However, in order to make these drugs work, it is imperative to find the fuel that can make them work. Although there is also a spirit spring in the factory now, it's a bit too shocking to use the spirit spring to launch these medicine puppets directly.

After all, no ordinary person will accept the principle that water can drive this kind of robot - it's a bit weird and not so pleasant. If it's shown to attract people's attention, then these employees really dare not use it!

"If you don't believe me, I'm going to buy fuel now. Because it takes a lot of energy to get the fuel for this kind of thing. As long as we get the fuel together now, this kind of robot can be put into our production. Because, in the next step, we need to have a new product, which we can't accomplish by manpower. We can only refine it for us through this small robot. "

Said, Wu Chen also did not forget to ask the surrounding staff and Xiaoya: "by the way, we now snow Yan frost sales and production situation is what kind of?"

As soon as those employees heard Wu Chen ask this question, they immediately exclaimed excitedly: "boss, your xueyanshuang is quite popular now! It's also very popular in the market. The amount we need to produce every day is not as much as that we put into the market. "

Hearing this, Wu Chen was relieved.

After all, if xueyanshuang can be sold normally, her own funds will be enough to maintain the operation of the pharmaceutical factory.

To tell you the truth, he didn't want to use his hundreds of millions of dollars. Because the origin of the money is not clean, it will be very difficult for the police to explain it. Therefore, the current capital flow is only the income of the pharmaceutical factory and Wanbao group.

If the profit is not bad, the pharmaceutical factory can develop and progress all the time.

"Well... You should carry these robots to the factory first, and they must be kept by the students. Remember, this kind of thing must not be stained with water, it is easy to cause the failure of the circuit and some parts inside

The reason why Wu Chen said this was that he was afraid that some careless people would drop the spring water on it. In case the medicine puppet really moves by itself, it's easy to scare these people.

After dealing with the affairs here, Wu Chen left the pharmaceutical factory and went to Houshan. By the way, he carried a few empty plastic buckets. He wanted to put those holy springs back as fuel, which could last for a few days.

After all, there are not so many medicine puppets now. When all of them come back, he can only transport them by car and load the fuel back.

As soon as he reached Houshan, Wu Chen saw Wang laozheng standing in front of Lingquan, observing carefully.

"Teacher, what did you find? Otherwise, why do you look so serious? "

Wang frowned slightly, and immediately shook his head and laughed: "boy, I didn't expect you to be so lucky to get such a rare treasure. The spring is full of aura, which is very suitable for making medicinal materials. "

Then he suddenly pointed to the medicine fields and those at the foot of the mountain, and laughed awkwardly: "if other people know that you use this kind of spring water as the material to irrigate the farmland and medicine fields, I think those old guys will eat you alive."

Wu Chen laughed, "teacher, isn't that exaggeration? Although it's good, it has to be useful! If you just look at it and don't use it, it's just a bunch of useless things. Now I just want to mix these spiritual springs and use them as the fuel of the medicine puppet. "

Mr. Wang nodded, "you are right! Although the Lingquan water is good, if it is not used properly, it can only be regarded as ordinary water. Since you want to use it as the fuel of the medicine puppet, how can you hide it? After all, it's shocking to use water as fuel. "

Sure enough, even Mr. Wang thought of this.

But Wu Chen had made preparations in advance. He took out a bag of small blue crystals from his arms and said to Mr. Wang with a smile, "look, teacher, this is dye. I want to put this kind of thing into the spring and dye it blue, or some dark color. In this way, it looks like fuel, not ordinary water, so we can hide the truth and put it into use recklessly. "

I don't think it's good for you to dye it in this color.

Wang shook his head and said to Wu Chen, "don't you think about it? If this spirit spring combines the dark power of our magic formula, what color will it be? "

"Teacher, you mean to mix our dark power and aura together to produce a certain reaction in the water and make it black in essence, don't you?"

"Of course! Moreover, the medicine puppet who has invested the dark power will become more violent than before. The most important thing is that we must consider safety - if someone else gets this medicine puppet, we can detonate it directly through the dark power! This makes it impossible for others to understand the principle of this drug puppet, and ensures the safety of your company. "

Wu Chen listened to Wang's words and nodded. He didn't expect that his teacher was really very resourceful and bold in doing things - in this way, the development of his company will be safer and smoother.

Sure enough, after Wang's advice, Wu Chen quickly turned the Lingquan water in the bucket into black, and it was completely black!

After all, it's the combination of your own power and the spiritual power in the spiritual spring. No matter what kind of bleach other people use, or other means, there is no way to make the fuel return to its original transparent color.

"Great, teacher! Now that we have the fuel, we can go back and try the medicine. "

"Well, I'm going back, too. I've also looked at the back mountain. There are a lot of good things. The sword gold is pretty good, but it's not very useful to me. "

Wu Chen said: "teacher, I think that sword gold can make a pair of inner armor for you. In this way, you will be more safe in the future! Although no one else can hurt you, I think it's better to have insurance for everything. That's what you taught me, isn't it? "

"Yes! Great. If you really have this filial piety, then another day you will really make a nail for me? This is made for me by my disciples. How can I not accept it as a teacher? "

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