"Hey, it's finally done." Zhang Bing looked at Li Huimin who fainted in his arms with salivation, and said with a loud smile: "I didn't expect that this little girl should have such good material. I knew how good it would be to come directly to her. Why fight with Wu Chen?"

Just when he wanted to drag Liu Huimin away, Zhang Bing suddenly found that behind him, there was a tall and burly young man, looking at him coldly.

"How can you..."? Why are you everywhere? "

Zhang Bing looked at Wu Chen in disbelief, trying to see what was wrong with him. However, Wu Chen was alive and uninjured.

"Why?" Wu Chen looked at Liu Huimin and found that her clothes were still in good condition. It seemed that she was not a bit late, so she was relieved: "you mean I should not be here, but in the hospital, right?"

Wu Chen's words made Zhang Bing stop talking for a while. He didn't know how to answer him.

"Let her go, or you know the consequences." Wu Chen frowned, lit a cigarette for himself, and looked at Zhang Bing coldly. He looked like a big brother in a TV series.

"Oh, Wu Chen, I'm not afraid of you here."

Zhang Bing suddenly laughs and looks strange, which makes Wu Chen a little hesitant. Does this boy really have any backhand moves?

He took out a dagger and waved it back and forth to Wu Chen, with bursts of sound explosion. However, no matter how powerful the knife was, how could Wu Chen put him in his eyes?

"Originally, I thought you were just playing dumb." Wu Chen slapped his forehead and said with a bitter smile, "now you're not pretending to be stupid. You're really stupid!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Chen's figure disappeared in front of Zhang Bing's eyes. Next moment, Wu Chen stands beside Zhang Bing and cuts him on the neck with his arm!

Only he and those who had experienced Wu Chen's strength could know. Zhang Bing had almost no resistance. He just fainted and fell unconscious.

"Oh, what a trouble."

Wu Chen left Zhang Bing like a dead dog, and immediately used his own spiritual power to deliver it to Liu Huimin's body. At the moment when she came into contact with Liu Huimin's body, Wu Chen found that the woman was plump and had good skin. She didn't look like a rural woman at all.

No wonder, if she is not good enough, how can she be taken in by Zhang Bing? You know, hooligans also have dignity and bottom line, they will never have any "sexual interest" to dinosaurs!

"Wu Chen, why are you?"

Liu Huimin looks at Wu Chen in bewilderment. At the moment of standing up, she obviously feels that her steps are a little empty. She obviously has no strength.

Wu Chen sighed: "elder sister, your awareness of prevention is too poor. You should pay attention to safety when you collect herbs in the back mountain. Do you know? You were almost insulted by Zhang Bing just now! "

After listening to Wu Chen's words, Liu Huimin's face became very pale. She had no idea that all of them were villagers in the village. Zhang Bing would do such a terrible thing to herself.

You know, I haven't been with any man... If I lose my virginity here today, it's hard for her to imagine what she will do. I'm afraid she will collapse directly!

"He... What did he do to me?" Liu Huimin suddenly nervously touched her clothes and body and looked at Wu Chen in horror: "tell me, what did this bastard do to me?"

"Don't worry." Wu Chen shrugged helplessly, touched the tip of his nose and said with an embarrassed smile, "just now, this guy made you dizzy with overpowering drugs, so I arrived."

After listening to Wu Chen's explanation, Liu Huimin felt like a sigh of relief. She directly collapsed on the ground, patted her chest and repeatedly said, "that's good. That's good. I thought I was..."

Wu Chen sighed, tied Zhang Bing to a tree, and then woke him up with his own spiritual power.

As soon as he woke up, Zhang Bing began to scold: "Wu Chen, are you looking for death? You dare to stun me. I don't think you want to be the village head. I must report you to the county head!"

Wu Chen sneered, went forward and slapped each other directly. The strength of this slap made Zhang Bing's cheek red and swollen immediately, and became swollen like steamed bread.

"Zhang Bing, listen to me." Wu Chen pointed to the tip of Zhang Bing's nose and said: "the reason why I didn't clean you up is that I want you to be punished in front of Liu Huimin. Otherwise, her anger will not be over before she calms down!"

Zhang Bing subconsciously looked at Liu Huimin on one side, and could not help shivering, because he clearly saw the look in Liu Huimin's eyes, which was so terrible.

"Huimin, listen to me. It's not what you think."

Wu Chen eyebrows a pick, without hesitation at each other's belly, ferocious to a punch, sneer: "Zhang Bing, I advise you better not to say such words, because for the current situation, blindly shirk is not advisable, understand?"

"Oh, it's in your hands now. You can kill it or cut it." Zhang Bing laughed: "but you are the village head. Do you dare to move me? I tell you, you are now a public figure, a public servant of the people

"That's not the same." Liu Huimin suddenly said: "you are now a strong woman, and your attempt has constituted a crime. How Wu Chen moves you is self-defense. Do you understand?"

Wu Chen took a surprised look at Liu Huimin. He didn't expect that under such circumstances, the woman could still keep such a clear mind, and even Zhang Bing could not refute a word.

It's not easy!

"Wu Chen, let him go." Liu Huimin sighed, "I don't want to have the same opinion with this kind of person. If you hurt him now, it won't do us any good. We can't do it."

Zhang Bing laughed and looked at Wu Chen, but he didn't speak. He was full of provocation.

Wu Chen looked at Liu Huimin and Zhang Bing, and reluctantly untied him.

"Wu Chen, you remember it for me. I will make you regret it in the future." Before he left, Zhang Bing sneered at Wu Chen and said, "we are not finished!"

After Zhang Bing left, Liu Huimin said slowly, "forget it, I just don't want to get into trouble, and I don't want to hurt someone because of me."

"You are a woman's heart."

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