Wu Chen frowned slightly. Now the only way is to wait for help. He didn't know how to press the soldiers.

With that, Wu Chen slowed down the speed gradually, and then deliberately drove the three cars to an abandoned construction site.

Of course, it's hard to get a car in here, so it's usually the best place to fight.

The only thing that worries Wu Chen is the wind and snow behind him. Once he loses his care, it's easy for other people to take advantage of him. This is one of his most disturbing places.

Just now he has informed Sheila and chesia to hurry up, but it will take them 20 minutes if they want to get here quickly.

After all, they rushed back after the concert, and the company had some urgent things to deal with.

This group of guys even have some basic information inside them. When there is no one around them, they attack themselves. This calculation obviously shows that there are insiders in their company!

It seems that after this incident, I must thoroughly investigate the whole company and group, and can't let this kind of insider continue to stay.

In that case, it will be quite unfavorable to the future development.

Wu Chen stopped the car. He looked at Fang Ruoxue and asked in a low voice, "are you afraid?"

Fang Ruoxue took a look at Wu Chen, whose eyes were full of tender color, and shook her head steadfastly, "I'm not afraid, brother. As long as you are by my side, I won't worry about anything! I'll support you if you say what you want to do later. "

"Well, you stay in the car for a while, and I'll go down by myself. No matter what happens, don't leave the car... Someone will come to rescue us in another 20 minutes. Now I'll hold them

"No, brother, it's too dangerous. I won't allow you to do this. It's like killing you! How can you be so childish like a child? Those guys all have guns. They're obviously coming for us. How can they let us go easily?

Wu Chen light smile, "this you but think wrong, you too despise your elder brother?"? How can my ability be easily dealt with by such small fish and shrimp! Now the only thing I worry about is you. If you are in any danger or hurt, no matter how many people I kill or what I do to them, I feel that it is not worth the loss. "

Fang Ruoxue can't help but bow her head when she hears about this. She knows that she is just like Wu Chen's burden now. Her presence here will only make it difficult for Wu Chen to concentrate.

Perhaps in the battlefield, he is an invincible veteran, but now that he has his own protection object, it is difficult for Wu Chen to resist these enemies. Because he has to protect himself, but also to protect others, this feeling is very painful, even struggling, she does not like the feeling of powerlessness.

Wu Chen seemed to see what Fang Ruoxue thought in her heart and patted her head, "don't think about it, OK? Now let your brother go down to accompany them, and then wait for my performance time, OK? Believe me, I can do it. "

"Brother Huzi, you must be careful. I'll wait for you here! If they do something to hurt you, don't try to be brave and hide in the car. Maybe we can hold on for a while with this car. "

Wu Chen slowly stepped out of the car and watched the three cars behind him stop behind his beetle, forming a situation of encirclement.

He couldn't help but sneer. He looked at the killer in black who came down from three cars and said with a smile, "everyone, we usually don't cross the river. Why do we have to force each other and even track us here? What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I killed you, of course! Oh, yes, and the big star. It's our only purpose to take someone's money and kill her. "

"Oh, it seems that your target is not me, but the star in my car! Then I don't understand. Why do you have to kill her? She's not a noble or important person. Kill her? Is it good for you? If you are fans, this kind of fans, I may not believe it. But if you say kill him, that's too much. "

"Sorry, someone asked me to kill him. As for who? We will not answer you. After all, we have our own confidentiality mechanism. "

"Do you know who will kill you?"

In fact, Wu Chen was already covered with cold sweat, and even his legs were floating, and began to shake uncontrollably. After all, it's hard to stand up to these armed bandits without any weapons.

You know, for his body, it is more lethal. After all, the spiritual power is very limited in inconvenience.

"Are you afraid?" The man in black laughed, looked at Wu Chen's trembling body and sneered, "if you are afraid, just say it. You get out of the way. We'll kill Fang Ruoxue and get out of here. We don't want to take your dog's life yet. "

"I'm sorry, if you want her life, just step on my body first."

"Well, as you wish."

The man in black gave a cold smile, and his face suddenly became crazy. He tried to raise his gun, and the men in black behind him also raised their guns as if they had been trained, and "bang bang" burst of fire.

Wu Chen deeply felt the danger of death, which he had never felt before. You know, even when he was fighting with people on the battlefield, he never faced the bullet directly, or even had a hard face without any shelter. This is impossible.

As a special forces soldier, it's very normal to choose different coping styles at different times, but there is obviously no shelter now.

He also knew how fast the bullet was. What should he do? Can't I just wait to die? No, I won't wait to die!

All of a sudden, Wu Chen's spiritual power was aroused uncontrollably, spinning and floating in front of his body.

And the next second, he felt that the speed of the bullet's flight had slowed down.

What's more terrible is that when the bullets hit the supernatural flow, their speed suddenly became extremely slow, as if something was blocking their flight!

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