Although seeing this kind of thing, Wu Chen's first reaction was anger, but suddenly he realized that it was a good opportunity for him? Since Xiaoling is short of projects, why don't she go to find herself?

Now, I don't need a construction team!

Since I have an idea in design and a construction team, I can just meet the basic needs to complete the project. Why go to any bullshit real estate company?

What's more, there is such a beautiful woman in front of her. Seeing that she is going to go astray because of her livelihood, shouldn't she come out to save beauty?

Thinking of this, Wu Chen had an idea in his mind.

When he saw that Xiaoling was hesitating and didn't know whether she should agree to the old man, Wu Chen walked forward with a smile, took hold of the woman's slender waist, and said with a grin: "Oh, wife, you're talking about business, aren't you? I've been looking for you for a long time! "

With that, Wu Chen reached out a hand and extended it to boss Wang: "Hello, you are the leader of my Xiao Ling. Oh, nice to meet you."

The woman's brain was completely blank because of the sudden attack. When Wu Chen put his powerful hand on her waist, she couldn't help but scream.

When she looked up at Wu Chen's bright eyes, her charming and gentle smile dazzled her for a moment, and she forgot to break away from Wu Chen's arms.

And this gap is enough for Wu Chen to play a lot——

Boss Wang looked at the men and women in front of him awkwardly, and his old face turned red. He didn't care about Wu Chen's outstretched arm, but pointed to Xiao Ling with trembling fingers

"You, you... Married?"

"Mr. Wang, listen to me..." Xiaoling just reflected what happened in front of her. She was held in her arms by a young boy she didn't know!

How is that possible? She doesn't know him at all!

"Say what, Xiao Ling." Wu Chen gave the woman a frivolous smile, blinked her eyes at the moment of her side face, then pinched the tender meat on the other side's waist with her big hand, "didn't we agree to finish our work early and go shopping together?"

This action immediately made Xiaoling blush. You know, before that, no man had touched her body!

However, she is also a smart person. She knows that the handsome boy in front of her may have heard their words and come to help herself.

Thinking of this, Xiaoling's eyes are a little more struggling

Is it to comply with the old man's request or to refuse him for his own innocence?

She looked up at Wu Chen and found that his eyes were as clear as water, full of endless hope and sunshine.

Perhaps, I really should not be willing to degenerate for that business. Although the person in front of him is dressed very ordinary, his ability to do so shows that his heart is sunny and positive, full of positive energy.

What reason do you have to sell your body in exchange for the money?

"Ah, Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, that... My boyfriend is here." Xiaoling laughed at boss Wang and said, "since you don't have any business suitable for us, let's look for it carefully. I have something else to do. I'm sorry to say goodbye. "

With that, Xiao Ling leaned towards Wu Chen with her neck stiff.

Although it was acting, it was the first time that she had such intimate contact with a man that she felt uncomfortable.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry. This is my wife. "

Wu Chen had a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes suddenly became fierce!

At that moment, boss Wang felt that the temperament of the young man in front of him had suddenly changed, like a peerless murderer who came across a sea of corpses. Cold and cold eyes, people will feel shivering after seeing it!

Especially the last sentence "this is my wife", abrupt but insipid, like expounding something trivial, but the tone is clearly a disguised threat!

"OK, OK, Chen Ling, you and your boyfriend should be busy. I have another meeting. Let's go first. You know, there's really nothing suitable for your business here. "

Having said that, Mr. Wang angrily turned around and got on the bus.

After seeing boss Wang leave, Chen Ling suddenly raised her head and looked at Wu Chen. She narrowed her beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "how about it? Does that feel good? "

Wu Chen's big hand was moving restlessly on Chen Ling's plump and mature body. Leng buting heard such a sentence and almost subconsciously said his own idea: "yes, yes, it feels good, fat but not greasy."

As soon as he had said this, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Until then, he found that he was still holding Chen Ling, and the woman's face was red and her eyes were staring at him like water. He could not see any emotion.


"Little villain, don't you let go?" Chen Lingjiao scolded: "although I appreciate your help, I'm afraid it's not very good for you to eavesdrop on people's speeches and take advantage of the opportunity?"

"How could it be eavesdropping?" Wu Chen shrugged helplessly, "it's just that when I'm wandering around here, I just hear you want to find some work. Yes? Beauty, do you have a professional construction team? "

"Not the architectural team." Chen Ling sighed, "they are all migrant workers who come to work in the county. Because they think they can trust me, they always follow me to contract projects. I'm a contractor at best

Wu Chen nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask, "I wonder if you can build a six story building? In the country? "

"Ho." Chen Ling sneered, "as long as there are enough materials and sufficient budget, what is a six story building? Less look down on migrant workers, their construction level is not worse than those big teams. In this world, as long as we are willing to bear hardships, are not tall buildings built on the ground? "

"Well said."

Wu Chen clapped her hands and looked at the pretty face which was red because of the argument, and her thin red lips. She said frivolously, "beauty, if I give you a task, that is to build a six story building, can you finish it?"

"Of course..." before Chen Ling finished, she looked at Wu Chen in shock and said, "what did you say just now?"

"It's like this." Wu Chen put his hands around his chest and looked at the beautiful woman with rich expression in front of him with great interest. He said seriously, "since you haven't heard me clearly, I'll say it again. I want to build a six story building in the countryside. I wonder if my dear foreman Chen Dabao would like to

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