"Yes, of course, Mr. Wu is the best." Wu Jing's secretary also just flattered, "Mr. Wu, you are wise and talented. I believe that one day, Miss Li will find you good and be with you."

"Of course, the premise is that some people who don't open their eyes must not be blind."

Wu Chen shook his head, did not say anything, just accompanied Wu Jing, showing an embarrassed and polite smile.

Most of the people in Lvshui village are idle and busy. When they see such a car, many villagers immediately gather around and are very curious about Wu Jing.

"Xiaochen, what are they doing?" A middle-aged woman recognized Wu Chen. She took Wu Chen by the arm and said, "I'm not going to invest in our village again, are you?"


Wu Chen replied with a smile. He just looked at Wu Jing quietly. He didn't say much, and the people just watched them silently.

"Well, fellow townsman, what do you think of the land our boss bought?" The Secretary pulled a villager and said happily, "do you know? This is the land that our boss spent 50 million to buy, isn't it good? "

The villager was slightly stunned. Even if he had no culture, he knew very well that this land was definitely not a good place. Otherwise, why do the people in Lvshui village choose to leave such a large area unused instead of planting any crops?

However, these people are obviously city dwellers, and the young man with glasses looks quite educated. Is there really something they can see in this place?

For a moment, the villager was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Once he expresses his opinion, if he is wrong, he will be laughed at by these city people.

After thinking so much, the villager didn't know whether to say it or not. So he just shook his head and said with a smile, "it's good

Although he gave a positive answer, people with a clear eye knew that it was perfunctory and they said so.

Wu Chen couldn't help but watch the clowns perform. He wants to continue to see what kind of performance these three interesting guys will give later.

"Mr. Chu, what do you think we should plant on this land?"

Wu Jing glanced at Wu Chen and laughed triumphantly: "is it Polygonum multiflorum or ginseng?"

This is the turn of Wu Chen's surprise. He immediately responds to the fact that the fat man should have secretly investigated his own information. Therefore, he would deliberately say so, and even take the initiative to come here, the purpose is to come and humiliate himself.

However, Wu Jing did not expect that he should cooperate with him so much, and took the initiative to stand up for his ridicule.

But in Wu Chen's eyes, the real funny person is Wu Jing who knows nothing.

"Er... This... I'm not sure. Let's ask the villagers here. I think they will be more experienced than us."

"Yes, yes. I think we'd better ask the villagers. Mr. Wu, how warm and hospitable they are?" The Secretary echoed.

Wu Jing nodded, then asked a nearby villager, and said: "this fellow, this land has been bought by me. I want to know what is better to grow here?"

"Bami." The old man didn't even think about it, so he said to Wu Jing directly, "it's a good kind of rice, and it's delicious. Anyway, I like it."

"Old donkey. Take a look at your mouth. It's still rice. Be careful what grows here will cut off your teeth! " When the villagers around heard this reply, the people he knew could not help laughing loudly: "you don't pee. Look at yourself. You're still alive."

Wu Jing frowned slightly, obviously did not get the answer he wanted, and Wu Chen stood beside him, showing a face of beating.

No, I'm here to humiliate him. I can't let him see the joke!

Thinking of this, Wu Jing said to a relatively young man, "young man, do you know what herbs can be planted here? I want to grow herbs when I buy this land."

Although the young man is very simple, he is also a bit resourceful. He looked up at Wu Chen and found that he was shaking his head.

As a result, he was also a little confused.

What is the answer?

It's obvious that nothing can be planted here! Why do you have to ask yourself what you can grow? I'm afraid everyone can see that the land here is a little bit Sandy. I'm afraid it's not suitable to build buildings

"Well, brother, just tell him the truth. Let's see how anxious he is." Wu Chen blinked without any trace. Perhaps only they could understand the meaning.

"Well, I don't know what kind of herbs you can grow in this soil, because I don't know." This young man is a smart man, his eyes are rolling, and his speech is very smooth, "but since you are a soil expert, we must plant some valuable herbs, or we will lose money?"

After that, the expert named Chu was even more ashamed. He didn't understand the situation at all. He thought Wu Chen was secretly helping himself. He couldn't help but cast a grateful look at him.

After listening to the young man's words, Wu Jing was obviously very satisfied. He had no doubt about the young man's words, and even chose to believe them.

"Well, in that case, I think we should have an idea already." Wu Jing said to the Secretary beside him with a smile: "let's plant some ginseng. Let's choose the most expensive one!"

The villagers on one side are all silly. What do you mean? I'm afraid potatoes may not be planted in this place. Do you still grow ginseng? Are you kidding?

However, experts have said that this place is good. Do we really know nothing? In that case, stop talking!

So, there was such a scene——

Wu Jing stood there with a beer belly to point out the country, while a group of villagers with muddled faces echoed.

It's a real comedy: the emperor's new clothes!

Wu Chen felt that he was already a little bit out of control, which was just too funny!

At this time, a discordant voice suddenly rang up: "what are you doing there? It's obvious that nothing can be planted and ginseng and marijuana can be returned. Isn't that funny? "

With this remark, everyone present fell into silence

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