Literary Master 1978

Chapter 421: Almost Tang Monk's Meat

After the dinner, because there were activities tomorrow, everyone dispersed in the afternoon. A few people who were addicted to alcohol went out to find some wine, and a few others chose to stay in Lin Chaoyang's guest room.

For this event, Lin Chaoyang's family specially arranged several guest rooms for everyone to stay and rest.

The next morning, Xiaoliubukou Hutong was full of guests again, but unlike yesterday, most of the guests who came this morning were young and energetic.

Li Tuo and others contacted literary organizations of more than ten universities in Yanjing, including Shuimu, Yan University, Yanjing Normal University, and China University of Political Science and Law. They learned that Xunweizhai Cultural Salon was going to hold an event for these college students, and the students from various universities were very excited.

Early this morning, these proud children came to Xiaoliubukou Hutong facing the rising sun, and every cell in their bodies was filled with excitement and excitement.

Those writers who had only seen their works in magazines and books before can now communicate face to face at close range. Is there anything happier than this?

Students entered the courtyard one after another. There was no usual meeting place, nor was there any elaborate decoration. In the courtyard, which was as plain and simple as usual, there were a few writers scattered here and there.

The students could not help but become excited and shy when seeing these writers. These writers were also a little embarrassed in the face of the students' admiring and respectful eyes.

Those who are engaged in literary creation always talk endlessly when talking about literature, history and philosophy, but they are as shy as ordinary people when facing strangers.

"Everyone! Everyone!"

Li Tuo was dressed very formally today, and his hair was clearly visible. When Lin Chaoyang saw him in the morning, he suspected that he had secretly applied hair oil.

In the morning, he saw that most of the writers and students had arrived, so he played the guest host.

With his shouting, everyone in the courtyard and the house was attracted by his attention.

"We have added several new activities to our Xunweizhai Cultural Salon this year. This morning, the award-winning writers will exchange ideas with many literary enthusiasts at Yenching.

However, our event is not a conference. There is no venue and no guest speaker.

We provide a venue for everyone. Drinks and snacks are in the west wing. You can take them as you like. Everyone can freely communicate. Don't be restrained."

Li Tuo made a brief opening speech and introduced the event very clearly, but everyone present, whether writers or students, was a little confused.

This is the first time they have participated in such a casual event. They have no idea how to participate!

The reaction of the crowd was not unexpected by Li Tuo. He showed a smug smile on his face and pointed at Shi Tiesheng, who was sitting in a wheelchair under the corridor.

"This is Comrade Shi Tiesheng. I believe you are familiar with him, right?"

As soon as Li Tuo finished speaking, many students looked at Shi Tiesheng in unison, their eyes were extremely eager.

After the publication of "My Distant Qingping Bay" in 1983, it was widely praised by readers, and Shi Tiesheng became famous because of it.

His inspiring story of being disabled but strong-willed has also been widely circulated among readers, and many readers regard Shi Tiesheng as a spiritual idol and life mentor.

Since entering the school, many students have noticed Shi Tiesheng sitting in a wheelchair. After Li Tuo introduced him, many students immediately gathered in the direction of Shi Tiesheng.

"Comrade Shi Tiesheng, I am your loyal reader. I especially like your "My Distant Qingping Bay" and your award-winning "Grandma's Stars"..."

Seeing a group of students surrounding Shi Tiesheng, Li Tuo continued to introduce him calmly, "Do you know this talented and beautiful female comrade? She is Jin Ying who wrote "Oh, Xiangxue"!"

The students immediately looked at her eagerly again. Standing under the French plane tree, Jin Ying was embarrassed by the students' fiery gazes, and soon some students surrounded her.

With Li Tuo's introductions one by one, the atmosphere of the event gradually became lively. With the first sentence to break the ice, these writers who love literature and young readers had a pleasant exchange.

Today, there are hundreds of student representatives from various universities. They gathered in groups of three or five around the writers, forming small circles spontaneously. From time to time, people would run from one side to the other, or two groups would come together to chat.

Rooms, yards, corridors, trees... everywhere can be a place for communication. Such a free and comfortable atmosphere of communication not only makes the students feel novel and satisfied, but also allows the writers present to experience a rare sense of joy.

"You should read Zhang Dai's works. He left behind 6 million words in his life. He is an outstanding historian and writer.

I read his "Dream of Taoan", and the expression of the text in it can be said to have reached the extreme. Listen:

'The sky, clouds, mountains and water are all white. The shadow on the lake is only a trace of the long embankment, a dot of the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and a mustard seed of the remaining boats. There are only two or three people in the boat.'

This is a passage in "Watching the Snow at the Pavilion in the Heart of the Lake". It is only 30 or 40 words long, concise as it can be, and it can be said that he is frugal with words, but it is full of artistic conception.

Such an article is still beautiful even if it is read today, 200 or 300 years later.

In the contemporary Chinese literary world, how many people dare to say that they can write such a good article?"

Li Guowen is the oldest among the writers who came today. He started with the articles of Zhang Dai, a literati in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and told these college students about the beauty of ancient Chinese literature.

These students who were used to pursuing Western literature felt refreshed. Everyone listened very seriously with admiration in their eyes.

Beside this group of people, Jin Ying was also surrounded by several college students. She was young and not much older than the college students present. She talked without any reservations.

"I didn't expect "The Girl in Red" to be so popular. I was very surprised when Emei Film Studio found me. Later, I talked with Director Lu Xiaoya for a long time before finally deciding to cooperate with them to create the script.

It was my first time writing a movie script, and I had no experience at all. Thanks to my study at the Institute of Literature and Art, I remember that Comrade Chaoyang also gave us a lecture at that time...

Anyway, after stumbling for several months, I finally wrote the script. After handing it over to the crew, I considered that I had completed the task.

But I never expected that the movie would be so popular now!"

Jin Ying told the students about her experience of her novel "The Red Shirt Without Buttons" being adapted into the movie "The Girl in Red".

This movie was just released after the New Year, which triggered a large wave of movie watching and brought Jin Ying a huge reputation, so she is also very popular among students.

As time went by, the courtyard of Lin Chaoyang's house was full of voices, but these voices were not noisy.

If you distinguish carefully, the content of those voices is almost all about propositions such as literature, art, and philosophy, which makes people unconsciously follow the perspective of the narrator to experience a baptism of thought and soul.

Li Tuo, Zheng Wanlong, Zhong Acheng and others gathered together, looking at such a scene, their faces were full of pride and satisfaction.

"It seems that we are right to adopt this form. Don't do those empty things, without high-sounding procedures and words, such communication is meaningful."

When several people were chatting, there was a knock at the gate of the courtyard. Li Tuo thought it was another guest. As a result, when he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, he saw a round-faced middle-aged man in his thirties. He looked unfamiliar and Li Tuo had seen him for the first time.

"Who are you looking for?"

The round-faced middle-aged man recognized Li Tuo at once and shook his hand enthusiastically, "Are you Comrade Li Tuo?"

Li Tuo was a little surprised, "It's me."

"I'm Yang Lang, a reporter from China Youth Daily. I heard that you are holding a cultural salon here today, and I want to come and learn about the situation."

Listening to Yang Lang's words, Li Tuo was even more surprised.

The cultural salon has been held for several years. It's not that there are no media interested in the salon, but it's basically still mainly literary magazines. Occasionally, one or two newspapers want to interview, but they are all declined by Lin Chaoyang, because he naturally doesn't want to be too high-profile.

Li Tuo smiled politely and said, "I'm really sorry, our salon is a private event, and it's inconvenient to accept interviews."

Yang Lang didn't expect Li Tuo to reject his request so straightforwardly. He wanted to fight for it again. Li Tuo saw this and pulled him out of the door, comforted him with kind words, and then sent him away.

After Li Tuo came back, Zheng Wanlong asked him what was going on, and Li Tuo told him about Yang Lang's identity and request.

"I wanted to invite someone from the Literary Gazette before, but Chaoyang said that the Literary Gazette was too official, so we should not invite them. I don't know where this reporter Yang got the news from, but he came to our door on his own."

"We made quite a fuss this time, so it's not surprising that reporters came to us. It's a pity that Chaoyang is too low-key. In fact, I think it's good to promote the reputation of our salon."

"I thought so at first. But you don't know that during the award ceremony two days ago, Old Zhang found Chaoyang..."

Li Tuo told the story of Zhang Guangnian again, and Zheng Wanlong frowned immediately.

"No wonder Chaoyang didn't want us to find the Yanjing Literary Association. Look at this matter, it's really hard to grasp the scale!"

"Yes, I feel that this cultural salon is about to become Tang Monk meat!"

When Li Tuo said this, the expression on his face was both troubled and somewhat complacent.

Li Tuo has been deeply involved in the cultural salon since its inception. Now, after several years of development, this literary event, which was originally held privately, has its own unique influence in the Chinese literary world. This has always made him feel very accomplished.

As the two chatted, time slowly came to noon, and the short exchange was about to come to an end. When Li Tuo stood up again, many students present could not help but look regretful.

Today's exchange meeting brought everyone not only a refreshing exchange, but also knowledge and experience that could not be exchanged for money and effort.

In comparison, the celebrity speeches and seminars they had attended in school before were really unoriginal and full of formalism.

The students were reluctant to leave, and the writers who participated in the exchange today also felt that they had not finished.

In addition to the new feelings brought by the innovation in form, today's exchange also satisfied their vanity to a certain extent.

Under close contact, these writers can deeply feel the love and admiration of these proud children of heaven for them, and such a feeling is hard to refuse.

When the exchange activity was about to end, Li Tuo found that the students were looking eagerly in the direction of the main room, and he immediately understood what they were thinking.

Unfortunately, Lin Chaoyang had gone out early in the morning. He said that today was an exchange activity between students and award-winning writers, and if he was here, it would be a bit of a distraction.

After listening to Li Tuo's explanation, many students sighed with regret.

When he stood at the gate of the courtyard and watched these students leave, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He said to Zheng Wanlong: "If Chaoyang is not here, don't we still have us?"

Zheng Wanlong looked at him strangely, "We want to see literary idols, not literary socialites."

"Fuck you!"

In the afternoon, the discussion was still in the same format as in the morning, but the guests had changed from students from major universities in Yenching University to the backbone of many critics and literary magazines.

The lineup was so strong that it could almost match half of the Chinese literary journals.

"People's Literature", "Contemporary", "October", "Yenching Literature", "Xingang"... Each magazine is a well-known presence in the domestic literary world, and the people who came were basically the editors-in-chief and deputy editors-in-chief of the magazines.

As for why everyone gave him so much face, Li Tuo wanted to put gold on his face, but unfortunately the reality did not allow it.

Wang Meng came to participate in the event on behalf of "People's Literature", and the first thing she asked when she entered the door was: "Where is Chaoyang?"

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