Wanbao group's hope project and beekeeping farm have been implemented in a few days, and started construction. And Wu Chen's house renovation project is also in full swing, these days, he is idle enough, do not know what to do.

Every day, he accompanied the white tiger around in the back mountain, refining some sword gold, planting and operating his own small medicine field, and completely living the life of idle clouds and wild cranes.

However, this good day is not over, Wu Chen received a call from Li Xiaoxi: "hello? Wu Chen, why don't you have any news recently? There's one important thing that I've been thinking about, and only you can help me

"What's the matter?" Wu Chen put down his small shovel and loosened the soil of the medicine field. He said with a smile, "if you have anything, just tell me. I'll see if I can help you."

"Come to me." Li Xiaoxi sighed. Her voice was full of fatigue. It was obvious that she had been busy with a lot of things recently and was very tired.

"All right." Wu Chen also felt that he was too bored recently, so he agreed to Li Xiaoxi's request, "then I'll go there in the afternoon, you shouldn't be in a hurry?"

"Don't worry, but come as soon as you can." Li Xiaoxi said in a hurry: "I still have a lot of things. I won't talk to you first. You'd better hurry up, or the time will be affected."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Chen became more curious about what Li Xiaoxi said. What is it that he has to meet and talk about?

Without too much delay, Wu Chen rode his tricycle to the Li Guo group.

When he came to the hall, he saw a huge poster board of beautiful women standing in the hall. The girl looked so beautiful that she was almost the same as Li Xiaoxi, or even had it.

"Who is this?"

Wu Chen patted the security guard on the shoulder curiously, and found that they had been staring at the beautiful woman on the poster, even a little salivating.

The security chief looked at Wu Chen in surprise. He hardly believed that Wu Chen would have such a reaction: "uncle, you don't even know her. You're pretending! Let me tell you, how many beauties like Fang Ruoxue are not interested in? We all understand. Don't play dumb with us

"Fang Ruoxue? Is it a star? " Wu Chen pointed to the words of the concert and asked curiously, "I'm not sure, because I don't pursue stars, so I really don't know who she is."

"Ah? That's it The security guard responded quickly and said to Wu Chen, "well, this beautiful woman is Fang Ruoxue, who is our famous little queen in China. She can be a vase by her own beauty, but not by her own talent. You haven't heard her sing. I tell you, her singing is absolutely the best in China

Wu Chen looked at the security team leader in bewilderment. He didn't expect that this guy was so excited. I'm afraid he might not have this reaction when he introduced his own mother.

"Well, I know." Wu Chen thought about it and asked, "is she going to hold a concert here, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Li has decided to cooperate with Fang Ruoxue to hold a concert here."

Wu Chen nodded and understood the basic situation of this matter. He probably guessed what Li Xiaoxi wanted to come here for, so he said to the security guard with a smile: "OK, thank you. You Li always asked me to go up, so I won't tell you. I'll go out for a drink some other day."

"Good, good!"

Where did the security guard see Wu Chen so kind and kind, a man without any airs, immediately excited, you know, the president's boyfriend to buy himself a drink.

Although it is possible that this is just a polite remark, it is enough for him to blow it for a while. At least people take the security guard seriously!

As soon as Wu Chengang came to the door of Li Xiaoxi's office, he heard the phone ringing incessantly, and then came Li Xiaoxi's voice: "hello? Hello, ah, yes, yes. We, the founding group, will certainly solve these problems. "

"You can rest assured that we will handle it properly."

Wu Chen quietly came in and saw Li Xiaoxi on the phone while writing on the paper. Even when he came in, Li Xiaoxi didn't realize it at all.

When Li Xiaoxi finished answering the phone, she saw Wu Chen come in and nearly fell off her chair.

"You, why don't you come in quietly?" Li Xiaoxi patted her chest and said angrily, "are you so scary, OK?"

Wu Chen said with a smile, "Hey, it's obvious that you are too involved. How can you blame me for scaring you?"

Li Xiaoxi grabbed the paper on the table, looked at it and said to Wu Chen, "Wu Chen, I hope you can do me a favor."

"I know." Wu Chen stretched lazily, "you want me to be Fang Ruoxue's bodyguard, don't you? I can guess. Tell me where she is and I'll protect her. "

"Yes, it's really a matter of security." Li Xiaoxi held his forehead and said helplessly, "but Fang Ruoxue hasn't come yet. What are you excited about? I'm almost upset now, so don't make a mess of it. "

"Well, well, I don't make trouble." Wu Chen laughed, waved his hand and said, "tell me what I should do in the future? I don't have any direction now. You make me confused. "

"First, we need a venue." Li Xiaoxi pointed to the things he had written down on his paper and said to Wu Chen, "our current site problem has not been solved. This is the most troublesome thing for me."

Li Xiaoxi sighed, "we want to use the huge stadium in our city, which can probably accommodate tens of thousands of spectators. It's not a small scale."

"But..." Wu Chen teased, "come on, I guess you must want to say something."

"Well, the biggest problem now is that I'm stuck in the city and not approved." Li Xiaoxi said with a sad face: "you know, it's said that the mayor is deliberately blocking me. I doubt that the old guy is trying to do something under the rules."

"So, you want me to take care of that guy, right?" Wu Chen burst out laughing, "come on, how do you deal with him?"

"Don't be so terrible, will you? I'm not asking you to kill. " Li Xiaoxi rolled a white eye, "I just dare not go alone, I hope you can accompany me to go together!"

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