"Brother, why do you have to do this? Let's have a good talk." Wu Chen smiles awkwardly, sweeps the rope on his body with his eyes, signals the thief to untie himself, "don't you feel uncomfortable talking like this?"

"Cut the crap." The other party glared at Wu Chen fiercely and began to search Wu Chen's pocket carefully. As a result, something unexpected happened to him - Wu Chen's pocket is cleaner than his own face!

ID bank card? Wallet?

Nothing there? Not even a steel bar!

"Brother, I'm poorer than you. Please let me go." Wu Chen pretended to be tearful and said, "I came here to borrow money. I don't know if my relatives will lend it to me! You see, I am like this. How can I become rich? "

The thief was also annoyed by Wu Chen. He knew that Wu Chen must have money, but he touched all parts of his body, but he couldn't find anything!

"What the hell are you doing?" The thief angrily scolded: "I saw you take out your mobile phone in the car. How come there is nothing left now?"

"I..." Wu Chengang wanted to smile and continue to explain. Suddenly, the thief made an action that Wu Chen couldn't bear any more——

With the sound of "pa", Wu Chen got a firm slap on his face, which made his cheek swell suddenly.

"Originally, I wanted to play games with you, but now you break the rules of the game, which makes me very unhappy." Wu Chen looked at the thief with a gloomy face. He couldn't tell why. Just one of his eyes made the thief feel a deep fear.

"What are you doing?"

Wu Chen shook his head and twisted his arm slightly. The boy's cord tied on his wrist was easily broken by him and broke into several pieces!

"My original favorite sentence is - hit people without face, curse people without mother." The rope on Wu Chen's body suddenly seemed to be broken into countless pieces by a huge force, and he came out of the state of binding completely.

He looked at the thief coldly, and suddenly grinned: "I've never seen a man like you in such a long time. Haven't you ever heard of the saying "thieves have their way"? And you, steal and rob, say you are all evil, a little exaggeration; But to say you're a good man, you're not. "

While Wu Chen seemed to talk to himself, he gradually approached the thief, grabbed each other's arm, and then gently rotated his arm - just like twisting a hemp rope, and directly twisted the thief's arm violently!

Just listen to "creak", accompanied by the thief's earth shaking scream. The arm was completely abandoned, even drooped down, which was very sad.

"How's it going? Do you enjoy it? " Wu Chen attached himself to the thief's ear and whispered: "it's a good feeling that the food has been discarded, isn't it?"

The thief looked at Wu Chen with a demon like smile in front of him. The fear and struggle in his eyes were self-evident. What kind of a man is this? It's like a little sheep just now, but now, like a God, it has the power that people can't resist!

"You, you are not human, you are the devil!"

Wu Chen looked at the terrified thief and couldn't help laughing. "Yes, I like to hear people on the road most. They call me" demon king ". However, maybe this name has been forgotten."

"On the road!" The thief suddenly became even more shocked. How could he not know the meaning of these three words? He didn't expect that he had stolen so many people. Today, he actually robbed those underworld people. What a bad luck!

"Don't be so surprised." Wu Chen narrowed his eyes and laughed: "I'm not as terrible as you think. I'm just an ordinary person, not a underworld. But now I'm very interested in the organization behind you. Don't tell me that there is no hierarchy between you thieves. "

"Yes." The thief timidly replied: "in our town, for example, there is only one thief organization. There are more than 200 of us. Although we are not small in scale, compared with the gangs and organizations in big cities, we are still a group of small shrimps."

Under the threat of Wu Chen, the thief almost did not dare to hide any more, and he knew nothing about it. What's more, Wu Chen said what he asked and what he didn't ask.

"Do you have your own intelligence network?"

The thief was slightly stunned, immediately nodded and said to Wu Chen, "yes, and we are the only one in the whole town with a complete intelligence network. After all, if we don't know more people, we can't achieve our goal. "

Wu Chen nodded, looked at the thief's arm and said with a sneer, "today I broke your arm to let you have a long memory. Now, I ask you to take me to your nest immediately, that is, I want to see your boss. "

"What do you mean?" The thief was perplexed and even overcame his fear. He mocked Wu Chen: "no matter how powerful you are, you can't beat dozens of us, can you?"

"Of course not. I'm going to make a deal with your boss."

"Well, come with me."

The thief struggled to stand up from the ground, holding his broken arm in one hand. The intense pain made him hiss.

Led by the thief, Wu Chen and he went to a car repair area in the town, which is not far from where Wu Chen bought the car.

However, here is a high-end car washing shop and repair shop, so that Wu Chen has not noticed before.

"Here it is?" Wu Chen said with a smile: "is there any mistake? It's a huge profit, and then a group of you insist on stealing?"

The thief frowned and said, "this is the boss's business, not ours. We are just organizing a mutual aid association. We can help each other when we have problems, but the boss is more straightforward, so we all treat him as a brother and convince him, so we come here to talk about everything. "

"Yes." Wu Chen nodded, "then go in."

With that, Wu Chen walked in carelessly. As soon as he entered, a young man welcomed him: "Hello, sir, what service do you want? Repair or care? "

However, when he turned his head to look at the thief beside him and his broken arm, his face immediately changed. He almost didn't hesitate to step back and yelled, "Lao Qi, close the door, someone's smashing the field!"

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