Wu Chen just down the mountain, he saw Qiao Yulan anxiously standing at the foot of the mountain waiting for himself.

"Sister Yulan, I'm back."

Wu Chen took the initiative to go to Qiao Yulan's side and handed her the medicine basket in his hand: "please help me with this, sister Yulan. The weight of this pig is really heavy."

Qiao Yulan pointed to the boar behind Wu Chen and couldn't say a word. After a while, he vomited out a few words: "Wu Chen, you... Have you met a boar?"

"Yes." Liu Huimin took the initiative and said, "I met Wu Chen on the mountain. Thanks to him, I was not hurt by wild boars, and I harvested a lot of herbs. This boar, he killed him with one blow

After listening to Liu Huimin's description, Qiao Yulan turns her eyes to Wu Chen's mountain like wild boar. She is not happy but angry. She stares at Wu Chen and roars: "do you think you are very capable? Great? Didn't I tell you for a long time that it's very dangerous on the mountain. You just won't listen. In case of an accident, how can I explain to the people in the village? "

"Yulan elder sister, this Wu Chen is not who you are. How can you be like a parent?" Liu Huimin joked, "you two have a very good relationship."


Qiao Yulan stares at Liu Huimin in a coquettish way. For a moment, she doesn't know what to say.

Wu Chen patted Qiao Yulan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "sister Yulan, I'm ok. Besides, I'm afraid there's nothing that can hurt me

With that, Wu Chen picked up the boar and took her two daughters to the village.

Wu Chen carrying such a big wild boar in the village, immediately attracted the attention of many people. After all, the village is not so big. It's impossible to hide who has something.

What's more, Wu Chen didn't want to hide anything at all.

"Wu Chen, where did you get such a big boar?"

Only a few women took the initiative to come up, eyes full of salivation.

"Yes, of course." Wu Chen shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I'll clean up the wild boar in a moment. Today I'll treat you to roast wild boar!"


Wu Chen asked the boar and said with a smile, "of course it's true. Villagers who want to eat pork will go to Uncle Cheng's house later. I want to cook the pig with Uncle Cheng."

With that, Wu Chen goes to Cheng Jikuan's house step by step with the boar on his back.

Before he arrived, he saw Cheng Jikuan come face to face in a hurry. He looked at Wu Chen hesitantly and said, "Xiao Chen, are you

"Uncle Cheng, I want to ask you to help me clean up the boar, OK?" Wu Chen wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with a smile, "I'll roast this pig today. When I go back to the village, I'll invite you to have a good meal."

"Of course not!"

Wu Chen puts the wild boar in Cheng Jikuan's yard. Cheng Jikuan calls several young and strong young men to help Wu Chen hair the wild boar and remove its internal organs.

But when they saw the wild boar's completely shattered viscera, they looked at Wu Chen with different eyes. How can ordinary people do this if they have not practiced martial arts?

Wu Chen picked up the bone knife and cut off the four strong thighs of the wild boar. After washing them, he strung them with branches and set up a bonfire in the yard to bake them.

This wild boar has a big lattice and is very fat. As soon as it is roasted, the whole pig's legs are "Zizi" constantly pouring oil out, and soon the layer of oil will wrap the pig's legs in it.

After a long time of roasting, the pig legs became crisp and tender, golden yellow and fragrant.

Wu Chen smiles and cuts the roasted pig leg into pieces of pork, then sprinkles salt on it for seasoning. Where have those villagers who have been waiting for a long time tasted such delicious food? A swarm of people rushed forward and scrambled.

"Don't worry, this pig is very big. There are other parts that haven't been roasted. You can eat them!"

While greeting the villagers, Wu Chen roasted the new washed pork on it.

At this time, Liu Chuntao walked up to Wu Chen with his proud double peaks and said with a smile, "Angie, I closed my store for your wild pork. Do you think I should try it?"

Liu Chuntao's big white rabbits almost jumped out of the half sleeve. Wu Chen was dizzy, but he immediately reflected what he was doing and said with a smile: "of course, welcome to Chuntao. Please come inside. I'll give you the best roast pork right away!"

In this way, the village spread, and soon gathered a lot of people in Cheng Jikuan's family.

There are many old friends who don't have much contact with Cheng Jikuan on weekdays. They also bring their own good wine to join the fun. Cheng's family, which was once deserted and depressed, suddenly becomes busy. Cheng Jikuan, who is happy, can't shut up.

Wu Chen chose this place for a reason. First, he wanted to use the boar meat to get in touch with the villagers. At the same time, I also want these villagers to have more contact with Cheng Jikuan. After all, uncle Cheng has just good legs, so he really wants to communicate with the villagers.

What's more, Wu Chen's home is still under construction, and there is no environment to complete such activities.

"Uncle Cheng, please have a rest, eat and drink with these elders. I'll watch the roast."

"Xiao Chen, uncle Cheng is so happy today!" Cheng Jikuan blushed and said, "for many years, my family has never been so busy. Thank you so much."

"No, uncle Cheng, I just want you to get together with your old friends. The main thing is, isn't this something to catch up with? How can I get such a big boar to invite people to eat? "

"By the way, uncle Cheng." Wu Chen seemed to suddenly think of something. "Do you know where Uncle Wang is? It's Uncle Wang who often goes to the mountain to collect herbs. I want to ask him something. "

"Right there, the old man in the brown shirt." With that, Cheng Jikuan pointed to a table not far away and said with a smile, "do you want to sell the medicinal materials collected this time? I've heard that you want to sell the Polygonum multiflorum collected by Wazi and Huimin. Go and ask your uncle Wang. "

Wu Chen nodded and saw the vigorous Uncle Wang with a smile on his face. He took the initiative to walk over and said, "Hello, everyone. I hope you can eat more. Don't mention it. Just treat it as your own home."

"Well, you are a promising child." It was Uncle Wang who spoke. Wu Chen knew that he had no son or daughter in his life. He sighed with regret: "if I had such a boy as you, I would die happily."

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