When Wu Chen returned to the construction site of the building, he saw that Chen Ling was in a hurry and turned around in the same place. It was a complete loss of her mind.

Seeing Wu Chen coming, she rushed over immediately and said straightforwardly, "now there are few building materials left. The money you gave me is not enough to buy new building materials. If this continues, I think we will stop work soon."

Wu Chen looked at a building that had already been built in its rudimentary form, and it was obviously a bit difficult. He had long thought that this would happen today, but he did not expect that the materials would be used up so soon.

It seems that if you don't buy building materials quickly, your building may be delayed! That's not going to work.

"Well, I'll solve the problem." Wu Chen thought about it for a while, and said to Chen Ling, "it can reduce everyone's workload a little bit. Recently, people are very tired because of high fatigue."

"Waiting for your material?" Chen Lingmei blinked her eyes and immediately asked, "well, do you need me to contact the building materials manufacturer? I know a few building materials companies, which are quite good. "

"No, I'll go shopping myself this time and add some small things in it."

"Good." Chen Ling nodded, looked at the sweaty migrant workers, and said to Wu Chen, "please hurry up. You don't know much about us migrant workers. They are absolutely hardworking and believe in our efficiency."

Chen Ling and a simple list of building materials, Wu Chen will drive his own small tricycle into the city. However, when he just wanted to reach the city block, his tricycle stalled and broke down. No matter how he started it, he couldn't start it!

"Why?" Wu Chen wants to cry a little. It's only a few days. He can't catch fire! This is an electric tricycle. Why can't the battery be started when it has electricity?

Wu Chen had no choice but to push the tricycle to a nearby repair shop, but the clerk told Wu Chen that he would have to wait several hours to pick up the car.

I can't help it. It seems that I have to take the bus.

After inquiring about a convenient bus stop to the building materials store, Wu Chen stood there waiting for the bus and planned to take it to his destination.

However, Wu Chen did not expect that there would be so many people here! When the bus came, there were twenty or thirty people rushing out. They crowded up on the bus!

"Shit, can you slow down?" Although Wu Chen practiced Kung Fu, he couldn't stop the crowd pushing him forward. In this way, he was completely pushed onto the bus!

And the situation on the car is more excessive. It's full of people, almost people close to people, people crowded with people, just like rougamo, unable to move!

There was a sultry heat in the car. There was not enough fresh air for people to breathe. It almost made people faint. And in the summer, some people will take a lot of sweat, the kind of strong body odor is unbearable.

At this time, Wu Chen suddenly felt that the arm of a young man around him was constantly moving, always hitting his belly, which made him very dissatisfied.

However, the thought that this car is not his own after all, even if there are some small collisions, I can bear to pass. Don't take it too seriously.

However, after several minutes, the man's arm was still moving there, which made Wu Chen a little unacceptable - the carriage was so crowded, what were you doing? I don't know. I thought you were doing something indescribable there!

Wu Chengang wanted to give a euphemistic reminder and found that the man was a thief! What's more, his hands are constantly moving a little, pulling something out of a girl's bag beside him.

Wu Chen, who couldn't bear it, was very angry and immediately roared out: "everyone pay attention! There are thieves in the carriage

This remark surprised everyone.

"Thief? Where? Where are the thieves? "

"See if you have lost all your things?"

The people in the whole carriage were like frying a pot. They kept looking at their bags to see if anything was missing. They even began to look at the passengers around them with alert eyes, for fear that the thief would stare at them.

The young man was obviously frightened by Wu Chen's words, so he immediately withdrew his hand. The goal that we are about to succeed is thus lost.

At this moment, people around him are counting their things. How could anyone give him the chance to steal? In this way, Wu Chen's words made him lose the opportunity to open on this train.

How can he not hate Wu Chen?

Just after a traffic light, the driver suddenly put on an emergency brake, which almost threw out all the people in the car!

Originally, it was crowded and difficult to move. Now, due to inertia, the passengers rushed forward! Push behind the front, the front is crowded to the windshield, not uncomfortable!

"How on earth did you drive?" One of the passengers yelled angrily at the driver, "did you know that you almost threw us all out and caused a stampede?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

The driver kept laughing, but he didn't notice that Wu Chen, who was in the crowd, had a little beauty in her arms. It was the young man who wanted to steal just now.

What's more embarrassing is that because Wu Chen wants to help her, he uses his hand to block it and kisses the girl's mouth directly! The soft and sweet touch made Wu Chen almost squint his eyes.

What makes Wu Chen even more unthinkable is that the girl is constantly struggling because of her panic. Instead, she can't find her own center of gravity and can't get up in Wu Chen's arms.

When she wanted to talk, she remembered that they were kissing each other, but it was too late for her to stick out her tongue!

It looks like two people are kissing.

The passengers around obviously noticed this, and were marveling at why the couple actually took the opportunity to kiss each other, when they saw that the beauty suddenly broke away from Wu Chen's arms and slapped Wu Chen's face heavily.


Wu Chen was completely stunned. Seeing that the little beauty still wanted to give him a hand, he quickly reached out and grabbed each other's arm. He angrily said, "who do you think is a hooligan? It's clear that you are relying on yourself. How dare you blame me for playing a hooligan? I said you were rude to me

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