"Uncle Cheng, I'll take care of the money." Wu Chen said faintly, "if the other party can ensure the safety of Yuanyuan and solve the group of mole ants, there is no problem. I'm afraid the other party will come prepared."

Aunt Cheng held Wu Chen's hands tightly and said, "Wu Chen, you must save your sister Yuanyuan. You can do anything you want us to do."

"Auntie, you're serious." Wu Chen shrugged. "Yuanyuan is my sister. I will save her."

With that, Wu Chen was about to leave: "Uncle Cheng, I can't delay at all. If you can trust me, let me solve it by myself. If I haven't heard from you for more than 24 hours, please call the police. "

"Good." Cheng Jikuan thought about it and frowned: "Xiaochen, you are just like me and your aunt's children. You should be more careful and ensure your own safety. Those people are very cunning. Don't be fooled."

"I'm afraid there are few people in the world who can hurt Wu Chen."

After a few words of relief, Wu Chen got on his tricycle and rushed to the city.

In order not to delay too much time, Wu Chen bought an empty suitcase along the way and rushed all the way to the State Building in Binhai New Area.

If we say that the Li Guo mansion is the tallest and most magnificent building in the whole city, it is extremely rare in such a small county town to have a full 30 storey building.

And, most importantly, this building is also the best lookout point in the whole county. Standing on the roof, you can have a panoramic view of the whole county. What's more, it's absolutely safe here. Even with binoculars, it's hard to see what's going on.

"That's interesting." Wu Chen touched the tip of his nose and walked to the Li Guo building.

"Hello, sir. Who can I speak to?"

The front desk receptionist saw Wu Chen, who rushed to the front desk. She said, "if you don't have an appointment, please leave here."

This has been said mercilessly, but Wu Chen in order to save people, how can take care of this usually extremely cold reception?

As a result, Wu Chen said almost nothing and did not explain anything. He went straight inside.

"Guard, stop him

Just then, a cold voice suddenly rang out: "what's the matter? What are you shouting about? "

Wu Chen felt that the voice was very familiar. Looking back, he found that it was Li Xiaoxi, the granddaughter of Li Lao, the long legged beauty he had seen that day.

"Wu Chen? What are you doing here? " Li Xiaoxi is a Leng at first, immediately, on the face hang a touch of shallow scarlet: "is grandfather let you come to me?"? Or are you coming to me? "

The security guard and the reception at the front desk were almost stunned. On weekdays, President Li was a tough, cold and powerful woman. How ever did they see Li Xiaoxi show a little girl like today? Who is this man?

"Take a step."

Wu Chen said without expression.

Li Xiaoxi does not know why, since the last thing, she has a strong interest in this man. Maybe it's because of his talent or his temperament.

In a word, she followed immediately.

"Lend me a million." Wu Chen said in a low voice, "don't be surprised. My sister has been kidnapped. The kidnapper told me to come to the top floor of Li Guo mansion."

"So you're here to borrow money from me?" Li Xiaoxi frowned slightly. "You said that the kidnappers entered the top floor of the state building. It's impossible. As you saw just now, not everyone can get in."

"Yes, so I suspect your insiders are involved." Wu Chen shook his head. "It doesn't matter. You help me get the money ready first... I owe you a favor. I can solve the rest by myself. "

"OK, be safe." Li Xiaoxi agreed without hesitation and waved to Wu Chen, "if you come with me to my office, I will have money in the safe."

"No, I'll just wait here." Wu Chen refused: "it's not very good for you as a girl."

After Li Xiaoxi filled the suitcase, she handed it to Wu Chen and repeatedly told him, "if anything happens, you can call me. I'll send a security guard up immediately."

"No need." Wu Chen's face suddenly appeared a strange smile, "maybe, the last trading place is not here."

Wu Chen climbed up the building from the safe passage, because only in this way could he find the door leading to the roof.

When he got to the top of the building, the cold wind blew on him, which made him shiver. As expected, there was no one on the whole roof, but there were several micro monitors.

Wu Chen pretended not to find the monitor, pretending to look anxious.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, uncle Cheng's mobile phone rang again.

"Hello? I'm here. Where's my sister? "

"Well, you're quite punctual. Open the suitcase in your hand. I want to inspect the goods. Don't look. I'm not here at all, but I can see you. "

Wu Chen nodded and laughed in his heart: as he thought, the last trading place was not here at all, but somewhere else.

If they are these kidnappers, no matter how stupid they are, they will not set the trading place in such a place where they can't escape. In case of police ambush, none of them can escape!

After opening the suitcase, Wu Chen took out the money and measured it. After confirming that it was RMB, the other end of the phone said with a smile: "OK, you are still trustworthy. Well, you come to the shopping mall on Ryan street and wait for us outside the Starbucks cafe. Of course someone will bring you to see your sister. "

"Why is it so far away?" Wu Chen said discontentedly, "what are you up to?"

"Don't talk to me. Do you want to see your sister? If you don't want to, just say it. I will tear up the ticket now! "

"Don't, don't, don't!" Wu Chen gave a wry smile: "can't I go? You must not hurt my sister. "

Just finished, the phone was hung up by the other party. Wu Chen sighed. It's not because of anything else. He has to waste a lot of money on oil to go to another place.

Clearly is a pile of garbage, but again and again to play their own. If you change to the past, you will easily take care of the other side.

Alas, today is different from the past!

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