"I wanted to play with you for a while, but I found that you are so uninteresting... Alas, it's no wonder that more and more boring men like you are talking about chastity and women who can't betray themselves. Men are greedy, aren't they? "

With that, Wang Xiujuan's image has suddenly changed, even earth shaking change - her body continues to thin, but also become more tall, obviously a hot girl!

This is a blonde foreigner. At the moment of her appearance, Wu Chen already understood what this person was.

I'm afraid this guy is from those empires!

I didn't expect that the people of the Empire would come here so soon, and would appear in their own homes in this way.

"You killed Charles, didn't you?" The beauty laughed, "don't be nervous, I just want to ask you, did you kill it?"

Wu Chen knew that the current situation was very bad, but his inner pride still made him shout, "yes, I killed him. Are you unconvinced? When I killed him, he was like a dead dog. "

"You know you can't use your power, and you deliberately provoke me. Why bother?" The woman sneered, "but fortunately Charles and I don't deal with each other, and I love to see him die. It's just because you killed him that I lost an opponent. "

"Then you have to thank me for that!"

Wu Chen felt that the spiritual power in his body was getting rarer and rarer. In other words, it was not really disappeared, but was forced to restrain by that strange power in his body, and there was no way to use it.

"Yes, thank you for killing you. This is also the above order. If they don't kill you, they may kill me - after all, our empire is a very strictly controlled organization, and there can't be so much opportunism. "

"What kind of organization is your empire?"

The woman laughed. "Do you think I'll tell you? But I can tell you my own name, so that you can die more clearly. I'm known as the changeable girl, Diana

"That's a good name, but it's a bit hard hearted."

"That's natural. What else do you want to say? Do you still want to delay with me? " Diana sneered: "you know, at this time, your family won't come back at all. And if you come back, it's just a few more deaths. You can't kill me, let alone them. "

"Oh, yes! Don't think about that friend in the back mountain, that guy. Now he's all mud Bodhisattva crossing the river - he can't protect himself, let alone take care of you! "

"What happened to him? Don't you treat him... "

Wu Chen stares at her in shock. He didn't expect that the imperial people even solved the blood river!

"I'm so sorry. I seem to have forgotten to tell you something. This guy is a traitor from our empire, so we have to clean him up. We don't know why he threw it at you, but it's time to kill you and take him with us. That guy's skill is not one in ten, and it's not that hard to kill. "

Wu Chen's heart was completely filled with shock. He didn't expect that Xuehe came from the Empire and defected from the Empire. What secret did he master? Let the people of the Empire chase and kill until now?

"Our Empire has never been seen in the world. It's not so much that you practitioners want to make yourself stronger, then we have only one purpose - to hope that our own empire will return to glory. "

"You mean your motives are much higher than ours? Yes, the motive is noble, but it's not as good as pigs and dogs. "

"Don't irritate me, young man. It's no use. You know the more you do that, the closer you'll be to death. Do you understand

With that, Diana drew the knife out of her arms and gently put it on Wu Chen's neck. The sharp blade made Wu Chen feel very uncomfortable, as if his own soul had been completely locked up, and there was no possibility of escape.

"You feel it, too. This is the weapon of our empire. It can completely lock your soul, or even harvest your life directly. "

Diana looked at Wu Chen with pride and laughed: "I think you can join our empire, so we don't have to kill you. Because our boss also thinks that your skills are extraordinary and suitable for our empire. "

"Don't you like the pills in my hand? And those magical skills are what you want, right? "

"No, we'd like to know what kind of inheritance you've got from your medicine master - that's what we really need. It's definitely not just Dan Fang. "

Wu Chen gave a wry smile. He didn't expect that the real purpose of these people was actually the inheritance of yaozun. If he said that the old man didn't leave anything important, just gave him a bottle and some prescriptions, they wouldn't believe it.

But to tell you the truth, those prescriptions are magical enough. If there are enough materials, Wu Chen believes, they can definitely become the most popular thing in the world.

He is constantly using his own skills to nibble at the confinement in his body. However, he found that the magic formula can absorb the strange power. Although it is rare, it can also nibble away a little bit.

Now, what he has to do is to procrastinate. Besides, he has no other way.

"If what you want is the inheritance of yaozun, then you are really looking for the right person. I am his only inheritor."

"In fact, if I kill you, I can get it as well. We just look at your ability and appreciate you very much. That's why we want to keep you and let you have time to chat with me here. "

Wu Chen mercilessly pointed out his real purpose: "I think you are afraid that if I die, no one will be able to refine this pill, right? After all, you Westerners don't know anything about our country. "

Diana burst out laughing: "you're really interesting! Do you know? If a person is too smart, it is not a good thing. In this way, it will be easy for others to kill you. So you must pay attention to your mouth. Don't say everything. Do you understand? "

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