"You... What do you want to do?"

Wu Chen looked at the arrogant young people in front of him and said, "brothers, before I came here, didn't Zhang Bing tell you that I was a special forces veteran? Don't talk about you people. I won't pay attention to dozens more. "

"Oh, brother, there's a" special forces "here. He even pretends to be x in front of our brother. It seems that we can't do without giving him a lesson!"

When Huang Mao saw that Zhang Bing was thrown out, he was not afraid. It seemed that he had practiced some self-defense skills in Sanda. He was extremely arrogant. He rushed to Wu Chen with the little gangsters behind him

It is conceivable that in less than a minute, all these people fell to the ground. Wu Chen didn't need much effort to solve them, almost all of them were solved by one move, and he didn't even give them the chance to resist.

"My brother-in-law is so handsome!" Xiaoyu's eyes are full of small stars. Her eyes are different from Wu Chen's, and her face is full of fans.

Although she has seen Wu Chen's medical skills and heard that Wu Chen worked as a special forces soldier, for the first time, she intuitively saw Wu Chen beat these people cleanly. Li Xiaoxi also felt that Wu chenshuai was a little too much.

No wonder people often say that men who can fight are the most attractive.

"All right, leave them alone." Wu Chen shook his head, "this kind of people will let them live and die on their own. I don't have a heavy hand. I'll be fine after a while."

With that, Wu Chen went to the home of village head Li Dafa. Although Li Dafa is not a very good person, he is still interested in the village in essence. He can only ask Li Dafa to gather the villagers to study this kind of thing.

"Is there anyone at home, please?"

Wu Chen found that Li Dafa's iron sliding door was closed, so he knocked on the iron door from outside. After a while, Wang Xiujuan, dressed in thin clothes and extremely coquettish, came over with a smile and opened the door

"Oh, this is brother Wu. You finally remember him."

That kind of coquettish voice let Wu Chen for one of Lin, subconsciously back a step. Li Xiaoxi frowned and glared at Wu Chen, though she didn't know why she did it.

But as soon as she felt that there might be an unclear relationship between this woman and Wu Chen, Li Xiaoxi felt a little upset and even very uncomfortable.

Don't you like the man who is a little ruffian and a little bit goofy?

"Well, sister Xiujuan, I'm here to find the village head. These two are representatives of the state-owned group. They want to come to our village to discuss the investment in the establishment of a medicinal plant base."

Although Wang Xiujuan is not serious every day, she often carries Li Dafa on her back, but she also heard that Li Dafa is going to build a planting base with the baicaotang in the city.

This is a major event involving the people in the village. Wang Xiujuan also restrained her flattery and showed some seriousness: "OK, he's out of the door. He should be in the office. I'll call him now and let him come back."

Wu Chen didn't want to have too much contact with this coquettish goblin. He quickly refused: "it's OK, sister-in-law. We drove here. Now we'll go to the village committee to find the village head, so we won't trouble you."

How can Wang Xiujuan not see Wu Chen's refusal, and then contact the beauty beside him, naturally understand what's going on.

Simply, she did not do more entanglement, just quietly threw a wink at Wu Chen, said with a smile: "OK, you go to busy. Come to my sister-in-law when you have time. She treats you to tofu. It's all the tofu that my sister-in-law ordered with brine. "


Xiaoyu is thoughtful and looks at the coquettish Wang Xiujuan. She can't help laughing secretly. When they walk out of the village head's house, they can't help but say, "brother-in-law, you are so playful."

"Xiaoyu, he is not your brother-in-law." Li Xiaoxi glared at her eyes and said in a harsh voice: "besides, it's working time. You can talk about this after work. Be careful, I'll deduct your salary! "

After listening to Li Xiaoxi's words, Xiaoyu sticks out her tongue to Wu Chen, and dare not say anything more.

However, they all see that Li Xiaoxi is very angry now.

But Wu Chen didn't want to explain anything. For one thing, they were not lovers at all, and their explanations were not right; Second, even if it's a couple, even if it's explained, it doesn't necessarily make her believe that it's best not to say anything.

"Village head, here we are." Arriving at the village committee, Wu Chen found that Li Dafa was sitting in his office smoking cigarettes and listening to the crosstalk program on the radio. His life was very pleasant.

However, these are not allowed under normal circumstances.

"Oh, here comes Wu Chen." Li Dafa sees Li Xiaoxi and Xiaoyu behind Wu Chen at a glance. His intuition tells him that these two people are definitely not ordinary people, and they must have a lot to do with that project.

So, without hesitation, he put out the smoke and opened the window to breathe.

"Village head. These two are the senior managers of Liguo company and the leaders of this project. I hope I can discuss with you about the planting base. "

Li Xiaoxi introduced herself generously and said, "Hello, village head. My name is Li Xiaoxi, the president of Liguo group. I'm here to discuss something with you and the villagers. "

"But it doesn't hurt to say so."

"Well, we changed the original plan. Because I heard from Wu Chenshu that every villager in your village owns part of the land in Houshan, right? "

Li Dafa thought for a moment, nodded his head without hesitation, and said definitely, "yes, our village has no good land nearby, so what the state allocates to us is the place on the mountain. But most of the young people or people with good physical strength in our village have gone out to work, so that most of the villagers in the village have no way to work. "

Li Dafa gave a wry smile: "after all, our village is too poor to develop at all."

"That's great." Li Xiaoxi said with a sweet smile, "our current plan is to provide the villagers with our technology, and have technicians to teach them how to grow medicinal materials hand in hand, so that every villager can make money. When the medicinal materials are mature, we will buy the villagers' medicinal materials at a price higher than the market price. "

Wu Chen nodded aside and added, "village head. In this way, our village will be able to get a better life. What do you think of that? "

Although Li Dafa's human ability is not enough, he still understands this basic skill. Needless to say, anyone would feel that this is an attractive proposal. Is there any reason why he would not agree?

"Yes, of course! This is just for the benefit of the villagers

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