"Now you know?" Xuehe patted Wu Chen's chest and sighed, "even I'm jealous of your luck. But it's useless. Even if it's taken away by force, it will never compromise. It's very possible to escape control by committing suicide. "

Wu Chen realized that the hell sand Scorpion King would stay with him all his life, and no one could covet it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing and gently pointed the head of the hell scorpion with his finger belly, "what does it eat? Meat or something? "

"Now it can take part of your strength as its own nourishment. In other words, you don't have to do anything, it can survive on its own. This kind of business is definitely quite cost-effective. "

"Good." Wu Chen nodded with a smile, "we'd better leave here as soon as possible. It's going to light soon. If we are found by the villagers, we will be in trouble."

"How are you going to explain the disappearance of these toxins?"

Wu Chen shrugged, "nothing. I just need to be silly. Anyway, the villagers will be immersed in joy and won't care too much about details."

After daybreak, when the villagers gradually sorted out their washing problems, Wu Chen used the radio in the village to call all the people together. At the same time, Dr. Zhang was invited.

When Dr. Zhang heard about it yesterday, he was eager to study the Youming poisonous insect. At the same time, Wu Chen invited him to solve the problem of post disaster reconstruction in Lushui village.

After the previous lessons, Wu Chen also clearly realized that there are still many deficiencies in their medicine field. You know, if you really want to deal with such natural and man-made disasters, it is not enough to let the vegetation rely on itself.

In the final analysis, the herbs in the medicine field still need to be protected.

"Hello, everyone. This is the expert I invited from the city. He is also a top student in agriculture. Zhang Yuhao, Dr. Zhang. "

Dr. Zhang took the initiative to say hello to the villagers. According to what Wu Chen said, he explained his intention: "villagers, this time I'm here, I want to help you solve the safety problems of the medicine field in the future."

"Maybe many people say that the medicinal field will grow better and safer only in a relatively natural environment. But I think that a relatively closed environment can not hinder its growth, and can avoid many natural disasters. "

With that, he wrote his own story on a white board.

"Let's take a look. We'll add a greenhouse to the field. This kind of greenhouse will not affect the light. It can make the field in a state of sufficient light. And the soil problem, as long as the control is good, is no different from before. At the same time, the greenhouses can cope with a lot of drought and cold. Why not? "

Wu Chen nodded and said: "I think many villagers know that I am now the CEO of Wanbao group. What I say is useful. This time, I will take the initiative to bear the loss, and the money for the greenhouses doesn't need to be paid by the villagers. "

The villagers were not fools. Naturally, they were grateful to Wu Chen for his sincere words, and there was no objection. As long as there are solutions and protective measures, everything is not so difficult to solve.

"No, village head, we think we should bear the money ourselves." An old man in the village took the initiative to stand up and said, "you know, you have been working hard for us for a long time. We have the poison pill of those insects to sell money, and the loss is very small. How can I make you pay? We are not ungrateful and ungrateful people. Who has no idea what our village was like before or now? "

The old man's words were immediately echoed by other people. The villagers are very simple people in essence. There is no saying that they have some other ideas.

They all agreed that this time the losses were borne by themselves, which moved Wu Chen.

Finally, with a unanimous vote, Wu Chen decided to rebuild the planting base in the village and install greenhouses.

Xila's work was in place, so Wu Chen quickly received material support from the company. Basically, it took only one day to install all the greenhouses.

"Dr. Zhang. What else do you think we can do next? "

Dr. Zhang looked at Wu Chen, and then said in a very mysterious tone, "boss Wu, I have an idea. Do you want to hear it or not?"

"You said

"You once told me that the Lingquan water here plays an important role in the environment of the back mountain. As long as you can protect the soil problem here, I can install an ecological circulation system in the greenhouse, which is relatively suitable for the closed environment. "

Wu Chen thought for a moment, nodded and said, "everything should be done according to what you said. As long as we can ensure the normal recovery of production in the field, it is more important than anything else."

In this way, according to Dr. Zhang's instructions, Wu Chen restored the production of the field, and relatively did not need to pay as much manpower as before.

So the village is full of praise for Wu Chen's treatment. Even after the county magistrate heard the news, he not only did not blame Wu Chen for his dereliction of duty, but also praised him.

The destruction of the medicine field is an end, but Wu Chen's family has another problem.

That is, his building has been completely decorated, even the paint and floor have been finished, just put the taste can be moved in.

However, before living, Wu Chen must arrange the mechanism he wants to install. If we don't arrange it now, we may be unprepared and cause incalculable losses when special circumstances happen.

Wu Chen called Sheila again and asked directly, "Sheila, are you ready for what I asked you to prepare recently?"

"Boss, here comes Xue haoxuan."

After hearing what he said, Wu Chen couldn't help getting excited: "seriously, haoxuan has come to China? Then I'm relieved. "

"How about I ask him to take the materials you need to Lvshui village tomorrow?" It seems that Sheila is busy there, so his words always give people a kind of absent-minded, unable to concentrate.

"Well, you can just let him come."

Wu Chen nodded. After he hung up, he couldn't restrain his excitement. If others know who Xue haoxuan is, they won't be surprised at Wu Chen's reaction.

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