In the end, Wu Chen let the man go.

Even if this matter has come to an end, since then, the founding group has wholeheartedly started to prepare for the concert.

Fang Ruoxue also began to enter a tense state of preparation. She hopes to welcome the concert in her best state. After all, this is her first concert in her hometown and the most important one in her life.

Wu Chen is also busy for a few days, suddenly received a call from Cheng Yuanyuan, which makes him quite curious.

"What's the matter? Aren't you at school? You haven't called me for such a long time. Why do you suddenly think of my brother? " Wu Chen joked.

"Brother, I've been watching the news. I heard that you are very beautiful now! It's a great achievement to be a boss and then set up a beekeeping farm with my sister-in-law

Although know this little girl is flattering herself, but Wu Chen is very useful: "OK, talk quickly, fart quickly."

Wu Chen secretly guessed that this guy must want Fang Ruoxue's concert tickets, so he came to find himself.

Otherwise, with her character, she would not contact herself at all.

"Brother, how can you talk to me like that? OK, you have seen through my careful thinking, so I won't beat around the bush with you. I just want a ticket for Fang Ruoxue's concert. No, three! I want to see it with my classmates. Can you help me? "

Wu Chen sighed, "don't worry, when didn't I do what you said for you? I'll accompany you to school. I'll help you solve any problems. Even to help you pretend to be a boyfriend! What's the matter? "

After hearing Wu Chen's words, Cheng Yuanyuan blushed at the other end of the phone. When she remembered that experience, she was really nervous and exciting.

"All right, brother. I'll make an appointment with you in a coffee shop tomorrow. I'll let you know when and where you'll be. You must handle this matter for me! "

Wu Chen nodded, took the document from the person next to him, and said to the person at the other end of the phone, "OK, don't worry. I'll tell Fang Ruoxue about it. Isn't that three tickets? How can I not satisfy my sister's demands? "

"Brother, I knew you were the best."

Early the next morning, Wu Chen was woken up by the ring of his mobile phone. He picked it up carefully and found that it was Cheng Yuanyuan's text message——

It says the address of the coffee shop. Wu Chen just took a look, eyebrows can't help picking, he found that here is actually the most famous couple coffee shop in the city!

Asking him out in a place like this? This girl's mind is really hard to guess.

After finishing up in a hurry, Wu Chen put on his suit and set out in the car.

Recently, he has completely abandoned his tricycle. After all, now his identity is a company boss, can't always drive a tricycle back and forth on the road?

This is also very bad for his image.

Today, Cheng Yuanyuan seems to be specially dressed up and looks very bright. He is wearing a white dress and looks full of Fairy Spirit.

Next to her is a beautiful young girl, who is obviously the good friend she said.

"Wow, your brother is so beautiful."

"Beauty can't describe a man, little girl." Wu Chen chuckled, then turned to Cheng Yuanyuan and said with a smile, "Yuanyuan, I'll send someone directly to you to send you the tickets. Why do you have to invite me here? You know, I'm very busy

"Oh, boss, I know! It's just that it's been delayed for some time. What's this time? We haven't seen each other for a long time! "

"Besides, I miss you very much. I come to this coffee shop now just to catch up with you? At the same time, I also want to buy you a drink to repay you. "

"You little girl, do you know how to take advantage of your brother? Do you know how expensive these three tickets are for an ordinary person? These are all the front row seats. I can't get them at ordinary times! "

"Oh, brother, I know you love me the most. In that case, shall I treat you to the best coffee? " Cheng Yuanyuan spits out his tongue mischievously and laughs at Wu Chen.

"Forget it, that's what I said! You little girl, you don't make any money at all. How can you get the economic foundation? What's the best coffee for me? I'll take this meal! And your friends. I'll treat you to a meal and send you back to school in a moment. " With that, Wu Chen rubbed each other's head and said with a sympathetic smile, "you still have to study hard. After all, this time period is mainly about study."

"Brother, why are you so nagging now? Just like my mom and Dad! "

Just when Wu Chen wanted to order a few cups of coffee and some snacks, he suddenly saw a news broadcast on a large TV in the coffee shop, which said——

Fang Ruoxue's concert is suspected to be out of order. It is likely to be delayed, tens of thousands of fans online joint criticism.

Wu Chen carefully looked at the contents of the news and knew that it must be a wave of news produced by the Yuan Cheng faction. You know, there is nothing wrong with that venue. I'm afraid it's another wave of rumors.

Simply, he didn't pay more attention.

"I saw on that TV that the concert couldn't be held. Is there something wrong? You'd better go back to the company and have a look! We'll eat here and go back. We don't need you

Cheng Yuanyuan seemed a little worried and went on to say, "if you can't watch this concert, it's useless for you to give me this ticket."

Wu Chen frowned and quickly took out his cell phone to call Sheila——

"What's the situation now? Why do I say that the concert will not be held on TV? What the hell is going on? "

"Boss, I finally got in touch with you. I called you many times just now, but you didn't answer it!"

Wu Chen looked at his mobile phone in doubt and found that there were more than a dozen missed calls, including those of Sheila and Li Xiaoxi.

It seems that I should have been silent just now. I didn't hear it.

"What's going on? You tell me quickly, and I'll go back to deal with it in a moment. "

"It's the mayor. It's said that there is something wrong with the document approved by the mayor. The site can't be rented to us. And the most serious thing is that the mayor has taken the initiative to cancel the concert, because it has a bad impact on the reputation of our city, saying that Fang Ruoxue is a problem artist. "

"What's the matter with TND? Make it clear to me quickly

Sheila sighed and said with a bitter smile, "boss, didn't you think about yesterday's incident and why it happened?"

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