Literary Master 1978

Chapter 442 Reflect on yourself

During this period of time, Huacheng Publishing House has put a lot of thought into the publication of "The Truman Show".

First, a wave of saturated book and magazine advertisements was made in major domestic literary journals, and a new book launch conference was held. The guests included dozens of authoritative media in South China, and even two Shanghai media went.

As Lin Chaoyang's new work after "Crossing Guandong", the preview and report of "The Truman Show" immediately attracted strong attention from the majority of readers and the literary and cultural circles.

Many people have been looking forward to it since they saw the book and magazine advertisements. After the press conference was held two days ago, the news effect continued to ferment, and the influence covered half of China, with great momentum.

So when the news that Lin Chaoyang was going to hold a book signing event at the Xinhua Bookstore on Nanjing Road came out, it immediately caused an uproar among the literary enthusiasts in Shanghai.

Countless readers heard the news and wanted to celebrate.

The endless queue of readers on Nanjing Road proved the readers' recognition of Lin Chaoyang and his influence in the contemporary literary world. It has become a scene on Nanjing Road, the most prosperous commercial street in China.

When the book signing was going on in the afternoon, it even attracted reporters from Shanghai TV stations.

This time, the reporters were not contacted by Huacheng Publishing House, but they came spontaneously after learning about the news on Nanjing Road.

Two reporters from the TV station came, one for the camera and the other for the camera. They interviewed the readers and wanted to find Lin Chaoyang.

Unfortunately, Lin Chaoyang was so busy writing that he had no time to pay attention to them!

While eating in the evening, Li Shifei discussed with Lin Chaoyang, "I told them to wait until the evening to accept the interview."


Li Shifei said again: "Chaoyang, there are too many readers this time, and we may not be able to finish it today."

This is the first time that Huacheng Publishing House has held a book signing event. It borrowed from the foreign book promotion method and did not know how to set up some entry threshold. It honestly thought that it would sign as many books as the readers came.

Lin Chaoyang understood these principles, but he also knew that readers would line up for a whole day. This was a great sincerity, and signing more names was nothing.

"Then you can coordinate with the bookstore and hold it for another day?" Lin Chaoyang said.

Li Shifei immediately replied: "The bookstore is easy to talk to, as long as you agree."

Lin Chaoyang looked at Li Shifei speechlessly. The pit has been dug, and they are just waiting for me to jump, right?

He was not angry. After all, the book signing event is also a kind of publicity, not to mention a way to give back to readers.

Anyway, I came.

The book signing event lasted until eight o'clock in the evening. There were few readers queuing in front of Xinhua Bookstore and on Nanjing Road.

It's not that there are no readers, but those who lined up behind were persuaded to leave by the staff of the bookstore. The staff told these readers that the book signing will continue tomorrow.

But there are still a small group of readers who stick here. Everyone else has left, but they have not left. They can get the signed books in the first batch tomorrow.

When Lin Chaoyang came out of the bookstore, he saw these readers. There were not many people, so he stopped and stood on the roadside to sign for them.

The readers who could stay at this time were all Lin Chaoyang's most loyal readers. They didn't expect that they would have such an unexpected surprise if they stayed.

After getting the signed books, they were all very happy and excited. Some female college students even had tears in their eyes.

They surrounded Lin Chaoyang and talked for a long time before letting him go.

On the way back to the hotel, Li Shifei recalled the performance of the group of readers just now and said with emotion: "Your readers are really fanatical!"

"Fanatical?" Lin Chaoyang was stunned when he heard this word from his mouth. It seemed that he was indeed a little bit, almost catching up with the scene of picking up geigei in the future.

Li Shifei said to himself again: "But this is all the readers' love for you! It proves that you write well and are recognized by everyone."

The two returned to the hotel, and the reporters from Shanghai TV station had been waiting here for half a day.

When he just arrived in Shanghai yesterday, Lin Chaoyang had already accepted interviews from two reporters in Shanghai, but the publicity effect of television media is greater, so it is of course better to have this opportunity.

After half an hour of interview, Lin Chaoyang collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

In the next few days, Lin Chaoyang repeated this life.

Back in Yanjing, it can be regarded as Lin Chaoyang's home court. The media is more supportive and readers are more enthusiastic.

In addition, in the book signings in these few days, no matter which city, there are many writer friends who come to support Lin Chaoyang, which fully verifies Lin Chaoyang's good popularity.

Unfortunately, he was busy with book signings and only exchanged a few words in a hurry.

Now the book signing is finally over. Lin Chaoyang calculated that it took nine days to add the time on the road.

He was glad that he didn't listen to Huacheng Publishing House at that time. If he went to more than a dozen cities, it would not take a month. He would be dead or skinned.

After finishing the book signing, Li Shifei returned to Guangzhou, and Lin Chaoyang returned to Xiaoliubukou Hutong.

He is not Dayu, he can't just pass by his home without entering.

It had been more than three months since the couple left. Lin Erchun and Zhang Guiqin were very happy to see him back. They asked about his well-being and their attitude was much better than when Lin Chaoyang was at home. This profoundly demonstrated what distance creates beauty.

While eating the meal prepared by Zhang Guiqin, Lin Erchun told Lin Chaoyang about the situation in the West Courtyard during his absence.

Before Lin Chaoyang left, he handed Li Tuo the key to the west courtyard. In the past few months, one or two writers from out of town would move in there every few days.

These people were quite polite when they came. They all came to say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Lin Erchun first, and some even brought some gifts.

Every now and then, Li Tuo and the others would organize gatherings. In the past few months, the West Courtyard has been very popular.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

While the father and son were talking, Li Tuo and Chen Jiangong came to visit together.

Lin Chaoyang held a two-day autograph signing event in Yanjing before, and Li Tuo and others even made a special trip there to support it.

After meeting and chatting for a while, Li Tuo joked: "You really get the limelight wherever you go!"

"You mean the autograph session?"

The book signing itself is just a niche event, but Lin Chaoyang's current popularity and influence are too great.

Several autograph sessions attended by perhaps one to two thousand people, and coordinated with media promotions in Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Yanjing, actually created a huge wave of public opinion among the people.

Of course, there are two other important reasons for this.

First, "The Truman Show" is a new book released, and readers are eagerly anticipating it; second, Huacheng Publishing House has done a good job in pre-publicity.

"It's more than just a book signing! Didn't you win an award in Hong Kong? "Popular Movies" reported that "The Truman Show" was also made into a movie in Hong Kong."

When Li Tuo and the others went to the autograph session yesterday, Lin Chaoyang was very busy and just chatted for a few words. Now they finally had time to communicate.

"It was just the right time."

Li Tuo had an expression on his face that I didn't believe, "I think you had a plan in advance. No wonder you went to Xiangjiang. Are you going to go abroad again in the future?"

After chatting for a while, Chen Jiangong asked Lin Chaoyang, "Chaoyang, are you still leaving this time?"

"Let's go. Yushu is still in Xiangjiang. This time we go back and stay for a few months before we come back."

Listening to what he said, Chen Jiangong said: "It's good to come back. Without you, everyone's gatherings always feel a bit boring."

Lin Chaoyang smiled mockingly, "I didn't expect that I would be so useful? I heard that you guys had a good time together when I was away, right?"

"Okay, okay, but the food is not strong enough. You'd better come back quickly." Li Tuo said.

Lin Chaoyang was speechless for a moment, "We are short of cooks."

"No, it's a lack of good cooks." Li Tuo corrected.

"Get out!"

After resting for a day in Xiaoliubukou Hutong, Lin Chaoyang drove to Langrun Lake Apartment the next day.

Father Tao and Mother Tao have seen the news about Lin Chaoyang's book signing on the news in the past two days. Father Tao and Mother Tao are also very happy to see each other after a long absence. They also have to care about their two daughters who are still far away in Xiangjiang.

Especially Tao's mother, although she always had a bad attitude toward the Tao Yushu sisters when they were at home, the two sisters had been away for several months, which really made her feel uncomfortable.

She first asked about Tao Yushu's situation, and then asked Tao Yumo.

I don’t know if there was something wrong with what Lin Chaoyang conveyed. After listening to it, Mrs. Tao muttered: "This damn girl is so heartless! She doesn’t know how to miss home at all!"

While eating, Tao's father said that Zhu Guangqian was ill again and had a recurrence of cerebral thrombosis.

He has been living in the hospital for the past two months. Lin Chaoyang quickly drove to the hospital to visit him in the afternoon.

When he arrived at the hospital, Lin Chaoyang saw Zhu Guangqian. Compared with when he saw him during the New Year, the old comrade's complexion had declined a lot.

According to his aunt Xi Jinwu, the doctor's analysis of the cause of his illness was that he was tired from overwork in recent years.

Zhu Guangqian has always worked very hard, especially in the past few years since the end of Hum Hum.

Every time Lin Chaoyang went to his house, he could always see him sitting at the table, smoking a pipe and writing non-stop.

Especially after the buzz ended, the eighty-year-old seemed to burst out with an amazing fighting spirit. In the past few years, he translated, wrote, and proofread more than four million words of manuscripts.

Among them are Hegel's "Aesthetics", Lessing's "Laocoön", Vico's "New Science" and other Western aesthetic classics, as well as "Aesthetic Gleaners" and "Letters on Beauty".

The output is so rich that even his juniors who are thirty or forty years younger than him can't help but feel ashamed when they see it.

This is an old man who is nearly ninety years old!

But after all, people are not made of iron. At such an old age and with such a high-intensity work, Zhu Guang's illness is not unjust.

Now the old comrade's life is not in danger for the time being, but his mind is sometimes clear and sometimes confused.

Lin Chaoyang sat in the ward for a while, and Zhu Guangqian's mind became clearer. When he saw him coming, he asked Tao Yushu why he didn't come.

"Yushu is in Xiangjiang. He will be back next month."

"Oh, I forgot, Lao Tao also told me about this." Zhu Guangqian sighed a few words about his current memory, and then talked with Lin Chaoyang about Go.

"What do you think is going on? Is your "Chess Master" not working? The Chinese team has lost five games in a row!"

The old comrade is talking about the Sino-Japanese Go Tournament. Since Kobayashi defeated Jiang Zhujiu in March, he has performed bravely and defeated many generals of the Chinese team.

Lin Chaoyang smiled bitterly and said: "What does winning or losing the game have to do with "Chess Master"? Why are you always so superstitious?"

"What is superstition! This is luck. Reflect on yourself. Is this related to your running away to Xiangjiang?"

Lin Chaoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this. He really looked like a child as he got older.

"Okay, okay! It's all my fault, okay? Don't worry, the Chinese team will definitely win the next game!"



Zhu Guangqian muttered: "I think so. If Nie Weiping can't do it, the Chinese team will be completely finished."

After visiting Zhu Guangqian, Lin Chaoyang got on the plane back to Xiangjiang the next morning.

After resting at home for two days, Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu went to the Jiahe studio.

Today, the crew filmed Truman recalling the process of meeting and falling in love with his wife. There is also a very important character in this paragraph, which is Truman's first love, Roland.

Xu Guanwen, Zhong Chuhong, and Maggie Cheung are all dressed in youthful clothes today, because Truman, his wife, and Roland all met in school.

The crew was filming when the couple came, and then they saw Maggie Cheung being shouted "Ka" over and over again.

Maggie Cheung has made her debut two years ago and has made three movies, but even if she plays the heroine, she is just a flower vase and does not have much acting skills at all.

"The Truman Show" has different role requirements from those commercial films she has acted in before. Both Xu Anhua and Xu Guanwen attach great importance to this movie, and they have been striving for excellence for more than half a month of filming.

Maggie Cheung also knew about this situation. Her manager, Chen Ziqiang, also helped her find an acting teacher to learn acting skills. She actually made a lot of preparations before joining the group.

Today is Maggie Cheung's first time joining the cast, and I don't know if it's because of her nervousness. Her performance looks very stiff. She is obviously the youngest of the three leading actors, but she doesn't show that youthful atmosphere at all.

After being called NG by Xu Anhua more than ten times in a row, Maggie Cheung's expression in the camera has begun to change, and she doesn't know what she is acting.

Seeing this scene, Xu Anhua knew that there was no way to continue, so he could only film Xu Guanwen and Zhong Chuhong's scenes first.

There was no need to be yelled at by the director, but Maggie Cheung was not happy at all. The dissatisfaction of the director and rival actors, and the blank looks of the crew all made her feel full of pressure.

She stood depressed and watched the scene between Xu Guanwen and Zhong Chuhong, with a bit of envy flashing in her eyes.

In her opinion, Zhong Chuhong's acting skills are not that much better than hers, but she can easily pass every scene twice, which is only five or six times at most.

How could she be like this? The director yelled this a dozen times, as if he was deliberately trying to embarrass her.

She thought this with some anger in her heart.

Suddenly, a gentle voice came from my ear.

"I'm not in a good state today!"

Maggie Cheung turned her head and looked over, and saw Tao Yushu looking at her with soft eyebrows. Her lips curled up slightly, as if she had found her backbone.

"Sister Yushu!" She wrapped her arms around Tao Yushu skillfully and started talking to Tao Yushu in a whisper.

Lin Chaoyang didn't hear the specific details of Cricket. Anyway, after chatting with Tao Yushu for more than ten minutes, Maggie Cheung's face glowed with a different look, and she felt extremely confident.

After several scenes with Xu Guanwen and Zhong Chuhong were filmed, she stood in front of the camera again, full of confidence.

Then, there was constant NG again.

"The results of your guidance are not good either. They are completely the same as before." Lin Chaoyang teased Tao Yushu.

"I'm just trying to enlighten her. I don't know how to act."

The king of strong mouths, right?

But Lin Chaoyang had to admit that Tao Yushu's guidance was still somewhat useful. At least this time Maggie Cheung was shouted "Ka" by Xu Anhua more than a dozen times, and her performance was still stable.

During the lunch break, Lin Chaoyang chatted with Xu Anhua.

The filming progress of "The Truman Show" has been slow since it started filming. The main reason is of course the pursuit of excellence. According to the current progress, it will be completed by the end of November.

In the afternoon, the couple left the set. Lin Chaoyang planned to take Tao Yushu out for a walk, but she was pregnant and a little tired, so she went home.

After arriving home, Tao Yumo told the two of them the news that Du Feng had called in the morning and would be coming to Xiangjiang in two days.

"It's so good, why did he come to Xiangjiang?" Tao Yushu asked.

"He said he wanted to expand his clothing business and came to Xiangjiang to inspect."

Lin Chaoyang said with a smile: "It seems that this business is getting bigger and bigger."

Two days later, Du Feng arrived in Xiangjiang as promised.

When they met, Lin Chaoyang asked him curiously, "Yu Mo said that you want to expand the scale of clothing. How do you plan to expand it?"

"It's a long story..."

Last year, a supermarket opened in the Dahua Shopping Mall in Beixinqiao, Yanjing. It was not large in scale, with a total of two floors.

The first floor is still a counter like a traditional department store, and the second floor is open shelves for self-selected products.

Du Feng also went to see Xinxian at that time. His focus was on the second floor. It is said that this model was introduced from abroad.

As a result, after Du Feng went there, he found that the business on the second floor of Dahua was not as good as on the first floor. This was the case several times when he went there.

"My analysis is that one is that everyone's habits have not changed yet, and many people went to the second floor and were confused and a little embarrassed.

Another thing is that things are always lost on their second floor. In order to reduce losses, there are often several people standing at the entrance of the supermarket to keep a close eye on them.

Good guy, who can feel better when you go to buy something and be looked at like a thief? "

Du Feng originally thought that Dahua's supermarket was a very novel model, but he was disappointed after going to see it on site.

Then, in the past few months since Tao Yumo came to Xiangjiang this year, she would occasionally write letters to her family.

The letter inevitably mentioned her life in Xiangjiang. Even though she was in her twenties, her personality was no different from when she was in school. The most mentioned things in the letter were the food, clothing, and entertainment in Xiangjiang.

Du Feng was curious about the stores in Hong Kong mentioned in Tao Yumo's letter, which were all packed with customers, but why they were not doing well in China?

He came to Hong Kong with doubts and wanted to investigate.

"So you want to open a store that specializes in selling clothes? Why not a clothing store?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

Du Feng said, "A clothing store is not possible. I calculated that if I really open a clothing store, it would be better for me to set up a few stalls in Xiushui. Can the customer flow of a single clothing store be compared with that of Xiushui? Definitely not.

Of course, the clothing store I want to open is also a clothing store, but I want to expand the scale to attract those people who want to buy clothes, and the first thing they think of is my clothing store.

This will not only bring in customers, but also increase the unit price."

After doing business for a few years, Du Feng's business experience has become more and more sophisticated, and his answer is flawless.

Lin Chaoyang asked again: "Then is your clothing store all self-operated?"

Du Feng nodded, "Yes, it's all self-operated. I'm not willing to let you just collect rent for such a big event."

"The risk is huge." Lin Chaoyang reminded.

"How can you do business without taking risks?" Du Feng's tone was relaxed and confident.

Lin Chaoyang teased: "Boss Du is bold and capable!"

Du Feng's expression changed, and he said with a smile: "Oh! I don't have any ability, this is just to make more money."

In the past two years, he has made 300,000 to 400,000 yuan by dealing in electronic watches and clothing, and spent tens of thousands to buy a Toyota Crown. A considerable part of the money was invested in video halls.

In more than a year, Du Feng and others opened 24 video halls in Yanjing, and these video halls performed well.

Most of them can recover their costs in about half a year, and then each store can provide a profit of a thousand yuan per month. Du Feng makes 20,000 yuan a month without doing anything.

But in addition to making money, Du Feng also found problems.

The first problem is the competition problem mentioned by Lin Chaoyang before, and the second problem is that the video hall business has great geographical limitations.

The 24 stores opened in Yanjing are currently the limit of what Du Feng can control.

He tried to open a video hall in Tianjin this year, but the business of video halls inevitably involves dealing with all kinds of people in society. Leaving the territory of Yanjing, many things are not so easy for him to operate.

This does not mean that he cannot open a business in other places, but he must go to places where he can reach out. In this way, the limitations are naturally large, and the imagination space for the future of this business is also small.

"I still have to run the video parlor. This is also a stable cash flow. I will develop it slowly in the future. I will take it one step at a time.

I think the potential of the clothing business is much greater than that of the video parlor.

Clothing is the first priority in food, clothing, housing and transportation. I want to do something big this time."

At this point, Du Feng looked at Lin Chaoyang with a slightly flattering smile on his face, "Brother-in-law, my idea this time is a bit grand, why don't you also invest in supporting me!"

The truth is revealed. It is true that Du Feng came to Hong Kong for an investigation, but I am afraid that getting Lin Chaoyang to support his plan is a more important purpose.

Before Lin Chaoyang could speak, Tao Yushu spoke first.

"Is this the reason you came to Hong Kong?"

Du Feng explained: "Sister, I really came here for an investigation. However, it would be better if you and my brother-in-law could support me."

"You don't have enough money?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

"Not enough. I'm just estimating now. I plan to rent a shop of at least 2,000 square meters in Xidan. The initial investment will be at least 500,000 yuan, including rent, payment for goods, and labor costs.

I've already thought of the name of the store, it's called Yanjing Clothing City!"

The name Du Feng came up with for the clothing store was very bold, and the move was even more bold.

"500,000?" Tao Yushu looked at him in shock, "Do you know what 500,000 means?"

"Sister, can you please stop treating me like a kid? Don't I know what 500,000 means?"

"Knowing that, you still dare to boast like this? Can you take out half of it?"

Tao Yushu's words hit Du Feng's weak spot. He really couldn't take it out now. He only had 200,000 yuan when he put all the money together, and a considerable part of his funds were staked on the video hall and clothing payment.

Lin Chaoyang said at this time: "The key to the problem now is not the money, but whether the identity of a private company can accomplish this. Du Feng, you are not going to take advantage of your sister's identity, are you?"

Du Feng smiled embarrassedly after being guessed by Lin Chaoyang, "Brother-in-law, you are really a god of prediction!"

Tao Yushu realized something and asked: "You want me to form a joint venture with you? I am now a Hong Kong identity, and your clothing city can become a joint venture?"

Du Feng nodded, "That's right. Sister, you and my brother-in-law will invest 200,000 yuan, and we will each hold 50% of the shares. How about you be the chairman and I will be the general manager."

"What chairman should I be?" Tao Yushu did not expect Du Feng to say such a thing. She looked at Lin Chaoyang and asked Lin Chaoyang's opinion with her eyes.

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said, "Your sister's Hong Kong identity is still not useful, so you are targeting her first."

"Brother-in-law, I have no choice. You know, business is not good now. State-owned enterprises are the big brothers, and township enterprises are supported by stepmothers. We self-employed people are not even illegitimate children..."

"Alright, don't cry poor and play misery in front of me." Lin Chaoyang interrupted Du Feng's words, his face gloomy.

What Du Feng said is right. At the current stage in China, not to mention self-employed individuals, even state-owned enterprises are looking for foreign joint venture partners.

The reason is simple. Everyone wants to use foreign funds and technology to help enterprises achieve modernization. Another very important reason is that joint ventures do have some policy bias.

With ready-made high-quality resources like Tao Yushu, it is reasonable for Du Feng to want to take advantage of the express train.

Du Feng kept observing Lin Chaoyang's expression while waiting for his answer, but Lin Chaoyang's expression remained calm, which made Du Feng feel a little uneasy.

"Okay. Let your sister invest 250,000 yuan in you, and the shares will be as you said, 50% to 50%.

However, your sister will withdraw the 50% every three years, and withdraw it in three installments over nine years. You can redeem it at the market price or transfer it to other potential investors.

In the ninth year, the shares will be withdrawn completely, and this company will be yours."

Lin Chaoyang's words made Du Feng's face full of surprise, "Brother-in-law, what do you mean by this?"

Du Feng's words were not a question. He certainly understood how beneficial Lin Chaoyang's plan was to him. This was equivalent to Tao Yushu giving money and status to help him through the difficult stage of the early stage of the clothing city's entrepreneurship.

Lin Chaoyang waved his hand and said, "I don't object to you and my brother opening a video hall, because it is at most a small business of tens of thousands of yuan.

The clothing city is different. If it develops well, it is possible to make millions or tens of millions.

As the saying goes, money moves people's hearts. The closer we are, the more we have to settle the accounts clearly."

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