The reaction of the young man in white was more intense. He looked at the man almost like a madman.

He didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin in this situation?

The staff at the scene nervously investigated and found that the man's total assets had reached 1.9 billion! That is to say, this man actually bid 1.9 billion for this flower?

What's more, the man also knew the details of the flower, which made Wu Chen and the young man in white feel uneasy.

You know, except for some practitioners, it is impossible for anyone to know the origin of this flower. What's more, this man's extravagant spending and even throwing away his family wealth made them feel very incomprehensible.

If there is a reason for all this, then they estimate that the reason must be that there is a practitioner behind the man, or a very strong practitioner supporting him to do so.

In this case, Wu Chen and the young people in white need to weigh up what they should do?

If there is a true cultivator who has no way to fight at all, or if this person stares at them at the scene now, or if he or the young man in white does too much, he will be targeted or even killed!

This is really not what they want to see!

I have to say that this sudden situation surprised them.

In the end, the man bought the flower for $1.9 billion. That is to say, the reincarnation flower did not become a thing in anyone's bag in the end. On the contrary, it was taken away by a little-known family, which is a big joke!

"Well, now I'll announce that our imperial auction is officially over this evening. After a while, your products will be distributed to their respective hands. Of course, if there is no successful auction, don't be discouraged. We are looking forward to your presence in the next issue! Now we can exit in an orderly way. "

Wu Chen looked at Li Xiaoxi, "Xiaoxi, you go to take the things we took before and leave here quickly. I expect that there will be a very big disturbance here in a moment. Do you understand? "

Li Xiaoxi is not a fool, she seems to feel the atmosphere of the field, there is a very subtle feeling, is very wrong!

After all, Wu Chen's performance should be very important, even very special. If everyone wants it, that man will be watched by everyone present.

On the surface, the auction is over. But in fact, behind the various has not ended, but just a beginning.

Li Xiaoxi nodded and quickly went to the backstage to collect the things they had just taken.

According to Wu Chen's request, the old man with scar face also got a pill to stay in Yan, but Wu Chen also added an extra condition, that is, he must escort Li Xiaoxi back to the founding group safely.

As a practitioner, Wu Chen still believes in each other.

After all, the other party is also an old man in the Jianghu, and he has given him such a big favor, which he will not refuse.

And looking at his performance just now, he didn't have so much interest in blood soul stone, and even had a feeling of boredom. In this way, Wu Chen is more sure that he won't do anything wrong with Li Xiaoxi.

As for the situation here, Wu Chen looked up at the people around him and found that not many people left here. Instead, he focused on the people in the small family.

It seems to feel that the people around him are not good at looking at him, and the head of the small family is also a little flustered. He quickly got up and was about to leave.

But as soon as he got close to the flower, the moment when he wanted to stretch out his hand - the sound of a gun filled the whole meeting hall. A criminal bullet went straight through the patriarch's heart and made him fall into a pool of blood!

A young man in a black jacket rushed in, followed by no less than 40 or 50 men in black. They were all armed with submachine guns and yelled at all the people present, "you all give me no move, we are here to rob this reincarnation flower today! If we can't get it today, no one here will want to leave here alive. "

The unexpected situation was completely unexpected by some unprepared people present. They originally wanted to exchange experience with other bosses or nobles here, which might bring them more benefits.

However, I didn't expect that the traditional communication link after the auction turned into a crime scene of hijacking.

A lot of people were scared by the guns of the people in black. They didn't dare to move. Even a few people were cowering under tables or chairs.

After all, many of them have never seen live ammunition. How can they not feel fear under the threat of life?

Wu Chen took a look at the young man in white and found that he was also looking at him. Their eyes met, and they seemed to have reached some kind of consensus.

After all, at this time, all kinds of unhappiness or festivals must be put away first.

Reincarnation flower is a very serious thing. If some practitioners or evil organizations get it, they will do some heinous things.

At least Wu Chen thinks so.

Controlling reincarnation means controlling cause and effect. Once the rules of the world are controlled by an evil person, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Wu Chen is not a savior. He just needs this reincarnation flower.

Those people in black seemed to lose patience and rushed to the stage, holding reincarnation flowers in their hands.

And the host also looked at them with a smile, waved his hand, "I'm just a host, it has nothing to do with me, you don't look at me with this kind of eyes. Of course, if you want to shoot me with a gun, I have nothing to say. It's just my bad luck. "

Wu Chen glanced at the guy and frowned slightly.

Because he found that the man did not have any panic up to now, on the contrary, he had an enigmatic calm. He doesn't know where this self-confidence comes from, but the feeling... This man must be very mysterious.

And there is a possibility that this man is not controlled by Ouyang night at all!

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