After more than an hour, about 80% of the villagers agreed to the plan of the planting base. And other villagers hold a wait-and-see attitude, when other villagers really grow up, they also choose to join.

However, these are the afterwords.

After everything, Li Xiaoxi finds a reason to say goodbye to Li Dafa and takes Xiaoyu back to the town first. After all, there are many things to deal with in her company, so we can't waste all our time here.

Even Liu Chuntao took the initiative to pat Wu Chen on the shoulder and said, "OK, you are still a shareholder of baicaotang. Remember to give me a discount next time I go to get the medicine! Otherwise, I won't sell you anything. "

However, the person who surprised Wu Chen the most was Liu Huimin.

She took the initiative to find Wu Chen, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Wu Chen, is this herbal medicine really reliable?"

Wu Chen knew what she was worried about. She was afraid that her income from planting herbs was not as much as that from collecting herbs, so she was worried.

"Of course." Wu Chen thought about it and said, "let me tell you this. Do you think that when you usually pick herbs in the mountains, you can't pick anything when you're not lucky, and the quality of herbs is uneven?"

Liu Huimin pondered for a moment, nodded and admitted: "yes, what you said is true. But if you plant herbs, you must... "

Before she finished speaking, Wu Chen interrupted her with a smile: "open up a medicine field, all kinds of ginseng or Polygonum multiflorum, what do you think of this?"

Then Wu Chen patted Liu Huimin's forehead. "Don't be silly. Just now, the villagers may not have noticed that there is a clear stipulation in the contract. Every kind of medicinal material is planted according to its ability. If we say that this company is lack of ability, we can only plant simple and relatively less valuable medicinal materials, and rare medicinal materials, experienced people will have priority. Do you understand now? "

After listening to Wu Chen's words, Liu Huimin's previous worries completely disappeared. She said with a smile, "sure enough, you are not as honest and treacherous as the villagers think."

"I'm not doing this for everyone's consideration? If all kinds of rare medicinal materials are the same, the market demand is not so big, and the natural price will be low. "

While they were talking, suddenly, a big black dog came out of nowhere and rushed directly at them!

"Be careful!"

Wu Chen frowned tightly, grabbed Liu Huimin's arm, slipped back subconsciously, and dodged the big dog.

"Whose dog?" Wu Chen was a little angry. When he was about to attack, his eyes suddenly aimed at the dog, and he immediately froze.

Although the dog's hair is covered with mud, and even in some places it has wounds and blood, its eyes are so different

In his eyes, Wu Chen saw the coldness and aloofness of a wolf. Most importantly, the tail of a dog is cocked up, and the dog's tail is drooping like a wolf.

In other words, it has always been in a fighting state, no matter who is in front of it, it will face with the most energetic spirit.

This should not belong here at all, even those well-trained police dogs may not have its horror. For this dog, fighting seems to be an instinct, even a habit.

At that moment, Wu Chen made up his mind that he must tame the dog for my use!

The dog seemed to feel the murderous gas released from Wu Chen's body. It looked like he was going to run away. But, suddenly stopped, with doubt but cold eyes looking at the human in front.

"Oh, my God, I've found you. I have to kill you today!"

When one person and one dog looked at each other strangely, a man with a pig knife rushed over and roared at the big black dog.

"Brother, what happened?"

"Oh, brother Wu Chen, don't mention it." The strong man kept panting, pointed at the dog with the point of his knife, and roared: "I don't know where the wild dog came from. He ate two lambs of my family and even slept in my sheep pen. It's too arrogant!"

Wu Chen looked at the dog, also think this guy is true, some bold up, you steal also steal chant, why still candid waiting for others to catch you?

"Well, brother, I'll compensate you for your two sheep." Wu Chen shyly smile: "to tell you the truth, this wild dog I like, I want to take back to raise."

"Oh, my God, brother, are you crazy or something?" The strong man stared at Wu Chen with big eyes and said in disbelief, "don't you know that this thing is very fierce? Who doesn't want a wild dog? Do you keep it? If you get close to it, you'll have to bite you! "

"No way." Wu Chen narrowed his eyes, gently blocked Liu Huimin behind him, approached the black dog step by step, and said with a smile, "sit down."

Then he put his hand gently on the black dog's head. At the same time, a spiritual force was released from the palm to its body. The bleeding wounds on his body also healed quietly, and the hair and blood scab on the surface just blocked the healing wounds.

The black dog's eyes suddenly showed a look of shock, obviously, it is human, and it can also feel the comfortable energy of Wu Chen, how useful it is for itself.

With a comfortable grunt, the black dog sat down on the ground following Wu Chen's downward pressure, completely like a docile dog.

"Oh, I'll go, this thing, God, why are you so obedient when you say it?"

Wu Chen laughed at the strong man: "brother, when I was a Special Forces officer, I trained police dogs for a while, and I did some research on dogs. It's a small thing

Then Wu Chen took out 500 yuan in cash and handed it to the strong man, saying, "brother, I'll take this dog back. I'll train it well. You can keep the money as compensation for the two lambs, and it will be revealed today, won't you

The strong man touched his head and said with embarrassment, "Hey, brother Wu Chen, you are so polite. I'm a little embarrassed. OK, that's it. I'll keep the money. If there's anything to do in the future, I'll help you as long as I can do it! "

"All right."

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