Wu Chen practiced in Houshan for a while, but he didn't wait for Liu Huimin. He felt confused.

But it wasn't long before his cell phone rang.

He thought that there was something wrong with Xiaoya when she was buying parts in the city, but he didn't expect to answer the phone. It was actually Liu Huimin who called him!

As soon as he picked up the phone, he heard Liu Huimin's gasping voice coming from the other end of the phone. It sounded very flustered.

Hearing this voice, Wu Chen said to Liu Huimin, "OK, OK! Don't worry. Let me know if you have anything

After a long time, Liu Huimin responded and said to Wu Chen, "Wu Chen, I'm in trouble! I seem to have... Damaged someone. Now he is lying on the ground, and I can't get him to the hospital. He said, "what's wrong with him? What should I do now?"

After listening to her words, Wu Chen couldn't help feeling very funny. Does he know what Liu Huimin is riding in the city? It's his own electric tricycle! If that kind of thing can hit bad people, it must be old people.

I'm afraid that this unfortunate rural girl must have met those who touched porcelain. Now the people who touch porcelain are very experienced, and people like her, who are not familiar with the world and have little social experience, will easily take the bait.

"Yes, where are you? Now tell me your address and I'll come to you right away. Don't worry or cry. Calm down and see if this person is really injured or not. I'll drive him to the hospital later. "

Liu Huimin also understood Wu Chen's meaning. Now he just wanted to hold him back. Moreover, since this person can have the spirit to speak, it means that he does not have a big problem.

What's more, if you have a leg injury or a fracture, it won't affect you if you send it late.

In fact, Liu Huimin also saw many similar situations on TV, including those who touched porcelain. But in this case, she still felt powerless and had no way to deal with it.

After all, she had no way to refute the fact that people were lying on the ground and shouting that they had hit him.

Just now, when she was riding a tricycle, she just glanced aside and found this man lying in front of her car. If it wasn't for her, she didn't have the courage to say that, because she didn't know the situation at that time.

Liu Huimin looked at the man. He was a middle-aged man in his 30s. Only from his dress, this person should not be too rich, and the look of the thief also makes Liu Huimin feel very disgusted.

After all, if it is a general situation, many people will choose to stand up and continue to walk after being hit by an electric car, which will not bring any impact to the car owners.

Because the speed of this electric tricycle is not very fast, and it doesn't hurt very much when it bumps into a person. How can a young and strong man like him say that if he is damaged, he will be damaged?

More importantly, this person's present state is obviously acting or acting. That kind of grinning and groaning is disgusting!

After all, no normal person will behave like a woman.

There are more and more people around. Obviously, they are also fond of such things. Although some people nearby criticized the man's behavior, he still went his own way and couldn't get up on the ground.

Liu Huimin said awkwardly: "brother, I'm really sorry. I bumped you just now. My husband is on his way now. He should be here soon. At that time, if you have any problems, he will take you to the hospital. And we will give you any compensation! "

The man first looked up at Liu Huimin, then immediately closed his eyes and rolled back and forth on the ground

"Oh, it's killing me! My leg, it should be useless. Who is your husband? If I delay a little longer, I think I will be lame for the rest of my life! If there is any delay, will you support me? "

"What do you say to do?" Liu Huimin is also a little angry. After all, this man is playing rogue on the ground now. This kind of behavior makes her very unhappy.

"What to do? It's easy! You give me a thousand dollars. If you give me a thousand yuan today, it's a private matter. I'll take a taxi to cure my leg. "

Originally, Liu Huimin was very flustered, but just now she made a phone call with Wu Chen. After a careful analysis of the man's behavior, the more she thought about it, the more angry she was——

Because, he clearly is to treat himself as a fool to play - this kind of situation is obviously to touch porcelain! Liu Huimin has never been entangled by such people in her whole life. Now, how can she not be bothered when she comes across such things?

"I think it's better to wait! After all, my husband also studied medicine. If there is any way to treat your leg, he will make it up to you as soon as possible. And I came to the city to see my relatives today. I didn't bring any money except this small electric tricycle. If you really want money, wait for him to come. If he doesn't come, I can't help it

At this time, a strong man nearby saw the man's behavior, and he was filled with indignation. As soon as his head was hot, he took the initiative to stand up and yelled:

"Sister, I tell you, this kind of person can't be used to him! He obviously came to touch the porcelain. What is the act of touching porcelain? That's cheating. It's a rogue's behavior! If you get used to him this time, there will definitely be another time, endless

To see someone come forward to speak for Liu Huimin, the old ladies who were watching the crowd also pointed out to the man.

"Yes, yes!"

"Girl, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. I saw him run into porcelain with the owner of a luxury car when I was shopping two days ago. He insisted that he had been knocked down! The young man obviously had something urgent, and he gave him a thousand yuan without any further discussion. It's only a few days. He came out to touch porcelain again! If you say that your leg is damaged, how can it get better in two or three days? "

Seeing that most of the public opinions were biased towards Liu Huimin, the man immediately got worried and quickly quibbled: "old lady, I think you are kind-hearted and kind-hearted, and you don't look like a bad person. How can you say that without any basis or blood! How can I become a porcelain bumper? I'm really sick! You see, I can't even move my leg. "

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