"No, it's up to you to pick herbs in this mountain. After all, I don't know any herbs." Wu Chen resolutely rejected Liu Huimin, said, took the initiative to put the herbal medicine into Liu Huimin's medicine basket, mischievously said: "Meng Xin asks for the big God to fly!"

"Well, then I'm welcome."

Liu Huimin thought about it, and Wu Chen's words were reasonable. What's more, it was not a rare medicinal material, so she accepted it gladly.

Two people walked all the way, although the environment here is not bad, but the road is not so smooth. The mountain is steep, and it's even more impossible for anyone to go up the mountain to build a road, so that the road is not easy to walk.

But for Wu Chen, who was born as a special forces soldier, it is not very difficult to take this road. Liu Huimin has been walking this mountain road all the year round. She knows the terrain of this area clearly, and it is impossible to defeat her.

However, she was surprised by Wu Chen's physical strength and climbing skills.

If an ordinary farmer was to go up the mountain, he might feel very hard, but Wu Chen's breathing was steady and his feet were strong, which was not as hard as others. No wonder that little widow Qiao Yulan was fascinated by this physical quality

Thinking of this, Liu Huimin's face suddenly turned red.

Naturally, Wu Chen didn't know that Liu Huimin was thinking so much about a small detail here. Instead, he always put all his energy on searching for herbs.

He found that the aura in this mountain is much thicker than that in other places, and the deeper it goes, the more the aura is. There is a conjecture in Wu Chen's mind, but it has not been verified for a while.

Along the way, they picked herbs from the mountain. In the process, Wu Chen kept asking Liu Huimin about the herbs. And he found that the deeper he went, the more valuable the herb would be.

Wu Chen's spiritual observation method is very useful. Even Liu Huimin boasted that Wu Chen is naturally sensitive to herbs. Even if he has not seen it before, he can accurately find it from many plants.

Soon, two people's herbal medicine basket was full.

"Well, it's almost enough. These herbs will give us a lot of money." Liu Huimin contentedly patted the heavy medicine basket and said to Wu Chen with a smile: "if you didn't know nothing about herbal medicine, I would have thought you were a pharmacist, and I could have found one."

Wu Chen didn't answer immediately. Instead, he secretly laughed in his heart. At first, he didn't know the shape of these herbs, but after Liu Huimin's instruction, he had fully understood the pharmacology and even some of their characteristics of these herbs.

After all, as a cultivator, his wisdom and memory have been obviously strengthened to a certain extent. There is no difficulty in remembering these things!

"Thank you for your advice." Wu Chen grinned shyly and said, "I wonder why we don't go into the mountain to have a look? I think there will be more precious herbs in it. "

"There..." Liu Huimin looked at it anxiously, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "it's really not easy to get in there, because the old man in the village said that there are many wild animals in the deep mountains, and I, a woman, don't have the courage to go in. What's more, I'm not familiar with the road there. What if I get lost? If you want to go in, ask Uncle Wang in the village. "

Wu Chen shook his head and said seriously, "sister Huimin, I want to go in and have a look. Maybe there is something different in it. What's more, I've come all the time. I'm not reconciled if I don't go in and have a look. As the saying goes, if you find any valuable herbal medicine, you will earn money

Hearing the speech, Liu Huimin resolutely obstructed and said: "absolutely not! Do you know that once a young man in our village went in and was bitten by a snake? If you don't believe me, come back to the village with me. It's very dangerous there! "

"Needless to say, sister Huimin, I must go in and have a look. You go back first."

With that, Wu Chen turned around and went to the deeper part of the mountain, regardless of Liu Huimin's shouting.

"That's nonsense!"

Liu Huimin looks at the herbs in her medicine basket and thinks that Wu Chen has helped her a lot. Moreover, he is a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers. In case of any danger in it... If he is not here, she will feel sorry if something happens to him.

Thinking of this, Liu Huimin clenched her silver teeth, stamped her feet angrily, and followed Wu Chen to the depth of the mountain.

"Sister Huimin, why did you follow me?" Wu Chen looks at Liu Huimin, who is following her. Her brow is slightly frowning.

If he is still very easy to deal with by himself, when he comes across wild animals, he has spiritual power and can deal with it by himself. What's more, as a special forces soldier, what kind of harsh environment have you never been to?

Once upon a time, Wu Chen tracked down a group of enemies and went into the primeval forest known as "the jungle of death" by himself. In the case of lack of food, he succeeded in annihilating them all by virtue of his strong ability to survive in the wild and wolf like patience and will!

But the premise of everything is to stay on "he alone". When there is one more person around him, there will be more concern - protecting one person and being alone are two completely different concepts.

"What's your attitude?" Seeing that Wu Chen's face was not good-looking, Liu Huimin was angry and said, "if it wasn't for you, you bastard, I would have taken the risk with you? I'm afraid you'll die here. I can't tell you when I go back! "

Wu Chen was embarrassed to smile, but also realized that his attitude was not good. He quickly said with a smile, "no, I'm more relieved to have sister Huimin here. After all, if you're not here, I might miss many valuable herbs!"

After hearing this, Liu Huimin felt better and said along with the topic: "you see, a rookie like you just broke in regardless of everything. Listen to me later, and be careful with everything, you know? "

"Okay, okay!"

Wu Chen busily agreed, took the initiative to walk in front of Liu Huimin, opened the way for her, and used his own spiritual power to find nearby herbs. After a few steps, Wu Chen felt a faint fluctuation of spiritual power in the tree.

"Sister Huimin, look at that little fruit on the tree. Is it also a medicinal material?"

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