Zhujiu directly killed Kobayashi Akira's big dragon in the middle game. Kobayashi Akira didn't even make it to the endgame, and had to resign.

The news spread back to China, and it once again triggered a wave of public opinion in China.

Before the start of the challenge match, both Japanese and domestic public opinion were not optimistic about the Chinese team. Unexpectedly, after more than two months of the match, the Chinese team actually led the Japanese team, a strong opponent, by 2:1.

Although they knew that this result did not mean anything, everyone was still happy, after all, they won the game.

In the midst of the heated discussion about the Sino-Japanese Go Challenge, many people discussed the fact that the Chinese team went to watch "The Go Master" before the game.

Everyone began to think that there might be some metaphysics behind this seemingly absurd behavior.

After all, in the previous battles with the Japanese team, Jiang Zhujiu did not show such a brave fighting power.

Of course, there are also many people who sneer at this argument.

"The Go Master" is a good movie, but what does winning the game have to do with the movie? It's all because of the players' good performance!

Public opinion continues to ferment, and the media and Go enthusiasts have begun to predict the results of the next game.

With Jiang Zhujiu's advantage of winning two games in a row, everyone optimistically estimates that the Chinese team may be able to defeat Kobayashi Koichi and meet Kato Masao. If they are lucky, they may even meet Fujisawa Hideyuki in the final.

Thinking of such a peak confrontation, the Go community couldn't help but get excited.

After half a winter of exaggeration, the trend of the Sino-Japanese Go Challenge has spread more and more widely and has become more and more popular.

Recently, whenever Tao Yushu is free, Lin Chaoyang takes her out to practice driving. She is now more and more skilled in driving.

In the past few days, I heard about Lin Chaoyang buying a car, and my friends came to watch the fun. Everyone couldn't help but shout when they saw the Crown.

In the era of bicycles per capita, driving a high-end car like the Crown is even cooler than driving a "Laoer" in later generations.

The eyes and words of these people are full of envy and jealousy. People in the 1980s were simple, but it didn't mean that everyone didn't yearn for a better life.

Driving a private car is undoubtedly an important sign of a prosperous life. Who can't yearn for it?

Otherwise, how could so many intellectuals risk their lives to run to European and American countries?

"It still has to be for royalties! Look at Chaoyang, how long has "Crossing Guandong" been published, and the Crown has been bought!"

Li Tuo's sigh was full of slots, and Lin Chaoyang couldn't help but retorted: "The royalties for "Crossing Guandong" haven't been settled yet!"

Li Tuo said again: "Otherwise, why do you say you are the richest man in the literary world? You haven't touched the royalties, but you bought a Crown."

OK! It's hard to explain!

Lin Chaoyang was too lazy to explain.

"Crossing Guandong" was only published in September. According to the agreement between Lin Chaoyang and Huacheng Publishing House, the royalty settlement cycle is three months, and the first royalty settlement day is coming soon.

The day after Lin Chaoyang asked Li Tuo for the royalties, Li Shifei from Huacheng Publishing House knocked on Lin Chaoyang's door.

"Old Li?" Lin Chaoyang was a little surprised to see Li Shifei. After greeting him, he let Li Shifei into the house.

After sitting down and drinking two sips of tea, Li Shifei couldn't wait to talk to Lin Chaoyang about the sales and royalty settlement of "Crossing Guandong".

Since its release on September 20, "Crossing Guandong" has sold a total of 2.08 million copies in three months, of which 2.02 million copies were sold in paperback and 60,000 copies were sold in hardcover.

According to this number, Huacheng Publishing House has earned 6 million yuan in the past three months just for the novel "Crossing Guandong".

1 novel, 3 months, 6 million yuan.

These three numbers look fine individually, but when combined together, they are a set of numbers that shocked all domestic publishers.

A single novel has achieved a sales volume of 6 million in such a short period of time, which is unprecedented in the contemporary Chinese literary world and may not be surpassed in the future.

Because there may be works that may break the record of 2 million copies sold in 3 months, but few works can reach the volume of "Crossing Guandong".

"Crossing Guandong" is almost equivalent to three normal-length novels. How can this be compared?

Isn't this cheating?

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