Wu Chen put the blood of the python clean until it did not move and completely lost its life. Then he put down his knife and sighed slowly. He collapsed to the ground like he had taken off his strength

"This guy is terrible."

Wu Chen gasped violently. Looking at the python like a hill nearby, he was afraid. Fortunately, this place has enough spiritual power. Otherwise, with the help of hand-to-hand combat, I'm afraid the one-sided Hercules can't beat this guy!

At this time, Wu Chen remembered that there were many snake like grasses here. Now it seems that the reason why the python grows so big and has so terrible power is probably due to eating the snake grass.

Otherwise, it can't protect the snake grass desperately.

Wu Chen went over and looked at it carefully. His intuition told him that if he ate one of these snake shaped grasses, I'm afraid his strength would be greatly increased!

But, eat rashly, really good?

"Forget it, I don't believe it can really poison me!" Wu Chen comforted himself and said to himself, slowly pulling a snake grass from the ground.

At the next moment, he can clearly feel that the aura of the peak suddenly loosens a part of it as he pulls it out. It floats between heaven and earth and disappears

"Is this the existence of repressive aura?" Wu Chen did not regret looking at the snake grass in his hand. He was very distressed for it. "If I knew it was like this, why should I move it?"

However, since it has been pulled down, there is absolutely no way to plant it back. After all, it has been destroyed by him.

"If you don't eat, you'll get nothing."

Wu Chen swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously, patted the dust on it, and swallowed the snake grass in one mouthful

The next moment, an unprecedented sense of expansion, so that Wu Chen's four limbs and bones are pain up! Lingli is like a gunpowder keg that was suddenly ignited, "boom" in Wu Chen's body!

The aura of the whole mountain seemed to be drawn by something. It was madly aimed at Wu Chen's body and instilled. At that moment, it almost burst Wu Chen!

"No... I can't wait to die!"

Wu Chen's expression changed greatly, and he quickly began to use his own skills. The great power gradually calmed down and controlled in his body. Along the meridians in Wu Chen's body, he kept circulating and improving his body and strength!

With the rapid operation of Kung Fu, Wu Chen's strength became more and more powerful and full, and the long-standing bottleneck almost crossed in an instant and directly entered the fifth level of Tianyuan realm!

This speed is like a rocket!

Gradually, the medicinal power of the serpentine grass melted in his blood, and the circulation speed of the spiritual power gradually slowed down. In the end, it just stayed at the bottleneck of the fifth floor, and stopped completely.

Wu Chen slowly opened his eyes and watched his own changes in disbelief - the scabby wounds and bruises he had just left on his body disappeared in an instant! Even the scars left by the battle have disappeared.

Wu Chen's skin is like a molted skin, which is covered with a layer of horny broken skin. Just a touch, it falls down, revealing a new smooth skin inside.

"Isn't that great?"

Wu Chen felt that he was more relaxed than ever, just like he was reborn. He became lighter and faster, and his speed and strength were greatly improved!

However, Wu Chen did not dare to touch the serpentine grass underground any more. This place is the spiritual source of the whole mountain. Snake grass absorbs the spiritual power of heaven and earth, making the back mountain more suitable for the growth of crops and organisms. If it is destroyed again, I am afraid the back mountain will be completely abandoned.

Wu Chen thought about it and decided not to tell Li about the python, including the snake grass.

After all, Mr. Li is an ordinary man and a businessman. If he knew about the existence of Ophiopogon, I'm afraid he would not realize the importance of them. It's a pity that he didn't intend to destroy them!

Wu Chen looked at the blood stains on his body, but he had to wear some broken clothes down the mountain.

Back to the place just now, I saw that Mr. Li was sitting on a big stone by the side of the road and fell asleep!

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li, it's time for us to go. You are here. Be careful of catching cold."

Wu Chen patted Mr. Li on the shoulder to wake him up.

Old Li stood up sleepily and looked at everything around him in confusion. Suddenly, he saw Wu Chen covered with blood, immediately said in a panic: "Wu Chen, what's the matter with you? Was there any danger just now? "

"Ah, ha ha, nothing." Wu Chen shrugged his shoulders, pointed to the blood on his body, and said with a smile: "just now, I met a blind animal who was killed by me. Its blood stained my clothes."

Li looked Wu Chen up and down suspiciously and found that there was no wound on him, so he sighed: "Oh, Wu Chen, you scared me to death. If anything happens to you, I must die of guilt! "

"Don't worry, Mr. Li. What can I do for you?" Wu Chen patted his solid chest and said with a smile, "I'm a special forces soldier. How can I be hurt by the little beast here?"

After listening to him, li felt relieved. He patted Wu Chen on the shoulder and said, "OK, Wu Chen, let's go down the mountain together. I know about the situation here. I'll discuss it with Xiaoxi later and make a plan to set up an artificial planting base on the mountain. "

Wu Chen thought about it a little. Although there is no snake grass in this place, the spiritual power is more abundant than that outside. If it is planted artificially, there will be no loss in this place!

Thinking of this, Wu Chen also had a basic understanding of his future way to make money. Of course, he nodded and agreed: "yes, Mr. Li, I think we can plant some precious medicinal materials in a deeper place. For one thing, it's impossible to steal medicinal materials with the protection of wild animals. For another thing, it's obviously more suitable for the growth and cultivation of medicinal materials, which can fully meet the needs of the base! "

"OK, OK, I'll go down the mountain and get ready." Mr. Li thought about it and said with a shy smile: "I've been here this time. Don't say, I really like this place. It's not only outstanding people, but also the pheasant meat is delicious!"

Wu Chen looked at each other and laughed. They went down the mountain together.

As soon as he got down the mountain, Wu Chen's brows began to wrinkle. Because he found that Li Dafa was waiting for them at the foot of the mountain with a flattering smile, which was disgusting.

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