There are many people coming to this concert. Fang Ruoxue is a top priority in this small city. You know, it's been a long time since it's been so busy here. Even people are about to forget the original appearance of the city.

Fang Ruoxue is nervously waiting backstage. It's her turn to go on the stage soon. Her breath is a little short. As a star, this would not have happened, but for Fang Ruoxue, this is a performance for her to return to her hometown, and also a performance for her to prove herself.

She must show her best state in front of everyone!

"Sister Ruo Xue, your mobile phone seems to ring just now."

At this time, a logistics personnel in charge of the concert suddenly handed over Fang Ruxue's mobile phone.

"Well, thank you." Fang Ruoxue nodded and motioned to him. He was about to take the mobile phone.

She looked at it carefully and found that it was actually a wechat sent by Wu Chen, and the content in it was just a few words - come on, I believe you!

At last, he even brought a small smile.

Sure enough, Fang Ruoxue, who was originally worried, saw this message, and her mood changed immediately. Because she knew that there was another person silently supporting her and enjoying her dancing and singing voice.

So she must do this concert well!

Soon, a concert that attracted people's attention had begun. There are a lot of girls wearing water sleeves and graceful figure, standing on this stage, putting on a very beautiful shape, giving people a hazy feeling.

When a beautiful music and Fang Ruoxue's unique voice and voice appeared on this stage, the whole concert was boiling.

And the dancers who performed also began to dance. The dancing posture was sonorous and powerful, just like war dance, gentle and charming, just like an ancient beauty.

Fang Ruoxue, wearing a long white dress, slowly appears on this stage, just like a fairy coming out of the painting, which is amazing.

When she stood on the stage, she did not devote herself to the concert. Instead, she began to look around——

With a smile on her face, her eyes are as beautiful as peach blossom, as if she is casting a wink at the audience. But this kind of enchantment feeling, is by no means that kind of kitsch, can compare, she is extraordinary, can't help but let people confused God.

Wu Chen stood in a corner, monitoring every move of the whole concert. His vision can cover the whole concert now. Although he can't observe the details of every place in detail, he can observe the whole situation in general.

For example, some places are turbulent, or some places are not peaceful, which he can capture.

When he saw Fang Ruxue's action, he couldn't help laughing. He knew that she must be looking for herself.

But how can the fans know the deep meaning of Fang ruoshue? They just think that Fang ruoshue is smiling at these fans, making her look more approachable.

It is not as sacred and inviolable as the immortal in the painting, and it can be viewed from a distance but not profaned.

Ancient songs are relatively small audience in contemporary pop songs, and in many contemporary music, it is not as impetuous and wild as other music, but more a kind of calm.

Maybe everyone likes a kind of music for their own reasons, but for them, they all have something in common.

Fang Ruoxue is the only star in the entertainment circle who has no gossip, no airs and is approachable. The most important thing is that she is very kind-hearted. There are few stars like this in the entertainment circle.

Therefore, he has talent and good character. How can he not fascinate people?

After singing a song, the whole scene fell into a boiling again. It is clear that this song is very calm and peaceful, but it brings along the atmosphere of the whole scene - for nothing else, just because of the fanaticism in the hearts of fans and the piety of each other.

I don't know when sister Linda actually came over and said to Wu Chen with a smile, "I've heard all the things you've done. I really want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, this concert might have been ruined. Moreover, I know you are better to Ruo Xue. I used to misunderstand you too much. I'll make an apology for you here. "

"No, sister Linda, listen to me. I think Ruoxue has been taken care of by you for so many years, so she can still get mud without dyeing in the big vat of entertainment circle. Without any gossip, she is well protected by you. I think it's all thanks to you. Ruo Xue is my sister. If you say so, you are the one who should be grateful. "

After hearing Wu Chen say these words, Linda's eyes are not only slightly red, but she has been single for so many years.

So she is like snow to each other, the feelings she poured into have always been very deep.

It's no exaggeration to say that Fang Ruoxue is all she has.

She has been growing up with Fang Ruoxue from her lowest moment, until she got the position of today's little queen of ancient style.

It can be said that in the process of her growing up, every step is accompanied by sister Linda, and the feelings of each other like snow, Linda will never be less than anyone else.

Now looking at herself, she is very pleased that the person she has cultivated can grow up to the present situation. So when Wu Chen said these words to her, she was moved to cry.

"Well, I can tell you that. I know Ruo Xue likes you. However, you two have different identities. I hope you two can keep a certain distance. After all, Ruo Xue's career is also very important. She has always wanted to go on this road. I don't want to let her be interfered by your presence - I may say something too much, but I hope you can understand. "

In the face of Linda's sudden change, Wu Chen didn't feel surprised. After all, it's all reasonable.

"You can take it easy, sister Linda. I have my own sense of propriety. I know that Ruo Xue's identity is more sensitive, so I will keep a good distance from her. Of course, there won't be any change in our relationship. By the way, I mean family. "

"That's good. I hope you two can help each other in your career, and support each other emotionally. I've also heard about you. It depends on your nature when you two grow up

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