"They are crazy. They are scared! It must be that Wu Chen. It's over. I'm exposed now, aren't I? "

As he ran to his home along the village road, Chen Bing kept mumbling to himself. To tell you the truth, he doesn't care about the safety of his followers. After all, those migrant workers are decent. If they want to stay in the village, they won't do much.

However, the Wu Chen behind them is definitely not a troublesome master! How can I be so careless? I knew I could take it when I saw it. Now I'm caught by Wu Chen. He won't forgive me!

At this moment, he suddenly felt the wind blowing behind him, as if something "swished" from behind him. When he looked back, he found nothing behind him.

Is it an illusion?

Zhang Bing gasped heavily, looked at the bamboo pole with the paper man in his hand, and sighed.

It seems that I am too nervous to see the shadow of the paper man as something.


Shadow! How come there are two shadows on the ground!

Zhang Bing looked up at the bright and dim street lamp in front of him. The lampshade kept shaking with the cold wind, making a crisp sound. Whether it's visual or auditory, it makes people feel creepy and sweaty.

When the light bulb came on, the shadows on the ground became two. When it went dark, it was only himself.

But... There is no one around here except myself!

A bad premonition suddenly crossed his mind. Did he really get noticed by something unclean when he pondered over the matter of ghosts and gods these two days?

"Which elder brother is here? Don't scare me. I'm timid. "

Wu Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw Chen Bing's trembling appearance. However, the voice was changed by the effect of spiritual power and became extremely strange and sharp. It's just like the ghost in those horror scenes in the movie, miserable and ethereal.

"I warn you, don't play the devil! I'm not afraid of ghosts Chen Bing yelled, as if emboldening himself: "I'm a ghost, too!"

"Damn you

At this time, a house on the roadside suddenly lights up, and then the window is suddenly opened. A big man recognizes that Chen Bing is crying and howling outside. He points to his nose and scolds mercilessly: "you stay in the middle of the night and don't go home to sleep. What are you howling about! Stay away from my house! "

With that, a beer bottle flew out and smashed in front of Chen Bing.

Chen Bing was completely speechless by this series of operations. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. He stood in the same place, looking at the empty space beside him.

"Are you a ghost, too? Is that a coincidence? "

Wu Chen constantly stimulates Chen Bing's nerves with his spiritual power, which greatly changes the scene he sees. At the moment, a white ghost appeared quietly in front of his eyes, floating in front of Chen Bing's eyes.

A strange smile suddenly appeared on his pale and bloodless face. His mouth grinned so big that he almost exposed his bloody mouth to Chen Bing.

At that moment, he felt the bloody smell of the ghost's mouth. And immediately, a finger actually fell out of the ghost's mouth, turned several times on the ground, and stopped at Chen Bing's feet.

"Brother, this is the food I found. Try it. It's delicious."

The ghost actually put his hand on Chen Bing's shoulder. The huge pressure and cold stiff feeling like a hill made Chen Bing's body stagnate and dare not move.

It seems that I really met a ghost!

No, no, you can't be afraid, you should be brave, you can't let the other party see that you are human, or you will die!

Thinking about it, Chen Bing suddenly felt that his crotch was moist, and the strong smell of Sao suddenly came into Wu Chen's nose. He slowly lowered his head, and found that Chen Bing was stimulated to the point of incontinence by his own spiritual power!

"What do you... Taste like?"

"No, nothing!" Supported by his strong desire for survival, Chen Bing lowered his head and picked up the finger on the ground. Even now it was soaked in his own urine, he still put it on his mouth and kept sucking, making a very enjoyable expression.

This is where Wu Chen deliberately pits Chen Bing. He stimulates his nervous system and shows Chen Bing a broken finger. In fact, that is clearly a poop pulled out by a dog!

Chen Bing put it in his mouth and sucked it. Soon the corner of his mouth was dyed yellow. Rao is revenge Chen Bing, also let Wu Chen feel strong vomiting, almost by his masterpiece to nausea.

"Ah, you are really friendly! Let's go home together. I live in the east of the meadow. Shall we go together? "

Chen Bing kept shaking his head: "no, no, brother ghost, go back by yourself. My house is not over there. We are not on our way."

After saying this, the ghost suddenly did not move, which made Chen Bing almost raise his heart to his throat. For fear of provoking the ghost, I am dead here today!

"All right, brother." Wu Chen sighed and continued: "then you should pay attention to it. It's said that a boy named Chen Bing always plays the role of a ghost to scare people. The boss told me to catch him. You should be careful. After all, it's very frightening to meet people who are pretending to be ghosts and have low mana on you. "

"Yes, yes Chen Bing saw that the ghost came to capture himself. He was so scared that he didn't know how to answer this. He could only keep nodding his head.

"Well, I'm going to find that man. The boss said, "let me warn him that there is a lack of people here. If he doesn't play tricks, he will take him away."

"No! I, i... I'm sure he'll get right! "

Wu Chen sneered: "yes, that's good. I'm afraid that this animal has no memory! Go ahead, brother

With these words, Wu Chen disappeared in front of Chen Bing with his spirit power again, hiding behind a corner to spy on him.

Chen Bing, who had lost his spiritual power to control his mind, seemed to wake up. He looked around crazily and found that the ghost had disappeared.

His expression was full of fear, and then it turned into the relief of survival, whining and running to his home.

It is estimated that tonight's experience is enough for the boy to digest. Wu Chen sneers in secret.

Some people, if they don't teach him a lesson, can't do it.

All of a sudden, he thought of his family and Chen Bing's little followers and hurried back. That group of drunken men are not light hearted. If something happens, there is really no way to explain

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