Therefore, when the reminder of the head of the Yin clan was so obvious, Wu Chen completely reflected what he meant.

Wu Chen's heart also has a very bold guess, no, it is likely that this is the case - bao'er, that is, the little girl she just picked up, is her lost white jade bottle.

The predecessor of the white jade vase is the boy of the medicine master. In other words, after some changes, the white jade vase turned into a boy again, but this time she lost her memory completely.

However, both of them and Dugu Xiaoying have the skill of yaozun, so they can be accepted by this little guy who is familiar with yaozun's breath.

If an ordinary person, or someone who is not a descendant of Yao Zun, gets the white jade bottle, the little guy will react and flee. Is this a mechanism deliberately set up by Yao Zun to prevent non inheritors from getting their own things?

Now that bao'er is still there, that is to say, the problem of his own spiritual spring water can be solved. But if you want to know how the water comes from, you can only ask bao'er. Otherwise, even if he is tired to death and breaks his head with these hermits, I'm afraid he can't figure out what's going on.

"Don't go in a hurry." The head of the Yin clan suddenly stopped Wu Chen and handed him a stone: "look at this stone, it belongs to you, that is, the crystal of the heavenly spirit left by Yao Zun. Now I pass it to you, and it can be regarded as returning to the original owner."

"The crystal of the spirit? What is this for? " Wu Chen connected the crystal of the spirit of heaven, carefully felt the vast and pure power inside, and felt very surprised.

"The use of this crystal is very simple." The head of the Yin clan sighed: "since Yao Zun is kind to me, I'll teach you how to use it today."

Then he motioned Wu Chen to sit on the ground and enter the state of meditation.

"If you put the crystal of the heavenly spirit in your hand, and then run your own practice, you will find something different."

When Wu Chen did it according to this guy's method, he obviously felt that there was a big difference. First of all, he could absorb more and more spiritual power all over his body, and all of them were extremely pure spiritual power!

In fact, in the classification of spiritual power, it is also divided into heaven spiritual power and earth spiritual power. Although these two kinds of spiritual power are one kind of spiritual power, their effects are very different.

First of all, the earth spirit power generally refers to the spirit power in nature, including the special power carried by all things, while the heaven spirit power refers to the so-called power of the sky, which is the most pure power.

It is said that someone has made a comparison between the heavenly power and the earthly power. This heavenly power is hundreds of times as effective as the earthly power for practitioners. That is to say, if Wu Chen can practice in the bath of this heavenly power all the time, he can get twice the result with half the effort. One day of practice is worth hundreds of days of others!

And this crystal of the heavenly spirit is a treasure of the heavenly spirit. If you can use it all the time, I'm afraid Wu Chen will be able to kill that guy the next time he sees Lou Qianyu.

"Remember, this crystal of the heavenly spirit is the only one we have preserved. I'm afraid there may be one in other big families. But it's been too many years, and we're not sure if it's the last one. " The head of the Yin clan said solemnly, "you have to be clear. If you are found by others, you are likely to lose your life."

"Although there is a deep relationship between the hermits and Yao Zun, I hope you can understand that we are not here to protect you, let alone listen to you." The head of the Yin clan looks more and more dignified. It seems that there is a very important thing: "once something goes wrong, it's all your own business. I hope you don't betray us

Wu Chen nodded knowingly. After all, the hermits have been here for thousands of years, and he really doesn't know much about all of them. After all, people have their own missions, so it's not convenient to talk to him.

But... What was Yao Zun's unfinished words?

"Young man, wait a moment. In fact, there are some things I have to explain to you."

With that, the head of the Yin clan took the initiative to appear behind Wu Chen, and the "bang" hand was printed on his back. It's just that this palm didn't hurt Wu Chen with his sharp steel claws at all, but poured his own strength into Wu Chen's body

This kind of power didn't mean to hurt himself at all. He just felt that there was a steady stream of power running through his four limbs, which made Wu Chen feel very comfortable.

More importantly, the continuous increase of this power prompted him to approach the critical point of his breakthrough step by step, and to climb towards a better rank.

Soon, Wu Chen made a long and earth shaking howl. He just felt as if he was at the top of his mind. He quickly rose to the critical point of his potential.

But that kind of power still has many, many, many, even for Wu Chen, it is like a huge mountain, which can't be surmounted at all, only let people look up to it!


After seeing the practice of the head of the Yin clan, the people of the Yin clan yelled and looked very sad and flustered.

"Young man, you are shouldering a heavy burden..." the head of the Yin clan seems to be aging a lot in a moment, as if he no longer has any strength, and he is sitting on the ground dejectedly. "If you really deal with those guys, I'm afraid it's still very difficult for you to enter the country now."

But before the patriarch's voice fell, he heard kaixiu angrily scold: "human beings, it's you! But for your appearance, how could our patriarch have done such a thing! "

"Shut up

The head of the Yin clan was obviously angry and scolded: "I'm here to talk. What's the matter with you?"

Then he turned to Wu Chen again: "you have to remember that you are different now. Maybe you have some love and hate, but from now on, you will not be yourself. Although I know that many missions imposed on you will make you very sad, you will know later... "

"Today, I want to transfer all my skills to you! Now, I have sealed them in my body. Once you enter and ascend, it will automatically release the seal and help you directly break through the limit! "

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